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🦜 Old Dog Blog

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Practically perfect…even at Hallowe’en

Published: June 18, 2024 04:24

Let’s ponder OldDogBlogs “Practically perfect” from March 13, 2024 and “Brazen” from December 8, 2023. Essentially, let’s just add them together and see what comes out....  Hallowe’en is a Fall favourite at my house - spooky decorations, multiple costumes…

Sunny days

Published: June 11, 2024 02:15

With an old dog, there are highs and lows.  For Charly, usually these are determined by her health rather than events, outings, or runs in fun places.  Bouts of good health are highs, and infection or illness are lows.  For the past few months, Charly has…

Infections (and injections)

Published: June 2, 2024 00:22

With age, Charly battles more infections and for longer.  This is particularly so with urinary tract infections and bladder crystals.  Like other dogs, Charly complains little about pain.  Her behaviour may hint at infection, but it is never obvious. …

Silently in sync

Published: May 26, 2024 00:38

Although Charly is completely deaf, she and I communicate masterfully.  Am sure routines help us predict what each other wants or will do…having gauged each other’s expectations over the years.  I know she loves a good-morning-hug in “her” room / my…

Rugs…who needs them?!

Published: May 17, 2024 12:56

I dreamt of having large beautiful rugs in my home – the plush, light-coloured ones that make a room look open and warm…sitting or lying on a thick rug with fluffy pillows, and reading a book.  But, with a black and white (and used-to-be brown) dog who is…

Happy mother's day dog-moms!

Published: May 12, 2024 18:51

Here is a poem my daughter recently wrote about Charly...I remember when you were still a puppy and I was smallYou were so gentle, licking food off my legsAnd letting me use your teeth as an xylophone.Why were you so gentle? I remember when we would make…

Searching for the “golden ticket” – phrase from Raold Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Published: May 4, 2024 23:32

It has been five and a half years since Charly ate four bricks of chocolate, and then multiple rounds of charcoal to expel the toxins from her system (see OldDogBlog “Brazen” on December 8, 2023).  And in those five and a half years, she continues her…

My young dog

Published: April 27, 2024 22:59

Sometimes, I miss my young Charly.  I miss her playful energy – taking a crouching stance in front of me inviting me to chase her.  I miss her game of tug of war with my pyjama pant leg as I’m walking, or with the sock I’m trying to put on.  I miss her…

Only dog in the universe

Published: April 19, 2024 12:55

In her first few years of life, Charly used to go to dog care, and play with other dogs in the off-leash park.  Her favourite game was chase; she didn’t like wrestling or fetching balls and sticks.  She and I lived in the downtown core of a city in her…

"The Sleepster"

Published: April 12, 2024 13:18

As with groomers, finding dog-sitters to care for Charly as a senior dog also became a challenge – especially when nighttime incontinence began.  So, for our first trip post-pandemic, Charly flew with us to see my parents.  She had always been a good…