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🦜 Clint Smith / @ClintVSmith

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weird how people have suddenly got lazier in the past year. Still, nothing another round of benefit sanctions won't fix.

Published: February 4, 2025 22:07

weird how people have suddenly got lazier in the past year. Still, nothing another round of benefit sanctions won't fix.

halting the state house build doesn't save the govt money. when you build a house, you gain an asset. but it means govt pays out more in accommodation allowance, instead it's a false economy It also means is more people in the private rental market. and that means higher rents

Published: February 4, 2025 05:37

halting the state house build doesn't save the govt money. when you build a house, you gain an asset. but it means govt pays out more in accommodation allowance, instead it's a false economy It also means is more people in the private rental market. and…

it'll be interesting to see if National tries to pivot to a more popular, 'Labour-lite' approach (invest in public services, housing etc) to regain some votes in an attempt to get a second term, or goes hell-for-leather with the tax cuts and asset sales while they have the chance

Published: February 4, 2025 00:09

it'll be interesting to see if National tries to pivot to a more popular, 'Labour-lite' approach (invest in public services, housing etc) to regain some votes in an attempt to get a second term, or goes hell-for-leather with the tax cuts and asset sales…

what if, rather than spending $8 per meal on healthy, tasty, filling lunches, we spent $3 per on muck that goes straight in the rubbish?

Published: February 3, 2025 06:23

what if, rather than spending $8 per meal on healthy, tasty, filling lunches, we spent $3 per on muck that goes straight in the rubbish?

there are 30,000 fewer jobs today than a year ago. Pretending it's just a matter of 'showing up for the job interview' when there aren't jobs to be had in many communities disguises the actual problem. No matter who gets a given job, there's still going to be more jobless Kiwis

Published: February 3, 2025 04:41

there are 30,000 fewer jobs today than a year ago. Pretending it's just a matter of 'showing up for the job interview' when there aren't jobs to be had in many communities disguises the actual problem. No matter who gets a given job, there's still going…

meanwhile, the Charter Schools programme, which is budgeted to cost $25.2m by the middle of this year, has fewer than 300 students attending the seven schools according to RNZ That's over $80,000 per student. 8x the funding for state schools.

Published: January 30, 2025 06:00

meanwhile, the Charter Schools programme, which is budgeted to cost $25.2m by the middle of this year, has fewer than 300 students attending the seven schools according to RNZ… That's over $80,000 per student. 8x the funding…

So, you're saying abandoning local food producers with established processes for providing healthy school lunches in favour of cut price centralised supply from the infamous producers of hospital food has resulted in inedible slop arriving too late for lunch? No way.

Published: January 30, 2025 05:24

So, you're saying abandoning local food producers with established processes for providing healthy school lunches in favour of cut price centralised supply from the infamous producers of hospital food has resulted in inedible slop arriving too late for…

how about we actually implement readily available policies to accelerate the adoption of clean tech - thereby achieving our emissions targets and saving the $11b a year we spend on importing fossil fuels, lowering the cost of living?

Published: January 29, 2025 03:11

how about we actually implement readily available policies to accelerate the adoption of clean tech - thereby achieving our emissions targets and saving the $11b a year we spend on importing fossil fuels, lowering the cost of living?…

no view on the safety merits of these decisions - but it seems like small beer. 13 roads, average 1.8km, average time saving at speed limit: 24 seconds Like the visa to let you do Zooms on holiday (which everyone does anyway), how this is a lead policy for the year of growth?

Published: January 28, 2025 21:48

no view on the safety merits of these decisions - but it seems like small beer. 13 roads, average 1.8km, average time saving at speed limit: 24 seconds Like the visa to let you do Zooms on holiday (which everyone does anyway), how this is a lead policy…

what if rather using interest rates to calm inflation we use Kiwisaver? When inflation's high Kiwisaver contributions go up -you keep your money as savings, rather than going to bank profits -instant impact, not waiting on mortgage refixes -doesn't cripple business & homebuilding

Published: January 27, 2025 22:54

what if rather using interest rates to calm inflation we use Kiwisaver? When inflation's high Kiwisaver contributions go up -you keep your money as savings, rather than going to bank profits -instant impact, not waiting on mortgage refixes -doesn't cripple…

Regardless, 'more tourists' is not a transformative economic policy. You would need to boost intl tourism's GDP contribution (3.7%) by over 50% just to undo the 2024 recession (2.1%) - that many more tourists would overstrain infrastructure and grind our tourism areas to a halt

Published: January 27, 2025 00:25

Regardless, 'more tourists' is not a transformative economic policy. You would need to boost intl tourism's GDP contribution (3.7%) by over 50% just to undo the 2024 recession (2.1%) - that many more tourists would overstrain infrastructure and grind our…

the average tourist spends $200/day in NZ. At the low end, it's $100/day. Top 10% is $900. So, there's a lot more return to be had from attracting big spenders than small ones.

Published: January 27, 2025 00:22

the average tourist spends $200/day in NZ. At the low end, it's $100/day. Top 10% is $900. So, there's a lot more return to be had from attracting big spenders than small ones.

it's 2025 and the economic plan is to try to get more low spend tourists? Every tourist creates infrastructure & environmental cost. We should be targeting fewer, higher spending tourists. Adding value, rather than get more low-profit customers in an already low-wage industry

Published: January 27, 2025 00:17

it's 2025 and the economic plan is to try to get more low spend tourists? Every tourist creates infrastructure & environmental cost. We should be targeting fewer, higher spending tourists. Adding value, rather than get more low-profit customers in an…

biggest economic risk this year is we will lose more of our primary manufacturers due to high energy prices, and that will lead to secondary manufacturers closing too. hollowing out the economy long term. We need a serious, practical plan to quickly increase electricity supply.

Published: January 20, 2025 01:36

biggest economic risk this year is we will lose more of our primary manufacturers due to high energy prices, and that will lead to secondary manufacturers closing too. hollowing out the economy long term. We need a serious, practical plan to quickly…

we don't have a 'vibecession', we have a real, deep recession- with large scale job losses, record brain drain, and rapidly shrinking GDP per capita But if the political diagnosis is 'bad vibes' to be countered with more of the same spin, it will continue to fail to mask reality

Published: January 20, 2025 01:32

we don't have a 'vibecession', we have a real, deep recession- with large scale job losses, record brain drain, and rapidly shrinking GDP per capita But if the political diagnosis is 'bad vibes' to be countered with more of the same spin, it will continue…

Budget 2024 assumed big, quick cuts to health spend Painful cuts have happened but they've saved less than planned for. Turns out there's just not big pain-free savings HYEFU has health spending $1.3b higher than Budget in 24/25-25/26 Response seems to be a sharper scalpel

Published: January 19, 2025 20:55

Budget 2024 assumed big, quick cuts to health spend Painful cuts have happened but they've saved less than planned for. Turns out there's just not big pain-free savings HYEFU has health spending $1.3b higher than Budget in 24/25-25/26 Response seems to…

National's landlord tax breaks leading to greater debt, even as core public services are being slashed. The landlords' cuts are legislated to increase by a third on 1 April this year. A responsible government would review that decision and rescind the cuts in light of new data.

Published: January 17, 2025 22:23

National's landlord tax breaks leading to greater debt, even as core public services are being slashed. The landlords' cuts are legislated to increase by a third on 1 April this year. A responsible government would review that decision and rescind the…

First poll of the year puts Labour in front of National and makes NZF Kingmaker: LGNZF or NActNZF It'ld be a ... brave ... National that tries to push ahead with privatising the ferries or blocks a Peters plan for rail enabled vessels on those numbers.

Published: January 17, 2025 03:45

First poll of the year puts Labour in front of National and makes NZF Kingmaker: LGNZF or NActNZF It'ld be a ... brave ... National that tries to push ahead with privatising the ferries or blocks a Peters plan for rail enabled vessels on those numbers. …

rents and other prices should be frozen during emergencies. no disaster profiteering.

Published: January 16, 2025 08:17

rents and other prices should be frozen during emergencies. no disaster profiteering.

on a related note, official data out today shows household incomes are down and households are having to eat further into savings/borrow more to keep up with rising costs

Published: January 16, 2025 03:16

on a related note, official data out today shows household incomes are down and households are having to eat further into savings/borrow more to keep up with rising costs

from my experience of nearly a decade working at Parliament, I wouldn't be surprised if the website server is an old Pentium III under someone's desk. Parliament is chronically underfunded, which is a complete false economy.

Published: January 9, 2025 00:40

from my experience of nearly a decade working at Parliament, I wouldn't be surprised if the website server is an old Pentium III under someone's desk. Parliament is chronically underfunded, which is a complete false economy.…

in a few short years, we've gone from the right saying 'facts don't care about your feelings' to attacking people who try to counter lies. the lack of rightwing misinformation experts isn't a problem with misinformation experts, it's a problem of ideology divorced from facts.

Published: January 9, 2025 00:10

in a few short years, we've gone from the right saying 'facts don't care about your feelings' to attacking people who try to counter lies. the lack of rightwing misinformation experts isn't a problem with misinformation experts, it's a problem of ideology…

more deeply, it's telling that the reaction to getting fact-checked isn't 'better stop telling lies' but, instead, to try to discredit fact-checking.

Published: January 8, 2025 19:57

more deeply, it's telling that the reaction to getting fact-checked isn't 'better stop telling lies' but, instead, to try to discredit fact-checking.

not sure that 'being far right is incompatible with being an expert in a profession based on checking the facts' is quite the king hit David seems to think it is.

Published: January 8, 2025 19:55

not sure that 'being far right is incompatible with being an expert in a profession based on checking the facts' is quite the king hit David seems to think it is.

i personally know of people who tried to make a submission yesterday but couldn't because Parliament's website was overloaded. ridiculous to have submissions close when Parliament's IT support team is on holiday. The committee needs to make an extension.

Published: January 7, 2025 22:47

i personally know of people who tried to make a submission yesterday but couldn't because Parliament's website was overloaded. ridiculous to have submissions close when Parliament's IT support team is on holiday. The committee needs to make an extension.…

the dazzle camouflage will make it hard for u-boat commanders to accurately gauge range, heading, and speed when attacking it

Published: January 6, 2025 06:34

the dazzle camouflage will make it hard for u-boat commanders to accurately gauge range, heading, and speed when attacking it

someday, I want to have the level of self confidence that it must take to plunge a country into the deepest recession in three decades, lose 39,000 jobs in a year, borrow billions for tax cuts, and then turn around and lay into someone else for making a data error on a graph.

Published: December 20, 2024 03:08

someday, I want to have the level of self confidence that it must take to plunge a country into the deepest recession in three decades, lose 39,000 jobs in a year, borrow billions for tax cuts, and then turn around and lay into someone else for making a…