RSS Parrot


🦜 Tech Blog - Matthew Gaudet

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<p>Blogging about technical stuff, work, etc.</p>

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Gut Checking Jujutsu vs Sapling

Published: July 15, 2024 20:55

To be honest, I continue to have no idea where I will land version control wise. Here’s some pro-cons that are in my head at the moment. Pro Jujutsu I appreciate the versioned working directory The .git support is really…

Jujutsu Two: A better experience

Published: June 28, 2024 17:38

I've been working with Jujutsu the last month or so. It's actually been really nice. It's yet another reminder that, despite the version control system monoculture encouraged by GitHub, there's still innovation and interesting things happening in this…

Notes on a Hardware Upgrade

Published: June 25, 2024 15:17

Just for my own edification, writing down the results of an upgrade: Debug Browser:Old: 15:42.73New: 4:20.33Debug Shell: Old: Cold Cache:  1:40.17Hot Cache:  0:48.6New:Cold Cache:  0:46.58 Hot Cache: 0:26.60 …

Sapling & A Workflow For Mozilla Work

Published: May 27, 2024 21:09

In my continuing quest to not use git, I have spent the last few weeks coming up with a viable workflow for working with Sapling at Mozilla. While it's still has rough edges, I've been enjoying it enough that I figure it's time to share. Edit to add: It's…