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Cooling Time

Published: March 9, 2025 14:14

Science in science because it works by refuting itself: I already made some silliness about the Bloop, and was aware of new theories, but a single recent video (in french) gave me the idea to rework a bit on the subject. At first I planned to feature great…

Rise of the Machines

Published: March 2, 2025 12:04

An other AI centered strip. I know, it's a bit redundant, but we're now facing the first consequences of the generative AI boom. And it's just the begginig. I already saw the incoming death of the crippled illustrators, but it's just a matter of time for…

He lived inside a Dream

Published: January 17, 2025 23:23

Cryptic strip today, for the passing of David Lynch. Or not, if you're a fan, like me.Though without direct reference to Lovecraft, both authors' universe can be compared: Dimensional anomalies, possession by supernatural entities, strange small villages…

Literary Season

Published: January 11, 2025 12:07

I know timing is not perfect: according to "The History of the Necronomicon", Islam would have reached Damas a few decades prior to the Book's writing. But you're not here for history lessons, aren't you? And don't get it wrong, this strip is not more…

2025 is here

Published: January 4, 2025 18:27

I missed the Xmas strip, my bad. But here are the wishes, not too long after the end on 2024. Let's hope this year will be less chaotic, but I strongly doubt about that. I have some projects ongoing, some would need some time to be disclosed, but a few…

Greatest Halloween Costume Ever

Published: October 30, 2024 10:28

(very) quick strip for this time of the year. Note: now you know what all the Sails from sunken ships were used for. About dumbness: "God of the Deep" is a movie that fulfills all my previous prophecies about cinema: Awful acting, terrible sets, and a…

Biblically Accurate

Published: October 6, 2024 23:19

At least, finding a title for this one was not complex. It's quite clear that I'm a fan of Gothic Rock, and there is a real influence of HPL on some major bands, such as Fields of Nephilim or Garden of Delight. I recently discovered the Czech "Cathedral in…