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Why, if gravity were higher, would designing a fully reusable rocket be impossible?

Published: October 16, 2024 15:55

I was watching this video: Elon Musk, 13 years ago: A fully and rapidly reusable rocket is barely possible And Elon Musk says, .. a fully and rapidly reusable orbit-class rocket. This is a very difficult thing to do, because we live on a planet where that…

How does changing the elevation angle allow starlink to improve line of sight communications

Published: October 16, 2024 10:23

According to this article: SpaceX seeks to lower its minimum elevation angle from 25 degrees to 20 degrees for satellites operating…

How does changing the elevation angle allow starlink to improve light of sight communications

Published: October 16, 2024 08:48

According to this article: SpaceX seeks to lower its minimum elevation angle from 25 degrees to 20 degrees for satellites operating…

What would the size and rotation of a station need to be to produce 1g gravity from head to toe?

Published: October 15, 2024 22:42

A structure with a radius of 224m rotating at 2 rotations per minute will generate 1g of force on the inside (spincalc). It will generate that force on the feet, but as you travel up the body the amount of force applied reduces. According to Wikipedia…

Any attempt to use Birkeland current (solar wind exciting Earth's magnetic field causing aurora) to put satellites in Heliocentric orbit?

Published: October 14, 2024 22:57 states : "Auroral Birkeland currents carry about 100,000 amperes during quiet times and more than 1 million amperes during geomagnetically disturbed times..." It would seem that this energy should be easily…

What type of radiation on Io (moon)

Published: October 14, 2024 20:59

I've read that Io (Galilean moon) experiences unusually strong radiation due to Jupiter's intense magnetic field. This page says 3600 rem (= 36 Sv), which would be deadly to humans. Question: What type of radiation (e.g. $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$,…

STM and Shooting Methods

Published: October 14, 2024 04:47

I'm relatively new to the field of orbital trajectory design, so I apologise if the questions herein are obvious. I'm reading Jeffrey Parker and Rodney Anderson's book "Low-Energy Lunar Trajectory Design" Ch2.6.4-2.6.5 and trying to understand how the…

Will a Palm tree on Mars be approximately 2.5 times taller than the same tree on Earth?

Published: October 13, 2024 08:16

I am interested in the growth of plants on different planets. I have read on this site that a 100-pound person will weigh 38 pounds on Mars. Therefore, the ratio of acceleration due to gravity ($g$) on Mars to that on Earth is 0.38. Now, from the…

Jurisdiction over crime in space

Published: October 13, 2024 08:00

With more and more people going into space in future it is probable that crimes will be committed sooner or later. Who will have jurisdiction on prosecuting such crimes? And who will be able to define what is the crime (let's assume that theft and…

What are the most realistic near-term (like within the next few decades) launch systems for making civilian space travel feasible?

Published: October 13, 2024 07:33

In order to make our space-based science fiction dreams come true, we will have to make getting into orbit as relatively safe and affordable as air travel so that thousands of civilians per year could fly to outer space and thus make the development of…

Does the Voyager team use a wrapper (Fortran(77?) to Python) to transmit current commands?

Published: October 12, 2024 14:03

I assume that the vast majority of the people who created the software for these missions are now retired (the "space pensioners" of the Voyager mission). Here's a very good summary of the current software team of the Voyager missions Here's another…

Which orbital maneuver is currently regarded as the most viable for a human mission to mars?

Published: October 11, 2024 15:20

I realize that there are different orbital maneuvers for different goals (e.g. optimizing time, efficiency, cost, etc.). However, which variables are currently considered as the most important to be optimized? This leads to the question, which orbital…

How to account for the mass of solid propellant lost when measuring the thrust produced in Newtons?

Published: October 11, 2024 14:38

I am doing a physics Science Fair experiment that will examine and investigate the effect of grain-surface area on the peak thrust produced in Newtons. I currently have a test stand with a load cell that measures the thrust produced from a home-made rocket…

Inter-constellation Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite collision risks - mitigation is some "relayed AIS" in use?

Published: October 10, 2024 14:00

I saw some news about Starlink satellites often having the do maneuvers to avoid collisions. I don't know what % of the maneuvers were related to collisions between 2 Starlink ones (I guess their share of LEO satellites is pretty big). My question is about…