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Posts: 93

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Duniewick ( by markj99)

Published: July 24, 2024 08:26

Visited 17.07.24 Duniewick Hillfort is constructed on Duniewick Crag, a large natural knoll on the NE slopes of Knockdolian, c. 2 miles NE of Ballantrae in South Ayrshire. Dunniewick Crag has near vertical rocky flanks on the S and E providing natural…

Knockeen ( by markj99)

Published: July 23, 2024 07:55

Visited 14.07.24 Knockeen Cairn is located c. 2 miles ENE of Barr Village in South Ayrshire. It lies in rough pasture on the S edge of a strip of trees, screening it from the road. The round mound measures c. 66 feet in diameter and 5 feet high. There are…

Pinbreck Hill ( by markj99)

Published: July 22, 2024 07:48

Visited 14.07.24 There is an isolated cairn on the summit of Pinbreck Hill, located c. 5 miles E of Barr Village in South Ayrshire. The oval cairn measures c. 40 feet SE-NW and 35 feet NE-SW, reaching up to 3 feet high. It has been largely robbed of…

Carnassarie ( by drewbhoy)

Published: July 21, 2024 11:39

A short distance south from the standing stones and over a wee hill stands a once massive cairn. Sadly the cairn has seen a fair amount of houking and probably has had its stones recycled in nearby walls and castles. It still sits at 21m wide and is 1m…

Carnasserie ( by drewbhoy)

Published: July 20, 2024 17:42

The standing stones at Carnasserie still stand although the most southern stone stands at a reasonably jaunty angle. From the castle head west, I was heading towards the cairn, next year I'll head towards Ormaig and as well as visit the rock art, try to…

Carnasserie Cottage ( by drewbhoy)

Published: July 20, 2024 17:24

Carnasserie Castle and its nearby prehistoric sites are well known not so well known is the dun located situated on a small hill immediately north of the castle. I only climbed up as I was nosey and to get a better look at the castle. Only the outer wall…

Dun Rostan ( by drewbhoy)

Published: July 20, 2024 17:04

Up and early to head for the stunning galleried dun at Dun Rostan. Just to the north of the farm, of the same name, I was allowed to park at the small boatyard. It's owner also gave directions to the site. From the yard cross the road, east, heading…

Bodbury Ring: Iron Age hill fort was six times bigger than thought (News by drewbhoy)

Published: July 19, 2024 08:08

An Iron Age hillfort in south Shropshire was six times larger than originally thought, archaeologists have discovered. More info :