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The enshitification of NaNoWriMo
Published: September 4, 2024 00:43
The organisers of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) have damaged their brand and annual writing marathon by seeming to promote letting an AI bots be ghost authors.
How journalists should talk about Telegram
Published: August 26, 2024 21:27
Telegram is not an encrypted messaging app. Or it's not especially encrypted in a way that it's somehow a feature. If you read no further, then that's the walk-away message from this post. And there's nothing about it that implies it should be called a…
Beyond Provenance
Published: August 18, 2024 21:53
This is a post about content authenticity and proving origin. It's becoming harder to prove what's real in a world when generating realistic scenes is becoming trivial.
Weaponised AI isn’t killer robots, it’s just humans killing on autopilot
Published: April 14, 2024 00:44
Tl;dr: The incorporation of AI into weapons needs to be banned in a way similar to how the international Chemical Weapons Convention prohibits the development, production, acquisition, stockpiling, retention, transfer or use of those weapons as an entire…
Surveillance capitalism is also just regular old surveillance
Published: March 31, 2024 16:57
Tl;dr: Surveillance is a natural outcome of the internet as it was created. Surveillance capitalism isn't an innovation, but a resource extraction industry, and states don't need to make fancy tools to get a lot of information on dissidents or…
Automattic for the people, not the AI
Published: March 1, 2024 22:12
Tl;dr: Automattic, the owner of of Tumblr and WordPress.com, is negotiating with Midjourney and OpenAI to sell them AI training data which would be scraped from platform users’ posts unless they opt out. It's an ethically dubious proposition with poor…
More notes on what’s been stealing my attention across the interwebnets
Published: February 13, 2024 01:12
The blog post discusses surveillance, privacy, and cybersecurity issues, including lawsuits over data sharing, government surveillance, and unintended uses of technology. It also touches on diverse topics such as Valentine's Day, tech bans, and the impact…
A weekly roundup after skipping a week
Published: February 4, 2024 22:22
Here are more things I saw, read, tooted, skeeted, clicked or blogged on from the last week or so... give or take, and possibly breif attempts at sarcasm or humour when describing them. Or not.
Dogfooding the rules-based international order
Published: February 1, 2024 03:22
Tl;dr: A long, rambling and not very "tech" related post this week, looking at the recent ICJ ruling about evidence of acts of genocide in Gaza, defending a rules-based international order in a world that sometimes feels like it's quiet quitting that…
It’s another week, so another roundup
Published: January 21, 2024 19:35
The author reflects on the sustainability of a weekly roundup format and delves into various topics. They discuss the lack of significant action following outrage over Twitter, recommend a podcast, and highlight investigative journalism on right-wing…