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A podcast about local-first software development

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#12 – James Pearce: Tinybase

Published: July 23, 2024 11:37

The guest of this episode is James Pearce, the author of Tinybase, a reactive data store library for local-first apps. This conversation will explore how Tinybase works including its custom query system, the various persistence and syncing integrations as…

#11 – Adam Wiggins: Local-first Conf 2024

Published: July 2, 2024 12:06

The guest of this episode is Adam Wiggins, who is the founder of Heroku and one of the co-authors of the local-first essay by Ink & Switch. As Adam is also a co-organizer of the first local-first conference, this conversation will reflect on the event,…

#10 – Matt Wonlaw: cr-sqlite, syncing strategies and incremental view maintenance

Published: June 12, 2024 12:53

The guest of this episode is Matt Wonlaw, a prolific local-first tool builder who’s behind projects such as Vlcn, cr-sqlite and Materialite. Most recently Matt also joined Rocicorp to work on their new product. This conversation will go deep on his…

#9 – Dax Raad: Local-First SaaS

Published: May 21, 2024 13:01

The guest of this episode is Dax Raad, who is using local-first in multiple projects including the serverless deployment tool, a healthcare app and an upcoming personal finance app. This conversation will explore how local-first simplifies app…

#8 – Pirijan Ketheswaran: Kinopio, Canvas-based tools, being a solo developer

Published: May 2, 2024 13:06

The guest of this episode is Pirijan Ketheswaran, the creator of the Kinopio, a playful, canvas-based tool for thought. He is also the co-creator of the online IDE Glitch. This conversation will go trough his journey as a creative including his time at Fog…

#7 – James Long: Actual Budget, Electron & Absurd-SQL

Published: April 9, 2024 10:00

The guest of this episode is James Long, the creator of local-first app called Actual Budget and the absurd-sql project which helped to pave the way to bring SQLite back to the browser. This conversation will explore his journey of building Actual Budget…

#6 – Rasmus Andersson: Playbit, Software Quality, Data Models Tradeoffs

Published: March 26, 2024 13:39

The guest of this episode is Rasmus Anderson, who helped to build many monumental products such as Spotify, Dropbox and Figma and is now working on Playbit, a local-first operating system built from scratch. This extended conversation will go deep on…

#5 – Kyle Mathews: Benefits of using a sync engine, personal local-first apps, ElectricSQL

Published: March 13, 2024 14:01

The guest of this episode is Kyle Matthews, who, in the past, founded Gatsby JS and is currently delving into local-first software. In the conversation, Kyle shares his experiences in building some small-scale local-first apps for his personal use and…

#4 - Martin Kleppmann: CRDTs, Automerge, generic syncing servers & Bluesky

Published: February 28, 2024 18:56

The guest of this episode, Martin Kleppmann, is one of the authors of the original local-first essay. Martin has been exploring local-first software and CRDTs for over 10 years, which has led to the creation of Automerge, which we discuss in depth in this…

#3 – Geoffrey Litt: Malleable software, local state management & Riffle

Published: February 14, 2024 13:28

In this episode we talk about Geoffrey's background in malleable software and how relational databases can be leveraged to build better web apps and improve data ownership. A topic he extensively investigates through the Riffle research project.Mentioned…