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Posts about Board Game written by Dan Thurot

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I Need an Adult

Published: September 5, 2024 21:53

The first time I played The Game of Life — yes, the one from the 1960s with the spinner that went up to ten and the gender-coded pegs in the cars — I loved it. No kidding. I was pretty young, maybe twenty-six or twenty-seven (okay, I was twelve), and it…

Float or Flounder

Published: September 4, 2024 18:45

Tinned fish! Potted pulpo! I know so little about conservas that I can’t tell whether it’s a staple or a delicacy. In Scott Almes’ hands, it’s more of a double-edged pun, both a commercial enterprise and a matter of survival. In this solitaire game, you…

Breaking Mythwind

Published: September 3, 2024 19:03

I like an ambitious game. Maybe it’s my abiding soft spot for Teddy Roosevelt’s Man in the Arena, despite some of the worst people you’ve ever met quoting the thing to deflect criticism, or maybe it’s my never-ending hunger for novelty. Either way, a board…

Non Eventu

Published: August 29, 2024 21:40

Prophecy is tricky. In critical theory, huge quantities of recorded prophecy fall under the category of vaticinium ex eventu, “prophecy after the event,” which is a fancy way of saying somebody jotted down some historical events in a book but pretended it…

Understanding the Obsession

Published: August 29, 2024 04:37

The first and only time I had played Dan Hallagan’s Obsession was shortly after its release in 2018. At the time, I regarded it warily. The Eurogame model has produced a net positive for board games as a whole, but like all genres it comes with its own…

Biomoseying Along

Published: August 27, 2024 21:37

Gricha German’s Biomos is a game with an important point on its mind. Could have fooled me. Let me propose a rule: if you intend for your game to make an important point, consider leveraging the medium’s unique strengths rather than squirreling that point…

Anthropic Rock Collector

Published: August 21, 2024 19:28

Sea glass is the second coolest anthropic rock, ranked right behind fordite and waaaay above concrete. River Valley Glassworks, Adam Hill, Ben Pinchback, and Matt Riddle’s hot game of the moment, is about cute river creatures collecting fragments of…

Talking About Games: One Billion Biases

Published: August 20, 2024 22:03

Bias. It’s a scary word, huh? We all have biases, but never as many as other people. Or is that also a bias? Surprising nobody, reviewing a hundred-something board games a year leads to regular accusations of bias. “Oh, you only liked this game because…

The Whole World Is Watching

Published: August 19, 2024 18:50

It’s a rare board game that asks you to locate yourself in history. To do more than merely visit some remote decade but to recognize your place within it, the ways it has accompanied your country, your family, your self all the way through to today. Yoni…

Arabian Hammer

Published: August 15, 2024 18:21

Periodization is a funny thing. Sorting history into discrete blocks is useful for the sake of memory and study, but often proves misleading the instant somebody takes those blocks as gospel rather than as a loose mental framework. Take the unification of…