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🦜 Met Éireann / @MetEireann

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Is é ceol traidisiúnta ceann de na seoda den chultúr Éireannach, agus mar sin an bhfuil aon slí níos fearr chun Seachtain na Gaeilge á cheiliúradh ná seisiún ceoil bheo ag am lóin i bpríomhoifig Met Éireann? ☺️ Míle buíochas ag na ceoltóirí á nglacadh páirt inniu 💚 #snag25

Published: March 13, 2025 14:00

Is é ceol traidisiúnta ceann de na seoda den chultúr Éireannach, agus mar sin an bhfuil aon slí níos fearr chun Seachtain na Gaeilge á cheiliúradh ná seisiún ceoil bheo ag am lóin i bpríomhoifig Met Éireann? ☺️ Míle buíochas ag na ceoltóirí á nglacadh…

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Siobhan Ryan for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am 🕛12pm🕕6pm ⬇️Listen now⬇️

Published: March 13, 2025 11:45

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Siobhan Ryan for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am 🕛12pm🕕6pm ⬇️Listen now⬇️

Generally dry today with sunny spells, with just well scattered showers feeding down in a moderate northerly breeze. 🌦️🍃 Highest temperatures of 6 to 9 degrees.🌡️ To stay updated, visit:

Published: March 13, 2025 11:35

Generally dry today with sunny spells, with just well scattered showers feeding down in a moderate northerly breeze. 🌦️🍃 Highest temperatures of 6 to 9 degrees.🌡️ To stay updated, visit:…

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Rebecca Cantwell for tonight & the next few days Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕕12pm🕕6pm ℹ️ Listen now⬇️

Published: March 13, 2025 06:41

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Rebecca Cantwell for tonight & the next few days Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕕12pm🕕6pm ℹ️… Listen now⬇️

This morning will start off cold, bright and mostly dry🥶 Cloud will increase through the day and will bring some showers, mainly to the north and west☔️ Highs of 6 to 10°C 🌡️with a light to moderate northerly or variable wind. ℹ️

Published: March 13, 2025 05:24

This morning will start off cold, bright and mostly dry🥶 Cloud will increase through the day and will bring some showers, mainly to the north and west☔️ Highs of 6 to 10°C 🌡️with a light to moderate northerly or variable wind. …

Tomorrow morning will start off cold, bright and mostly dry Cloud will increase through the day and will bring some showers, mainly to the north and west🌧️ Highest temperatures of 6 to 9 degrees with a light to moderate northerly or variable wind🍃

Published: March 12, 2025 19:53

Tomorrow morning will start off cold, bright and mostly dry Cloud will increase through the day and will bring some showers, mainly to the north and west🌧️ Highest temperatures of 6 to 9 degrees with a light to moderate northerly or variable wind🍃

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Mark Bowe for tonight & the next few days Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕕12pm🕕6pm Listen now⬇️

Published: March 12, 2025 18:45

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Mark Bowe for tonight & the next few days Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕕12pm🕕6pm Listen now⬇️

Ar #SeachtainnaGaeilge, seo phrásaí úsáideacha le haghaidh an ghrian ☀️ 😎 #SnaG25 #Gaeilge #PhrásaíÚsáideacha #Grianmhar @snagaeilge @cnagaeilge ________________________________ ➡️ As part of #SeachtainnaGaeilge, here are some useful phrases in relation to sunshine ☀️ 😎

Published: March 12, 2025 17:56

Ar #SeachtainnaGaeilge, seo phrásaí úsáideacha le haghaidh an ghrian ☀️ 😎 #SnaG25 #Gaeilge #PhrásaíÚsáideacha #Grianmhar @snagaeilge @cnagaeilge ________________________________ ➡️ As part of #SeachtainnaGaeilge, here are some useful phrases in…

#EveningWeather Most places will be dry with clear spells but a few light showers will develop in the northwest and southeast🌧️ Feeling cool today with northerly breezes🍃

Published: March 12, 2025 17:00

#EveningWeather Most places will be dry with clear spells but a few light showers will develop in the northwest and southeast🌧️ Feeling cool today with northerly breezes🍃

#MidWeekWeather update: Plenty of dry and settled weather with a mix of cloud and sunny spells Some showers at times too, particularly Thursday night and into Friday Daytime highs generally of 6 to 9 degrees at first, ranging 7 to 10 degrees for most over the long weekend

Published: March 12, 2025 14:21

#MidWeekWeather update: Plenty of dry and settled weather with a mix of cloud and sunny spells Some showers at times too, particularly Thursday night and into Friday Daytime highs generally of 6 to 9 degrees at first, ranging 7 to 10 degrees for most…

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Matthew Martin for today & the next few days Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕕12pm🕕6pm Listen now⬇️

Published: March 12, 2025 12:16

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Matthew Martin for today & the next few days Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕕12pm🕕6pm Listen now⬇️

Cool today with a mix of cloud and sunny spells🌤️ It will be largely dry but there'll be a few showers, these mainly confined to southeastern coastal fringes🌧️ Highest temps of 6 to 9 degrees in a light to moderate northerly wind, occasionally freshening🍃

Published: March 12, 2025 11:45

Cool today with a mix of cloud and sunny spells🌤️ It will be largely dry but there'll be a few showers, these mainly confined to southeastern coastal fringes🌧️ Highest temps of 6 to 9 degrees in a light to moderate northerly wind, occasionally…

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Linda Hughes for tonight & the next few days Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕕12pm🕕6pm Listen now⬇️

Published: March 12, 2025 06:26

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Linda Hughes for tonight & the next few days Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕕12pm🕕6pm Listen now⬇️

Showers will become isolated so it will be a mainly dry day with a mix of cloud and sunshine⛅️. Highest temperatures🌡️ of 6 to 9 degrees in a light to moderate northerly wind, occasionally fresh🍃.

Published: March 12, 2025 05:38

Showers will become isolated so it will be a mainly dry day with a mix of cloud and sunshine⛅️. Highest temperatures🌡️ of 6 to 9 degrees in a light to moderate northerly wind, occasionally fresh🍃.

Cool & a little breezy tomorrow, with variable cloud amounts and sunshine. ⛅️ Although many places will have a largely dry day, there will be a few light showers in the mix, mainly in eastern & southeastern parts. ☔️ Highs of 6 to 9 C in mostly moderate northerly winds. 🌡️🍃

Published: March 11, 2025 19:30

Cool & a little breezy tomorrow, with variable cloud amounts and sunshine. ⛅️ Although many places will have a largely dry day, there will be a few light showers in the mix, mainly in eastern & southeastern parts. ☔️ Highs of 6 to 9 C in mostly moderate…

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Andrew Doran-Sherlock for tonight & the next few days Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕛12pm🕕6pm ⬇️Listen now⬇️

Published: March 11, 2025 18:15

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Andrew Doran-Sherlock for tonight & the next few days Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕛12pm🕕6pm ⬇️Listen now⬇️

Predominately dry for the rest of the day with sunny spells.🌤️ Scattered showers will develop near northern coasts, gradually spreading southwards over Ulster this evening. 🌦️ Moderate northerly breezes.🍃 To stay updated, visit:

Published: March 11, 2025 16:59

Predominately dry for the rest of the day with sunny spells.🌤️ Scattered showers will develop near northern coasts, gradually spreading southwards over Ulster this evening. 🌦️ Moderate northerly breezes.🍃 To stay updated, visit:…

📢Seo agaibh an réamháisnéis náisiúnta uaidh Uinseann Ó Faogáin, le haighaidh Inniu, amárach agus an chuid eile den tseachtain ⬇️Éist anois⬇️

Published: March 11, 2025 16:32

📢Seo agaibh an réamháisnéis náisiúnta uaidh Uinseann Ó Faogáin, le haighaidh Inniu, amárach agus an chuid eile den tseachtain ⬇️Éist anois⬇️…

Rather chilly today with sunny spells and just a few light showers, mainly near N and some E coasts.🌦️ Later this afternoon, showers will develop more widely near the N coast, gradually spreading southwards over Ulster this evening.🌧️ Highs of 6 to 9 degrees. #WeatherUpdate

Published: March 11, 2025 11:34

Rather chilly today with sunny spells and just a few light showers, mainly near N and some E coasts.🌦️ Later this afternoon, showers will develop more widely near the N coast, gradually spreading southwards over Ulster this evening.🌧️ Highs of 6 to 9…

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Liz Walsh for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕕12pm🕕6pm Listen now⬇️

Published: March 11, 2025 07:04

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Liz Walsh for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕕12pm🕕6pm Listen now⬇️

Dry, but noticeably cooler today, Tuesday, with bright or sunny spells⛅️ and just isolated showers. Later this afternoon, showers will develop more widely near the north coast☔️, gradually spreading southwards over Ulster this evening. Highs🌡️ of 6 to 8 degrees.

Published: March 11, 2025 06:02

Dry, but noticeably cooler today, Tuesday, with bright or sunny spells⛅️ and just isolated showers. Later this afternoon, showers will develop more widely near the north coast☔️, gradually spreading southwards over Ulster this evening. Highs🌡️ of 6 to…

Tomorrow morning, any frost will clear to give a mainly dry day with sunny spells. ⛅️ In the evening, scattered showers will move down over Ulster. 🌧️ Quite cold with highest temperatures of 6 to 8 degrees with light to moderate northerly breezes.🌡️🍃

Published: March 10, 2025 19:16

Tomorrow morning, any frost will clear to give a mainly dry day with sunny spells. ⛅️ In the evening, scattered showers will move down over Ulster. 🌧️ Quite cold with highest temperatures of 6 to 8 degrees with light to moderate northerly breezes.🌡️🍃

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Brandon Creagh for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕛12pm 🕕6pm ⬇️Listen now⬇️

Published: March 10, 2025 18:15

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Brandon Creagh for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕛12pm 🕕6pm ⬇️Listen now⬇️…

Mainly dry this evening with sunny spells, although cloudier at times in parts of Ulster and near the south coast. 🌥️ A few patches of drizzle are possible, most likely in south Munster. 🌧️ Moderate northeasterly winds.🍃 To stay updated, visit:

Published: March 10, 2025 17:21

Mainly dry this evening with sunny spells, although cloudier at times in parts of Ulster and near the south coast. 🌥️ A few patches of drizzle are possible, most likely in south Munster. 🌧️ Moderate northeasterly winds.🍃 To stay updated, visit:…

RT by @MetEireann: This week will be settled & largely dry outside of some isolated showers.🌦️ Turning colder with frosty conditions some nights, along with isolated sleet showers possible on higher ground.🥶 For more info, including the outlook for the week ahead, visit:

Published: March 10, 2025 16:04

This week will be settled & largely dry outside of some isolated showers.🌦️ Turning colder with frosty conditions some nights, along with isolated sleet showers possible on higher ground.🥶 For more info, including the outlook for the week ahead, visit:…

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Rebecca Cantwell for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕛12pm 🕕6pm ⬇️Listen below⬇️

Published: March 10, 2025 14:59

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Rebecca Cantwell for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕛12pm 🕕6pm ⬇️Listen below⬇️…

Another mainly dry day with good spells of sunshine.⛅️ A few patches of drizzle are possible, most likely along the south coast where it is slightly cloudier. 🌦️ Highs of 9 to 11 C in Ulster & east Leinster and from 12 to 15 degrees elsewhere with moderate northeasterly winds.

Published: March 10, 2025 12:18

Another mainly dry day with good spells of sunshine.⛅️ A few patches of drizzle are possible, most likely along the south coast where it is slightly cloudier. 🌦️ Highs of 9 to 11 C in Ulster & east Leinster and from 12 to 15 degrees elsewhere with…

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Gerry Murphy for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am 🕛12pm 🕕6pm

Published: March 10, 2025 06:26

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Gerry Murphy for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am 🕛12pm 🕕6pm…

Patches of mist or fog for a time this morning🌫️ These will clear with sunny spells developing⛅️ A few patches of drizzle are possible, mostly likely in Ulster & in S Munster🌧️ Highs of 9 to 11°C in Ulster & east Leinster & from 12 to 15°C elsewhere🌡️ ℹ️

Published: March 10, 2025 05:21

Patches of mist or fog for a time this morning🌫️ These will clear with sunny spells developing⛅️ A few patches of drizzle are possible, mostly likely in Ulster & in S Munster🌧️ Highs of 9 to 11°C in Ulster & east Leinster & from 12 to 15°C elsewhere🌡️ …

On Monday, any mist & fog will clear early on with sunny spells developing🌫️ Most places will be dry with just a few patches of light rain and drizzle🌤️ Highs will range 9 to 15C

Published: March 9, 2025 19:19

On Monday, any mist & fog will clear early on with sunny spells developing🌫️ Most places will be dry with just a few patches of light rain and drizzle🌤️ Highs will range 9 to 15C

Dry with clear spells at first tonight🌛 Mist & fog patches forming overnight🌫️ Patchy cloud will build from the northwest overnight with a little drizzle developing near northwestern coasts☁️ Lows of 3 to 7C

Published: March 9, 2025 16:35

Dry with clear spells at first tonight🌛 Mist & fog patches forming overnight🌫️ Patchy cloud will build from the northwest overnight with a little drizzle developing near northwestern coasts☁️ Lows of 3 to 7C

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Liz Walsh for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am 🕛12pm 🕕6pm 🔗 Listen here:⬇️

Published: March 9, 2025 12:59

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Liz Walsh for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am 🕛12pm 🕕6pm 🔗… Listen here:⬇️

It will be dry this afternoon with long spells of spring sunshine ☀️ Highs of 13 to 17°C, highest values away from eastern counties 🌡️ Light to moderate northeasterly breezes 🍃 Check our website for updates: 🔗

Published: March 9, 2025 11:34

It will be dry this afternoon with long spells of spring sunshine ☀️ Highs of 13 to 17°C, highest values away from eastern counties 🌡️ Light to moderate northeasterly breezes 🍃 Check our website for updates: 🔗…

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Deirdre Lowe for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am 🕛12pm 🕕6pm

Published: March 9, 2025 06:23

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Deirdre Lowe for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am 🕛12pm 🕕6pm…

Overnight mist & fog patches, and any drizzle in the south, will clear early this morning. Overall the day will be dry & pleasant with good spells of spring sunshine 🌤️ Highs of 13 to 17°C with light to moderate northeasterly breezes, best values away from eastern counties 🌡️

Published: March 9, 2025 05:24

Overnight mist & fog patches, and any drizzle in the south, will clear early this morning. Overall the day will be dry & pleasant with good spells of spring sunshine 🌤️ Highs of 13 to 17°C with light to moderate northeasterly breezes, best values away…

Any overnight mist & fog will clear early Sunday morning. Overall the day will be dry & pleasant with mild spells of spring sunshine - just the chance of a few light showers towards the S coast tomorrow morning🌤️🌦️ Highs of 13 to 17°C, best values away from eastern counties 🌡️

Published: March 8, 2025 20:18

Any overnight mist & fog will clear early Sunday morning. Overall the day will be dry & pleasant with mild spells of spring sunshine - just the chance of a few light showers towards the S coast tomorrow morning🌤️🌦️ Highs of 13 to 17°C, best values away…

Tonight will start mostly cloudy w/ lingering patches of light rain or drizzle 🌧️ It will become largely dry with clear spells developing outside of the odd shower ☁️ Mist and fog patches will form, especially across SW areas 🌫️ Lows of 4 to 9°C 📉 ℹ️

Published: March 8, 2025 17:27

Tonight will start mostly cloudy w/ lingering patches of light rain or drizzle 🌧️ It will become largely dry with clear spells developing outside of the odd shower ☁️ Mist and fog patches will form, especially across SW areas 🌫️ Lows of 4 to 9°C 📉 …

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Linda Hughes for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am 🕛12pm 🕕6pm Listen here:⬇️

Published: March 8, 2025 12:58

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Linda Hughes for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am 🕛12pm 🕕6pm Listen here:⬇️

Cloudy with rain in the S, heavy at times, but largely dry with some sunny spells in other areas 🌧️ Through the day, the rain will move northwards, becoming lighter & patchy. Sunny spells will follow ⛅️ Highs of 11 to 15°C 📈 ℹ️

Published: March 8, 2025 11:43

Cloudy with rain in the S, heavy at times, but largely dry with some sunny spells in other areas 🌧️ Through the day, the rain will move northwards, becoming lighter & patchy. Sunny spells will follow ⛅️ Highs of 11 to 15°C 📈 ℹ️…

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Andrew Doran-Sherlock for today & the next few days. Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 6am🕧12pm 🕛6pm 🕧 Listen here⬇️

Published: March 8, 2025 06:14

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Andrew Doran-Sherlock for today & the next few days. Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 6am🕧12pm 🕛6pm 🕧 Listen here⬇️

Largely dry this morning with sunny spells though with a few light showers possible🌦️ Cloud will build from the south in the afternoon with outbreaks of rain for a time☁️ Highs of 13 to 15 degrees with moderate, occasionally fresh southeasterly winds, easing later🍃

Published: March 8, 2025 05:45

Largely dry this morning with sunny spells though with a few light showers possible🌦️ Cloud will build from the south in the afternoon with outbreaks of rain for a time☁️ Highs of 13 to 15 degrees with moderate, occasionally fresh southeasterly winds,…

Mostly dry at first tomorrow with sunny spells with showers for E and SE counties🌦️ Cloud & outbreaks of rain will develop in the S later in the morning, tracking northwards & becoming patchier🌧️ Highs🌡️ of 11 to 15 C with moderate, occasionally fresh winds, easing later🍃

Published: March 7, 2025 20:34

Mostly dry at first tomorrow with sunny spells with showers for E and SE counties🌦️ Cloud & outbreaks of rain will develop in the S later in the morning, tracking northwards & becoming patchier🌧️ Highs🌡️ of 11 to 15 C with moderate, occasionally fresh…

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Deirdre Lowe for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕕12pm🕕6pm Listen here⬇️

Published: March 7, 2025 18:47

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Deirdre Lowe for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕕12pm🕕6pm Listen here⬇️

Mild with rain at times this evening🌧️ in light to moderate east to southeast breezes🍃. Becoming mainly dry tonight with clear spells developing by morning🌛. A few showers may drift onto the east coast later☔️. Lows🌡️ of 5 to 9°C with moderate southeast winds🍃.

Published: March 7, 2025 17:34

Mild with rain at times this evening🌧️ in light to moderate east to southeast breezes🍃. Becoming mainly dry tonight with clear spells developing by morning🌛. A few showers may drift onto the east coast later☔️. Lows🌡️ of 5 to 9°C with moderate…

Tomorrow, after a dry start with some bright spells🌤️, showery rain will move northwards over the country☔️. Sunday will be dry with sunny spells☀️. Temperatures🌡️ will be higher than typical at the weekend, reaching 12 to 15°C, and E to SE winds will be fresh at most🍃.

Published: March 7, 2025 14:36

Tomorrow, after a dry start with some bright spells🌤️, showery rain will move northwards over the country☔️. Sunday will be dry with sunny spells☀️. Temperatures🌡️ will be higher than typical at the weekend, reaching 12 to 15°C, and E to SE winds will…

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Joanna Donnelly for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕕12pm🕕6pm Listen here⬇️

Published: March 7, 2025 12:36

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Joanna Donnelly for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕕12pm🕕6pm Listen here⬇️

This afternoon will generally be cloudy☁️ and damp with showery rain moving northwards☔️. Highest temperatures🌡️ 10 to 13 degrees with light to moderate east to southeast breezes🍃.

Published: March 7, 2025 10:52

This afternoon will generally be cloudy☁️ and damp with showery rain moving northwards☔️. Highest temperatures🌡️ 10 to 13 degrees with light to moderate east to southeast breezes🍃.

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Brandon Creagh for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕛12pm 🕕6pm ⬇️Listen here⬇️

Published: March 7, 2025 06:20

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Brandon Creagh for today & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am🕛12pm 🕕6pm ⬇️Listen here⬇️

Mostly cloudy this morning with patchy drizzle in the east and south. ☔️ Showery rain will move into southern areas through the afternoon and spread northwards. 🌦️ Highest temperatures of 10 to 13 degrees in light to moderate east to southeast breezes.🌡️🍃

Published: March 7, 2025 05:52

Mostly cloudy this morning with patchy drizzle in the east and south. ☔️ Showery rain will move into southern areas through the afternoon and spread northwards. 🌦️ Highest temperatures of 10 to 13 degrees in light to moderate east to southeast…

Tomorrow morning will be mostly cloudy or dull w/ some mist & fog & with some patchy drizzle in the E & S🌫️ A few sunny spells are likely in the NW⛅️ Showery rain will move into S areas through the morning & will spread northwards through the afternoon🌧️ Highs of 10 to 13°C 🌡️

Published: March 6, 2025 19:40

Tomorrow morning will be mostly cloudy or dull w/ some mist & fog & with some patchy drizzle in the E & S🌫️ A few sunny spells are likely in the NW⛅️ Showery rain will move into S areas through the morning & will spread northwards through the afternoon🌧️…

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Michelle Dillon for tonight & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am 🕛12pm 🕕6pm Listen here:⬇️

Published: March 6, 2025 18:09

📢Hear the latest National Forecast with Michelle Dillon for tonight & the next few days 🎙️Our 'Weather Forecast from Met Éireann' podcast is updated 3 times daily with the latest forecast: 🕕6am 🕛12pm 🕕6pm Listen here:⬇️

Mostly cloudy this evening w/ outbreaks of rain & drizzle moving further eastwards, & mainly affecting the W half of the country ☁️ There'll be a few isolated showers too in the SE 🌧️ It'll become mainly dry in western coastal parts of both Connacht & Munster before nightfall🍃

Published: March 6, 2025 17:01

Mostly cloudy this evening w/ outbreaks of rain & drizzle moving further eastwards, & mainly affecting the W half of the country ☁️ There'll be a few isolated showers too in the SE 🌧️ It'll become mainly dry in western coastal parts of both Connacht &…