corCTF 2024: trojan-turtles writeup
Published: July 28, 2024 00:00
This year I played corCTF with Shellphish, and we did pretty well – placing 6th! I worked on two challenges: ‘trojan-turtles’ and ‘its-just-a-dos-bug-bro’, in the end we solved both of them and both only had two solves by the end.
ASLRn’t: How memory alignment broke library ASLR
Published: January 8, 2024 00:00
As it turns out, on recent Ubuntu, Arch, Fedora, and likely other distro’s releases, with kernel versions >=5.18, library ASLR is literally broken for 32-bit libraries of at least 2MB in size, on certain filesystems. Also, ASLR’s entropy on 64-bit…
Understanding x86_64 Paging
Published: December 27, 2023 00:00
I’ve spent quite a lot of time messing with x86_64 page tables, understanding address translation is not easy and when I started learning about it I felt like a lot of the material out there on how it works was hard for me to wrap my head around. So in…
corCTF 2023: sysruption writeup
Published: July 30, 2023 00:00
I played corCTF this weekend and managed to solve two pretty tough challenges. This will be a writeup for the first of those two, sysruption, which I managed to get first-blood on!
Understanding Memory Deduplication Attacks
Published: June 17, 2023 00:00
I recently came across a bunch of research describing attacks on memory deduplication, it has been used to fingerprint systems[1], crack (K)ASLR[2,3,4], leak database records[4], and even exploit rowhammer[5]. It’s a really cool class of attacks that I…