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🦜 مُحِبّ الدين الحنبلي / @MuhibAldyn

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R to @MuhibAldyn: The latter is the one we say is a necessary attribute for every existent thing, since it is the reality of being qā'im bi nafsihi. Only a fool would think that anyone believes that the relative makan is necessitated by existence alone. Rather that is from the sifāt idhafiyyah

Published: October 7, 2024 00:17

The latter is the one we say is a necessary attribute for every existent thing, since it is the reality of being qā'im bi nafsihi. Only a fool would think that anyone believes that the relative makan is necessitated by existence alone. Rather that is from…

Another blunder from the wannabe mutakallimin. The fallacy here is that he is conflating between two different meanings of 'makan': 1) The relative place of one mutahayyiz to another (relating to مقولة الأين) 2) Existence in khalā 'adami (البعد المتوهم) aka التحيّز بنفسه

Published: October 7, 2024 00:17

Another blunder from the wannabe mutakallimin. The fallacy here is that he is conflating between two different meanings of 'makan': 1) The relative place of one mutahayyiz to another (relating to مقولة الأين) 2) Existence in khalā 'adami (البعد المتوهم)…

R to @MuhibAldyn: Asha'irah and co have an actual quagmire to deal with when they say that the kalam nafsi is a singular meaning, but is at the same time all commands, prohibitions, information etc. So the command of Allah and prohibition are both identical to kalam nafsi but not to each other...

Published: October 6, 2024 23:20

Asha'irah and co have an actual quagmire to deal with when they say that the kalam nafsi is a singular meaning, but is at the same time all commands, prohibitions, information etc. So the command of Allah and prohibition are both identical to kalam nafsi…

The Qur'an is singular in terms of its madlūl, not in terms of its specific lafdh. All ahruf are from the genus of the Qur'an in terms of lafdh, and we also believe that Allah has spoken the Qur'an several times and each one is the Qur'an in terms of genus. On the other hand...

Published: October 6, 2024 23:20

The Qur'an is singular in terms of its madlūl, not in terms of its specific lafdh. All ahruf are from the genus of the Qur'an in terms of lafdh, and we also believe that Allah has spoken the Qur'an several times and each one is the Qur'an in terms of…

The sheikh never said that Al Maturidi is saying that Allah's existence necessitates evil. His point was that this sort of argumentation (that if the world caused itself it would be in a perfect form unlike how Allah created it) is a disrespectful and deviant approach.

Published: October 2, 2024 20:53

The sheikh never said that Al Maturidi is saying that Allah's existence necessitates evil. His point was that this sort of argumentation (that if the world caused itself it would be in a perfect form unlike how Allah created it) is a disrespectful and…

R to @MuhibAldyn: As for the actual belief mentioned in the clip, there is no doubt that it is kufr akbar by ijma' to ascribe such power to anyone other than Allah, as mentioned by scholars here 👇🏼

Published: October 2, 2024 20:19

As for the actual belief mentioned in the clip, there is no doubt that it is kufr akbar by ijma' to ascribe such power to anyone other than Allah, as mentioned by scholars here 👇🏼

R to @MuhibAldyn: I'm not here to defend Daniel for his position towards Rafidha. I believe he severely understates the extent to which we have problems with their creed, as they are not like any other group of ahlul bida'. But that doesn't justify the foolish accusations of takfir and nifaq

Published: October 2, 2024 20:15

I'm not here to defend Daniel for his position towards Rafidha. I believe he severely understates the extent to which we have problems with their creed, as they are not like any other group of ahlul bida'. But that doesn't justify the foolish accusations…

R to @MuhibAldyn: Now regardless of the veracity or lack-thereof of his argument, claiming that he holds such a belief to not be kufr akbar is an unfair accusation if based on this clip alone. Then making takfir of him based on that is even more unwarranted and ignorant.

Published: October 2, 2024 20:15

Now regardless of the veracity or lack-thereof of his argument, claiming that he holds such a belief to not be kufr akbar is an unfair accusation if based on this clip alone. Then making takfir of him based on that is even more unwarranted and ignorant.

I'd say this is an uncharitable interpretation of what @Haqiqatjou is saying. His point in the video was that the positions of sunni scholars (he mentioned Ibn Taymiyyah, al Albani and Mufti Taqi) is that takfir of Rafidha should only be done on a case-by-case basis...

Published: October 2, 2024 20:15

I'd say this is an uncharitable interpretation of what @Haqiqatjou is saying. His point in the video was that the positions of sunni scholars (he mentioned Ibn Taymiyyah, al Albani and Mufti Taqi) is that takfir of Rafidha should only be done on a…

R to @MuhibAldyn: and that mass takfeer of the group as a whole is incorrect. To argue for this he claims that those who indiscriminately takfir Rafidha are inconsistent in the position because the justification they give would also apply to groups of Sunnis who they don't mass takfir...

Published: October 2, 2024 20:15

and that mass takfeer of the group as a whole is incorrect. To argue for this he claims that those who indiscriminately takfir Rafidha are inconsistent in the position because the justification they give would also apply to groups of Sunnis who they don't…