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Independent Left News, Analysis, Vision and Strategy

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Role of the Irish People in the Wider World

Published: September 2, 2024 15:59

In this article I focus mainly on the role and importance of individual people, including Irish people, rather than on states, countries, governments, or international organisations, who are described by historian and political scientist Benedict Anderson

Gaza, the Climate Emergency and Defeating Trump

Published: September 2, 2024 15:58

For the last 21 years, the primary issue I have focused on is the climate crisis. It’s a no-brainer for me: it is a scientific fact that time is running out to prevent ecosystem and societal unraveling unless the world rapidly stops burning coal, oil and

Dirty Deleting, a Lack of Accountability, and Next Steps

Published: September 1, 2024 15:21

Perhaps you’ve heard the term “teachable moment” in recent years. It is a way of framing or reframing a mistake or misfortune into a learning opportunity or chance for growth.  I have had “teachable moments” unfold when text message alerts have hit

A Labor Day Question: What Makes a Decent Society?

Published: September 1, 2024 15:12

Someone once asked labor leader Samuel Gompers, “What does labor want?” His response is often misquoted, limited to one word: “More.” By doing so, that one-word answer makes the labor movement seem narrow and selfish. What Gompers (who lived from 1850 to

Women Who Search for the Disappeared Are Changing What It Means to Be a Victim

Published: August 31, 2024 18:13

There is a small bird in Colombia that’s famous for fighting off large hawks to protect its young: the sirirí. This is the origin of the name of “Operation Sirirí,” which is what Fabiola Lalinde christened her tireless effort to learn the truth about the

Border Abolition, Against All Odds

Published: August 30, 2024 16:10

Contra Viento y Marea is a community kitchen in the Zona Norte of Tijuana that serves over 1,000 hot meals every week. The group was founded six years ago, and is made up of Central American migrant and refugee youth who arrived in the November 2018

Reviving Worker’s Power in Singapore: Left Activists Speak

Published: August 30, 2024 15:43

Singapore’s once vibrant left and labour movement led the nation’s successful anti-colonial struggle in the 1950s and ’60s. However, dreams of an independent and socialist Singapore were betrayed by Lee Kuan Yew’s People’s Action Party (PAP), whose regime

Fighting Climate Disinformation Is an Urgent Priority

Published: August 30, 2024 15:31

I live in Rhode Island. Drive through any coastal community in our state, and you will see lawn signs opposing the latest offshore wind turbine project. Show up to a town council hearing on these projects, and you will hear residents arguing not just that

Bridging Political Divides through Solidarity

Published: August 29, 2024 15:58

How should unions engage with members drawn to right-wing, anti-worker politics and candidates? One union trying to tackle this disconnect is the Communications Workers (CWA). Steve Lawton, former president of CWA Local 1102 in New York (now merged with

Building Connected Communities, One Circle At A Time

Published: August 29, 2024 15:47

“Guess what?!” A 12-year-old Pittsburgh school boy spoke excitedly with his teacher one morning last fall. “My mommy and daddy were having a fight last night, and I asked them if we could have a peace circle! We sat and talked, and they’re not fighting

Next American Revolution #15: Some Contextual Program

Published: August 27, 2024 16:51

In which Bert Dellinger, Emiliano Feynman, Leslie Zinn, Barbara Bethune, Robin Kunstler, Anton Rocker, and Harriett Lennon discuss internet, media, hospitals, justice, education, workplace makeovers, and allocation in planting seeds for the RPS future.

Awareness of Capitalists’ Use of Colonialism Encourages International Solidarity

Published: August 27, 2024 16:04

Studying capitalism, Karl Marx examined the Industrial Revolution in Europe. He explored conflict between worker and employer. In their book Capital and Imperialism (Monthly Review Press, 2021), authors Utsa Patnaik and Prabhat Patnaik emphasize that

Degrowth Aims to Achieve ‘Frugal Abundance’

Published: August 26, 2024 16:29

Degrowth is about building societies in which everyone is rich – without much material. It is a desirable project to strive for. For critics, degrowth is not very appealing. According to them, it means impoverishment, restraint, scarcity, austerity or

France’s Left Still Needs to Broaden Its Base

Published: August 26, 2024 16:20

France’s parliamentary elections went better than expected for the Left. While polls predicted victory for Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National, her defeat in the July 7 run-off votes was a relief for the left-wingers who rallied against her. Their

Will the Labor Upsurge Find its Political Voice?

Published: August 26, 2024 16:06

One of the more interesting sideshows in a US presidential campaign that has not lacked for drama and surprise has been candidate Donald Trump’s growing obsession with United Auto Workers (UAW) president Shawn Fain. Amid the rambling stream of

The Ireland I Want Does Not Exist Yet

Published: August 26, 2024 13:46

[This article is part of a series called Answering Ireland’s Call: Thoughts for a new republic (Freagairt ar Ghlaoch na hÉireann: Smaointe ar phoblacht nua). The series will publish articles discussing the reunification of Ireland but within the context of

What’s Our Left Strategy Going Forward in the US?

Published: August 25, 2024 15:46

After this week’s Democratic National Convention—which went well on their terms for what the Democratic leaders wanted—I  strongly believe Kamala Harris will defeat Donald Trump for the presidency.  When one looks seriously at her fundraising (almost $500

Climate Crisis & Election Roundtable: From Tim Walz’s Record to Project 2025 to Israel

Published: August 23, 2024 17:21

Climate activists disrupted a DNC-adjacent event sponsored by ExxonMobil on Wednesday, the same day that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz formally accepted his nomination as vice-presidential candidate for the Democratic Party. Walz has faced harsh criticism

Solving the Housing Crisis via the Commons

Published: August 23, 2024 17:20

This is Part 1 of a two-parter, about how the housing crisis causes debt-bondage and wage-slavery, and how the housing Commons can release people from debt and give them freedom to do what they know needs to be done. Part 2: how the housing commons can

The DNC and Beyond

Published: August 23, 2024 17:16

Some of you may remember the line, I think it was from an Alka Seltzer commercial, “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.” Well I can’t believe I watched the whole thing. What an upside down, inside out, totally whacked out world we live in. But, as

Shining Light on Energy Equity

Published: August 23, 2024 16:34

As a faculty member at Allegheny College in Northwestern Pennsylvania, I work with students to design and install solar arrays for churches, housing nonprofits, and other organizations that serve our community. Collaborating on local solar projects has

How Central Banks Can Use Credit Guidance to Force Capitalism to Stop Climate Change

Published: August 22, 2024 17:15

It is clear to everyone that decarbonization is happening far too slowly. Even the best-performing high-income countries are not reducing their emissions fast enough to achieve the Paris Agreement objectives—not even close. And one big reason is that even

Why the Alabama Mercedes Union Campaign Faltered

Published: May 25, 2024 12:42

I’m still hot as hell three days after losing a union election at the Mercedes factory complex in Alabama. After years of laying a foundation and six months of 100 percent dedication and putting everything on hold, it’s a tough pill to swallow—losing by

Apocalypse Now?

Published: May 23, 2024 16:46

Eyes open. Look around. Ears attuned. Listen up. Something is happening here, there, and everywhere. Ignore it, avoid it, deny it , whine or weep over it and it will keep happening. Fight it and envision and seek better, and we can stop it. You know it,

To Win Big, Labor Has to Lose More

Published: May 23, 2024 15:57

There’s no sugarcoating it: Mercedes workers’ loss last week was a punch in the gut. Hopefully we can soon get some sober assessments from worker leaders and staff organizers about what — if anything — they’d try to do differently next time around. But

Worker Co-Ops Have a Role to Play in Socialist Strategy

Published: May 20, 2024 17:27

Copenhagen, 1910. Here, at the beginnings of social democracy’s ascent in Europe, the Second International passed a resolution supporting cooperatives. While acknowledging that cooperation alone was “incapable of realizing the aim of socialism,” the

The Indigenous Growers Reviving Hemp’s Deep Roots

Published: May 20, 2024 17:21

Cannabis can transform our materials economy and textiles industry, return carbon to the soil, provide sustainable housing material, nurture health and well-being and set us on a path to restorative justice. That’s why we call it the New Green Revolution.

Yet More Boondoggles: Extracting Carbon Dioxide from the Air, Mining Asteroids

Published: May 20, 2024 17:10

The dictionary doesn’t quite do justice to the word “boondoggle” according to author Dmitri Orlov, best known for his book Reinventing Collapse. A contemporary boondoggle must not only be wasteful, it should, if possible, also create additional problems

Auto Workers’ Loss at Mercedes-Benz Slows the UAW Organizing Drive, but Won’t Stop It

Published: May 20, 2024 16:33

Mercedes-Benz succeeded in defeating the United Auto Workers (UAW) in an election held in the company’s plant in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, but UAW President Shawn Fain sees the defeat as a temporary setback in the union’s plan to organize the auto industry in

The World’s Forgotten War

Published: May 16, 2024 17:51

“Don’t worry, SĂ©ra, the entire world is watching them, they won’t be able to do anything.” “You think so?” “Of course.” In my heart of hearts, I knew I was wrong. The World Cup was about to begin in the United States. The planet was interested in nothing

Capitalism Attacks Argentine Workers and You May Be Next

Published: May 16, 2024 17:27

As always when a representative of the right wing tells you he or she is campaigning to bring “freedom,” be afraid. Very afraid. For “freedom” in these cases means freedom for the richest financiers and industrialists to do whatever they want. For them,

The Toughest Job Today’s Richest Ever Face?

Published: May 16, 2024 17:01

Once upon a time, back in the middle of the 20th century, the smallest theater on Broadway could have comfortably accommodated a get-together of all the New Yorkers worth at least $100 million. Not anymore. Broadway’s landmark Helen Hayes Theater holds a