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🦜 The Digital Antiquarian

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The CRPG Renaissance, Part 2: Might and Magic VI

Published: February 7, 2025 17:05

From the 1980s until well into the 1990s, the CRPG genre was typically dumped into the same broad bucket as the adventure game by the gaming press. Indeed, as late as the turn of the millennium, Computer Gaming World magazine had an “Adventure/RPG”…

The CRPG Renaissance, Part 1: Fallout

Published: January 24, 2025 17:08

Those of you who are regular readers of these histories will surely have noticed the relative dearth of coverage of the CRPG genre over the last few years. This isn’t reflective of any big shift in editorial policy; it’s rather reflective of the fortunes…

Railroad Tycoon II

Published: January 10, 2025 17:00

Like a lot of boys, I grew up loving trains. And like a lot of men, I retain my fascination for them today. Once upon a time, I could happily spend hours and hours with my Lionel locomotives. They were, back in that era at least, satisfyingly heavy, made…

This Week on The Analog Antiquarian

Published: December 27, 2024 17:22

The Voyage of Magellan, Chapter 21: Philippine Vagabonds I hope you’re all having a great holiday season. There will go one extra week before the next article here, folks, as I ease myself out of holiday mode. ;)


Published: December 20, 2024 12:02

Around twenty years ago, people would have laughed if you told them that videogames would end up at the Smithsonian, but the Half-Life team really did want to make games that were more than just throwaway toys. The rule against cinematics — which made our…

A Conversation with Andrew Plotkin

Published: December 6, 2024 16:53

For some of you, Andrew Plotkin will need no introduction. The rest of you ought to know that he’s quite an amazing guy, easily one of the half-dozen most important figures in the history of post-Infocom interactive fiction. By my best reckoning, he’s…