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🦜 – Maunderings of a Digital Self

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Posts: 9

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Why “Remember Device” is a Lie

Published: February 5, 2025 01:18

A quick read from Matthew Lyon, “Forget This Device“, where they dug out the reasons why so often the simple little affordance some log in prompts have of “Remember me” or “Remember this device” end up being utter BS. A lot of the reasons basically come…

Thanks for All the Fish

Published: January 3, 2025 02:59

Communities are hard. This is true whether you’re talking about in-person communities or online communities, but for right now I’m mostly talking about online communities. They’re hard to set up and cultivate, they’re hard to maintain and manage. The…


Published: January 2, 2025 03:46

Here we sit, wrapping up the first day of 2025. It’s been a busy year. We started the year continuing our year-long wander around the country, while continuing to work remotely and taking on a significant project that took most of the year. We finished our…

Delays and SSGs, Oh My

Published: December 15, 2024 21:30

Apologies for the delay between posts — it’s not for lack of topics or interest, just a matter of time and energy. I’ve been spending time trying out different static site generators for a potential move off WordPress (at least for some projects), and…

Gobble Gobble, Squam

Published: October 13, 2024 17:19

It’s Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, so I’m out at Squam, eating delicious food and spending time with family. When I was living on the west coast that wasn’t really in the cards, so we’d host our own, which was a delight, but it’s nice to do the big family…

Oops, missed September

Published: October 8, 2024 04:27

Current status: Lots of excuses: I flew out to a conference at the end of August, but promptly got sick the first day of the event and missed it; we bought a house and that’s been a steady supply of tasks; the work project I spent the last 10+ months on…

Home(Owner) Again

Published: August 7, 2024 02:32

I wasn’t really mentioning this publicly, but now that the papers are all signed, I’m happy to announce we just bought a house! It’s a very, very, very fine house in a quiet neighborhood in Rutland, Vermont. Which means, yep, I’ll be a Vermont resident…

The Internet in the 2000’s

Published: July 16, 2024 00:50

Found via Pete Ashton, Richard MacManus has been doing a nice sort of stroll through the earlier days of the internet. (As of this writing, it looks like he’s got articles covering 2004, 2005, and 2006.) It’s a nice (and useful) historical view of what was…

Flat, Not Flat, and an Ocean

Published: July 14, 2024 22:47

This post has some pre-requisite reading to get the most out of it: First off, I think it’s great to see some crosstalk across blogs like this. I love to see it. Second, as you might have guessed, I have some thoughts about the subject. (Usual caveats,…