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Stephen Wild’s personal blog about statistics, data science, and the like.

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Posts: 9

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Bayesian synthetic control using Julia and Stan

Published: May 28, 2022 12:00

Synthetic control is a very popular causal inference technique. In synthetic control, we take a group of control units and weight them to produce a synthetic, or counterfactual, treated unit. In plain english, we take our control group and use it to…

Using Julia as a GIS to see who lives around you

Published: November 12, 2021 01:00

Partisan sorting About a month and a half ago, we had an election in Canada (you can see my election forecast here). After some time went by, I tried to see if I could find the official results by polling division. I couldn’t. But I did find the 2019…

COVID-19 waves

Published: September 20, 2021 01:00

We’re in the fourth wave of COVID-19 here in Canada, so it made sense to me to see how things evolved. I thought I would use Julia to build a gif showing estimated COVID cases over time. You can find the full script here.

Always center your variables in multilevel models

Published: September 3, 2021 01:00

This is a post about why you should always center your variables in multilevel models. Always. And by always, I mean it depends. But I think as a default, you should center your variables in a multilevel model unless there is a strong reason to do…

Estimating Canadian vote intention with Julia and Turing, part II

Published: August 25, 2021 10:00

In this post I’m going to cover state space model I am using to estimate latent vote intention for the 2021 Canadian election. This model builds on the model in my last post, but it makes some extentions: It goes beyond the date of the 2019 election It…

Estimating Canadian vote intention with Julia and Turing

Published: August 7, 2021 12:30

Rumour has it (okay, it’s in the news) that there might be a federal election called soon. Inspired by Simon Jackman, Peter Ellis, and others, I’ve decided to try election forecasting for no other reason than I can. You can find the code for this post…

Hello, world!

Published: July 28, 2021 01:30

Hello, world! If you search Google for a list of blogs related topics like statistics/econometrics, data science, surveys, R, Python, Julia, you will find thousands. So do we need another blog devoted to these topics? No. Is that going to stop me from…