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🦜 Irregular Webcomic!

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Now neither irregular nor a webcomic! Geeky essays on Sunday and rerun comics other days.

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Irregular Webcomic! #2630 Rerun

Published: September 7, 2024 10:11

Oh just read about it. 2024-09-07 Rerun commentary: The well-known secret bases are of course just cover for the actual secret bases. They're hidden in places like the Batcave, or Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

Irregular Webcomic! #2629 Rerun

Published: September 6, 2024 10:11

Which is right next to the Privacy and Secrecy Exhibition and the Obscure and Forgotten Persons Hall of Fame. 2024-09-06 Rerun commentary: I was on a kick for a while thinking about art and the meaning and purpose behind it. I think what Iki Piki says is…

Irregular Webcomic! #2628 Rerun

Published: September 5, 2024 10:11

When you're young and relatively poor, first class travel seems like such an overindulgent luxury that you wonder why anyone would ever pay for the privilege. As you get older, you start to realise the attraction. 2024-09-05 Rerun commentary: And then…

Irregular Webcomic! #2627 Rerun

Published: September 4, 2024 10:11

I expected a phone trope explaining the one-sided phone conversation in fiction, where you only hear one side of the conversation and have to imagine what the other person is saying. It seems like such a commonly depicted thing that I was sure there'd be a…

Irregular Webcomic! #2626 Rerun

Published: September 3, 2024 10:11

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. 2024-09-03 Rerun commentary: For anyone who doesn't get the reference here, you should go watch Casablanca. Or, apparently, if you're in this alternate timeline, London.

Irregular Webcomic! #2625 Rerun

Published: September 2, 2024 10:11

I like it when the first panel by itself has a character saying something so absurd that it would never be said in any normal sort of context. I almost didn't include a link about Women's Liberation, figuring that's one of those things that everybody…

Irregular Webcomic! #2624 Rerun

Published: September 1, 2024 10:11

Now that Kyros is providing light, you can see how dark it actually was in the tunnels before. Yes, I know the "dark" frame looks brighter than some parts of the lit frame, but that's because your eyes have adapted. 2024-09-01 Rerun commentary: Wow, look…

Irregular Webcomic! #2623 Rerun

Published: August 31, 2024 10:11

Monopoly is the most stupid, stupid, stupid game ever invented. It should go curl up and die in a corner and rid the world of its presence. Parker Brothers/Hasbro have caused more harm to the world of family entertainment and fun than pretty much any…

Irregular Webcomic! #2622 Rerun

Published: August 30, 2024 10:11

So if Tolkien were still alive, and actually did this - wrote a prequel trilogy about Sauron growing up - and introduced a comic relief character who everyone hated, and a romantic plot with tortured dialogue, and so on... would people say that Tolkien had…

Irregular Webcomic! #2621 Rerun

Published: August 29, 2024 10:11

It's interesting to imagine how a tree being would actually be built, if no magic was involved. Presumably there'd have to be some sort of muscle analogue, made of plant cells. There's probably mad botanists working on it right now. Actually... it's easy…

Irregular Webcomic! #2620 Rerun

Published: August 28, 2024 10:11

Teleportation is way up my list of super/paranormal power desirability. The sheer time savings in being able to teleport wherever you wanted to go would make this improve your productivity and leisure time enormously. Of course there's the issue of…