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12 Ways to respond to unkindness with kindness

Published: September 3, 2024 20:15

I came across this on Mastodon (the BEST social media platform), shared by user Vee, and thought it was really useful. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find out where it’s from. Here’s what it says: UNDERSTAND THE SOURCE Unkind behavior often stems…

Great news about my writing

Published: August 13, 2024 18:48

Exciting things have been happening recently. In the space of just a week or so I was been offered two publishing contracts, one for a book coming out next year, and one for the following year. “The Heart’s Awakening” The Heart’s Awakening” is scheduled to…

“Unyoking” ourselves from feelings

Published: August 2, 2024 11:00

Feelings are a very ancient part of us. They are evolution’s first attempt at thought. While conceptual thought takes place in the mind, feelings take place in the body. While thoughts are in general mainly visual and auditory representations of external…

Mudita is not “sympathetic joy”

Published: April 23, 2024 13:12

This is an extract the from the introduction to my course on Mudita, which is part of a longer series of teachings on the brahma-viharas — also known as the “immeasurables.” The third of the Brahmaviharas, after lovingkindness and compassion, is mudita.…

Forgiveness as a practice of compassion

Published: March 24, 2024 18:19

One of the emotional drivers of cruel and unkind behavior is resentment. Resentment is when we hold onto past hurt, locking ourselves into a pattern of blame. Unable to let go of the past we keep bringing up a memory of someone hurting us, betraying us, or…

Remember others’ acts of compassion

Published: March 15, 2024 19:54

In some versions of the  lovingkindness (metta bhavana) practice we start by calling to mind a benefactor — someone who has been kind to us. The significance of this is that we’re remembering what kindness is like, connecting experientially with it so that…

Why it’s important to meditate every day

Published: January 13, 2024 22:08

I used to envy people who were able to meditate every day, because it was something I struggled with. Certain people just didn’t have a problem with meditating daily, but I found it hard. I’d have successful runs of a few weeks, and then I’d end up not…

Reflections on the death of my mother

Published: January 4, 2024 18:27

It’s my birthday today, and it’s unlike any I can remember from my now 63 years on this planet. It’s the first birthday I’ve had since my mother* passed away on Christmas Eve, just 11 days ago. My younger sister died just over a year ago, and I wrote then…

How to make your New Year’s resolution to meditate daily work

Published: January 3, 2024 18:12

It’s early January, and many people who made New Year’s resolutions are already going “Oops!” as they realize they’ve already missed a morning at the gym, binged on something unhealthy, or forgotten to meditate. It’s very hard to change habits. The habit…