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🦜 Ibn Al Layth / @Maliki_Madhab

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From the Mufradat of the Maliki Madhab: The ruling on a small amount of water if impurity falls into it. If you have a container with a small amount of water and impurity falls into it but does not affect it or change any of its characteristics, what is the ruling on this water? A small amount of water according to the Malikis is what is equivalent to the amount used for ablution and washing or what is considered small by common standards. The Malikis have a unique stance on this issue and stated that the water remains pure. They supported this with several points, including: The general meaning of Allah's saying: {And He sends down from the sky water to purify you with it}. The Prophet said: "Water is pure and nothing contaminates it," and in another narration: "Except what changes its color, taste, or smell."

Published: October 17, 2024 18:19

From the Mufradat of the Maliki Madhab: The ruling on a small amount of water if impurity falls into it. If you have a container with a small amount of water and impurity falls into it but does not affect it or change any of its characteristics, what is…

It is the Mashūr of the Madhab that whoever misses a rak'ah and then joins the imam who is praying the Friday prayer should conclude with the imam and then begin the Dhuhr prayer with a new intention. Although the Rājih view is that the intention for the number of rak'ahs is not required, they have differentiated in more than one issue regarding the requirement of the intention for the number of rak'ahs, as they invalidated the prayer of someone who intended to shorten it and then intended to stay during the prayer. ~ Shaykh Ahmad bin Al-Murabit, Sharh Idah al-Masalik Ila Qawa'id al-Imam Malik.

Published: October 16, 2024 22:30

It is the Mashūr of the Madhab that whoever misses a rak'ah and then joins the imam who is praying the Friday prayer should conclude with the imam and then begin the Dhuhr prayer with a new intention. Although the Rājih view is that the intention for the…

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: The Ḥanafī School (Madhhab) And Its Foundations - Shaykh Khālid al-Mushayqiḥ

Published: October 15, 2024 20:14

The Ḥanafī School (Madhhab) And Its Foundations - Shaykh Khālid al-Mushayqiḥ…

According to the Maliki Madhab: - Any crying that is accompanied by sound during Salah invalidates it, except for crying that is a manifestation of humility and submission to Allah, which does not invalidate it. - Any crying that occurs without sound does not harm the Salah, unless it is voluntary and not due to humility, and if it occurs frequently.

Published: October 15, 2024 16:08

According to the Maliki Madhab: - Any crying that is accompanied by sound during Salah invalidates it, except for crying that is a manifestation of humility and submission to Allah, which does not invalidate it. - Any crying that occurs without sound…

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: Looks like just she's cleaning her property is all. The Southport stabber was a British-born Christian rasied in a church-going household. Nothing to do with this lady.

Published: October 15, 2024 06:30

Looks like just she's cleaning her property is all. The Southport stabber was a British-born Christian rasied in a church-going household. Nothing to do with this lady.

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: 1-Day Commentary of the Poem “ar-Rahabiyyah” Composed by the great Imam of this field Abu Abdillah Muhammad b. Ali ar-Rahbi aka ibn al-Mutaqqanah (577h) رحمه الله. Details:

Published: October 15, 2024 06:07

1-Day Commentary of the Poem “ar-Rahabiyyah” Composed by the great Imam of this field Abu Abdillah Muhammad b. Ali ar-Rahbi aka ibn al-Mutaqqanah (577h) رحمه الله. Details:

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: al-Zabīdī (d. 1205) mentions that immoderate forms of joking and bantering cause disastrous outcomes, such as (i) insensitivity, (ii) negligence, (iii) hurting others, (iv) antipathy and (v) disrepute. The friendly behavior of the Prophet ﷺ was free of these outcomes.

Published: October 15, 2024 01:19

al-Zabīdī (d. 1205) mentions that immoderate forms of joking and bantering cause disastrous outcomes, such as (i) insensitivity, (ii) negligence, (iii) hurting others, (iv) antipathy and (v) disrepute. The friendly behavior of the Prophet ﷺ was free of…

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: The Usuli, Allamah Abdullah Ghudayyan, said the person who doesn't dedicate 16 hours of his day to knowledge isn't a true student of knowledge. *That includes: - Ibadah - Reading - Note taking - Transcribing - Research - Revewing - Da'wah - Most importantly, acting upon it.

Published: October 14, 2024 20:46

The Usuli, Allamah Abdullah Ghudayyan, said the person who doesn't dedicate 16 hours of his day to knowledge isn't a true student of knowledge. *That includes: - Ibadah - Reading - Note taking - Transcribing - Research - Revewing - Da'wah - Most…

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: ʿAlī al-Qārī (d. 1041) mentions on transactions involving non-weaponry, such as metals and conveyance, that assist the ones waging war: “(It is not permissible to sell weapons, iron and horses to them): due to what is narrated—by al-Ṭabarānī in his ‘Muʿjam’ and al-Bayhaqī in his ‘Sunan’—from ʿImrān b. Ḥuṣayn that the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ prohibited the selling of weapons during [times of] dispute, and also because it is a means to strengthen them in waging war [against Muslims].”¹

Published: October 14, 2024 16:16

ʿAlī al-Qārī (d. 1041) mentions on transactions involving non-weaponry, such as metals and conveyance, that assist the ones waging war: “(It is not permissible to sell weapons, iron and horses to them): due to what is narrated—by al-Ṭabarānī in his…

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: The Ma'iyyah of Allah with His Creation Ma'iyyah refers to Allah being with His creation. There are two types of Ma'iyyah: 1. General Ma'iyyah: This is the state of Ma'iyyah Allah has with all of His creation, both believers and disbelievers, with His knowledge of them regarding what is hidden and what is made clear. Nothing is hidden from Allah about the affairs of His creation. The evidence for this is the following ayaat: وَهُوَ مَعَكُمْ أَيْنَ مَا كُنتُمْ He is with you wherever you are. مَا يَكُونُ مِن نَّجْوَىٰ ثَلَـٰثَةٍ إِلَّا هُوَ رَابِعُهُمْ There are not three in a private conversation but that He is the fourth of them. The Salaf are agreed that the tafsir of these verses refers to Allah's knowledge, as is mentioned by Sufyan al-Thawri (1), Abdullah bin Naf'i (2), and Ahmad (3). As quoted by Malik bin Anas: "Allah is above the heavens, and His knowledge encompasses all places; no place is beyond His knowledge" (4). Further Imam al-Tabari says in his tafsir of 57:4 - "And He is a witness for you, O people, wherever you are; He knows your deeds, your movements, and your resting places, and He is above His Throne over the seven heavens" 2. The Specific Ma'iyyah of Allah: This is the Ma'iyyah of Allah with the people of Imaan and obedience only. Whenever one's obedience to Allah increases, this form of Ma'iyyah increases. As Allah says in the Quran: إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ مَعَ ٱلَّذِينَ ٱتَّقَوا۟ وَّٱلَّذِينَ هُم مُّحْسِنُونَ Indeed, Allah is with those who fear Him and those who are doers of good. قَالَ لَا تَخَافَآ ۖ إِنَّنِى مَعَكُمَآ أَسْمَعُ وَأَرَىٰ [Allah] said, Fear not. Indeed, I am with you both; I hear and I see. Whenever one's Imaan increases, this Ma'iyyah is strengthened. This Ma'iyyah serves as support, guidance, protection, and sufficiency. Allah's Ma'iyyah with the pious and righteous differs from that of others, just as Allah’s companionship with His Prophet ﷺ and Abu Bakr in the cave (غار) was distinct. It is well known in speech that when one says "I am with you in this" it does not indicate physical closeness. It is not known from the speech of the Arabs that Ma'iyyah could refer to the intermingling or merging of two things into each other until they become a single entity. Rather, what is intended is support and backing, even if one is not physically present. As Allah mentions in the Quran: مُّحَمَّدٌۭ رَّسُولُ ٱللَّهِ ۚ وَٱلَّذِينَ مَعَهُۥٓ أَشِدَّآءُ عَلَى ٱلْكُفَّارِ رُحَمَآءُ بَيْنَهُمْ ۖ Muḥammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. In this ayah, it means the companions are with him ﷺ in his religion, helping and supporting him steadfastly, may Allah be pleased with them. يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ وَكُونُوا۟ مَعَ ٱلصَّـٰدِقِينَ O you who have believed, fear Allah and be with those who are true. Meaning be upon the path of the truthful people and follow them in their actions. There is no contradiction or overlap between Uluw (Allah being above) and Ma'iyyah, neither in language nor in revelation. What some present is a narration from Ibn Abbas in the tafsir of istiwaa, in which he interpreted it to mean: He has dominion over all His creation, and no place is devoid of Him. This suggests an overlap between Ma'iyyah and istiwaa. However, this narration in Al-Tamheed of Ibn Abdulbarr and Al-Lisaan of Ibn Hajr is Munkar and rejected. The Isnaad includes Abdullah ibn Dawud and Abdulwahhab ibn Mujahid, both of whom are weak, as well as Ibrahim ibn Abdulsamad, who is **Majhul**. 1. Al-Sunnah of Abdullah ibn Ahmad 597, Al-Aajuri 654, Al-Lalika'i 672 2. Al-Lalika'i 673 3. Al-Radd a'laa al-Jahmiyyah p158, Al-Lalika'i 3/446, Ithbaat Sifa al-'Uluw p79, Al-Sawa'iq al-Mursala 4/1284 4. Al-Sunnah of Abdullah ibn Ahmad 11, ibid 533, Al-Sharia 653

Published: October 13, 2024 23:50

The Ma'iyyah of Allah with His Creation Ma'iyyah refers to Allah being with His creation. There are two types of Ma'iyyah: 1. General Ma'iyyah: This is the state of Ma'iyyah Allah has with all of His creation, both believers and disbelievers, with His…

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: The recitation of Shaykh Ṣabāḥ al-Kubaysī who passed away recently. It was mentioned that every time he was contacted, he was found reciting the Quran, wrapped in the sweetness of his voice. May Allah make his recitation an intercessor for him.

Published: October 13, 2024 23:46

The recitation of Shaykh Ṣabāḥ al-Kubaysī who passed away recently. It was mentioned that every time he was contacted, he was found reciting the Quran, wrapped in the sweetness of his voice. May Allah make his recitation an intercessor for him.

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: 👈مقدمات أصولية نفيسة لكتب فروعية فقهية تمثل متونا مستقلة للدراسة الأصولية : 1-مقدمة ابن القصار المالكي لعيون الأدلة 2-مقدمة الجصاص الحنفي لأحكام القرآن 3-مقدمة القرافي المالكي للذخيرة وهي (التنقيح) 4-مقدمة ابن المبرد الحنبلي لمغني ذوي الأفهام 5-مقدمة الشريف ابن أبي موسى الحنبلي للإرشاد

Published: October 13, 2024 11:28

👈مقدمات أصولية نفيسة لكتب فروعية فقهية تمثل متونا مستقلة للدراسة الأصولية : 1-مقدمة ابن القصار المالكي لعيون الأدلة 2-مقدمة الجصاص الحنفي لأحكام القرآن 3-مقدمة القرافي المالكي للذخيرة وهي (التنقيح) 4-مقدمة ابن المبرد الحنبلي لمغني ذوي الأفهام 5-مقدمة…

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: Can the masjid combine the two nightly prayers, maghrib and 'isha, after it has stopped snowing? Al-Wansharisi: No unless the snow on the ground is very deep/substantial in amount But we always have take our time in consideration when studying fiqh. Some countries now provide governmental services by removing the thick snow blocking the road/sidewalks, this would remove the reason of difficulity. So it has become a case-to-case situation now

Published: October 12, 2024 20:47

Can the masjid combine the two nightly prayers, maghrib and 'isha, after it has stopped snowing? Al-Wansharisi: No unless the snow on the ground is very deep/substantial in amount But we always have take our time in consideration when studying fiqh. Some…

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: Wow, another Christian apologist morphing into David Wood, how surprising 😱 Your entire narrative is not only false but embarrassingly dishonest. The Qur'an literally says that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ told Zaid not to divorce Zainab: "Keep your wife and fear Allah" (Qur'an 33:37). That’s right—he advised him to stay married to her. And it was Zaid who chose to divorce her, as the verse continues, "When Zaid had finished with her." So your claim that the Prophet "had him divorce her" is a blatant lie, but I understand the desperation. The verse also mentions that the Prophet ﷺ hid this information because he feared what people would say: "You hid within yourself that which Allah was to disclose, and you feared the people, while Allah has more right that you fear Him" (Qur'an 33:37). Now, if we entertain your idiotic suggestion that this was about lust, why on earth would Muhammad ﷺ, if he were the author of the Qur'an, expose himself like that? Make it make sense. This marriage wasn’t some lust-driven scandal, as you’ve baselessly asserted. It was a divinely commanded step to abolish the pre-Islamic practice of treating adopted sons as if they were biological sons, which carried harmful legal and social implications. Also, if your research skills were any better than a quick Google search for “arguments against Islam”, you’d know to factor in his actual character. Long before he became a prophet, he was renowned for his modesty and integrity. At 25, in the prime of his youth, he married Khadija, a woman 15 years older than him, and stayed devoted to her for 25 years—without marrying anyone else—until her death. This is not the behavior of a man ruled by lust, but maybe you’re just projecting the Biblical view of prophets onto Muhammad ﷺ.

Published: October 11, 2024 21:21

Wow, another Christian apologist morphing into David Wood, how surprising 😱 Your entire narrative is not only false but embarrassingly dishonest. The Qur'an literally says that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ told Zaid not to divorce Zainab: "Keep your wife and…

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: Abu Ibrahīm Abdur Rahmān Hassan al-Shāfi’ī al-Somālī حفظه الله

Published: October 11, 2024 18:40

Abu Ibrahīm Abdur Rahmān Hassan al-Shāfi’ī al-Somālī حفظه الله

One of the most beautiful introductions, which a student of knowledge to memorize, is what al-Sharif al-Tlemcani, may Allah have mercy on him, said in his book Miftah Al-Wusool, on the topic of Takhrij al-Furu’ ala al-Usul, where he says: ❝All praise is due to Allah, who created creation to prove His existence, and sent among them messengers from themselves to guide them to Him, may prayers be upon them all, and upon Muhammad and his family in particular, a prayer we find in His presence. As for what follows: Knowledge is the most beautiful of human qualities and the greatest of divine gifts, especially the knowledge of Sharia, as it is the brightest moon in the sky of knowledge, and its people are of the highest rank among the elite. With the garden of its guardianship, one is fortified on the Day of the Greatest Terror from painful punishment, and with the light of its guidance, one is illuminated in the darkness of the gathering towards the gardens of bliss.❞

Published: October 11, 2024 18:09

One of the most beautiful introductions, which a student of knowledge to memorize, is what al-Sharif al-Tlemcani, may Allah have mercy on him, said in his book Miftah Al-Wusool, on the topic of Takhrij al-Furu’ ala al-Usul, where he says: ❝All praise is…

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: Muḥammad Yāsir al-Ḥanafī’s slander against Ibn Taymīyyah regarding affirming “direction” (jihah) and “body” (jism) for Allāh (Full video linked in the quoted tweet)

Published: October 11, 2024 15:41

Muḥammad Yāsir al-Ḥanafī’s slander against Ibn Taymīyyah regarding affirming “direction” (jihah) and “body” (jism) for Allāh (Full video linked in the quoted tweet)

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: If you’re learning about religion on social media, you must be aware that most of the discussions and interactions on these platforms do not accurately represent the real-time experiences of engaging with people who have studied Islam and received formal training in its teachings and disciplines. Most people on these platforms rely on clips to form an opinion on issues, people, groups, etc. and it takes another clip for them to “retract” that opinion. They often lack the real-world experience of maturely engaging in the subjects they discuss, as their primary source of information is typically the internet. The people of knowledge (ahl al-ʿilm) are the ones you should actually be learning from, as instructed by the Prophet ﷺ. Unfortunately, their presence is very minimal on these platforms, but that shouldn’t make us overlook the fact that these platforms have a strong potential to misrepresent the on-the-ground realities of Islamic topics and Muslim scholarship.

Published: October 11, 2024 12:07

If you’re learning about religion on social media, you must be aware that most of the discussions and interactions on these platforms do not accurately represent the real-time experiences of engaging with people who have studied Islam and received formal…

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: closing the windows and sitting in bed with your little ipad and stanley cup while Palestinian children are being dismembered and you want me to feel sorry for you…?

Published: October 11, 2024 07:00

closing the windows and sitting in bed with your little ipad and stanley cup while Palestinian children are being dismembered and you want me to feel sorry for you…?

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: Shaykh Abdussalam al-Shuway’ir said in his Sharh of the Muwatta: ❝ In this hadith, there is permission to seek Tawassul with the supplication of the righteous. This explains the statement of the companions: 'We used to seek intercession with you through the Messenger of Allah, and when he passed away, we sought intercession with Al-Abbas. Stand up, O Abbas, and pray to Allah to give us water.' This is a clear hadith showing their Tawassul with him during his life (peace be upon him). If Tawassul through him were permissible after his death, they would have sought intercession with him for rain, but none of the companions did this at all. Instead, they sought intercession through the supplication of the righteous, like Al-Abbas. Therefore, it is recommended for the righteous to go out for seeking rain (Istisqaa) and to make supplications, and they should be the ones leading in prayer, sermons, and other acts. After Al-Abbas, the Tabi’un understood this, and they would give precedence to Al-Aswad ibn Yazeed, a student of Ibn Mas’ood, because it was said that his supplications were accepted. ❞

Published: October 10, 2024 21:51

Shaykh Abdussalam al-Shuway’ir said in his Sharh of the Muwatta: ❝ In this hadith, there is permission to seek Tawassul with the supplication of the righteous. This explains the statement of the companions: 'We used to seek intercession with you through…

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: Why rely on Ibn Taymīyyah when researching the creed of the Ḥanbalīs? ~ Shaykh Sulṭān al-ʿUmayrī

Published: October 10, 2024 08:43

Why rely on Ibn Taymīyyah when researching the creed of the Ḥanbalīs? ~ Shaykh Sulṭān al-ʿUmayrī

RT by @Maliki_Madhab: The kind of people Daniel @Haqiqatjou wants Muslims to unite with, they do not even consider Sunni children worth mercy. This guy supports Daneil and retweets his posts.

Published: October 10, 2024 04:47

The kind of people Daniel @Haqiqatjou wants Muslims to unite with, they do not even consider Sunni children worth mercy. This guy supports Daneil and retweets his posts.