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Can Trade Integration Reduce Emissions from Production? The Product Composition Channel

Published: June 6, 2024 00:00

In a trade model incorporating within-firm productivity differences in intermediate products, we show that specialization in the production of intermediate products enabled by decreased trade costs can reduce firm-level emissions. Using firm-level data…

Local economic effects of connecting to China’s high-speed rail network: Evidence from spatial econometric models

Published: June 5, 2024 00:00

China’s high-speed rail (HSR) has quickly expanded to over 40, 000 km of lines operating and another 10, 000 km under construction. This is over 10-times longer than the networks in long-established HSR countries like France, Germany or Japan. While…

A Tale of Two Countries: Global Value Chains, the China Trade Shock, and Labor Markets

Published: May 1, 2024 00:00

This study investigates the effects of imports from China and exports to the rest of the world on labor markets using the data from two major trading partners of China: Japan and the US. An analysis shows that imports of final goods from China and exports…

Towards demystifying trade dependencies: At what point do trade linkages become a concern?

Published: April 17, 2024 00:00

Supply chain disruptions, related to natural events or geopolitical tensions, have in recent years prompted policy makers to identify potential vulnerabilities related to critical trade dependencies. These are commercial links that could potentially impose…

Product Level Emission Intensities: Measurement and Application

Published: March 20, 2024 00:00

We propose a novel method for calculating product-level emission intensities (PLEI) at highly disaggregate level (Harmonized System 6-digit) for nine emission categories. This method effectively disentangles PLEI from the firm-level efficiency factor that…

Domestic savings-driven growth: unveiling internal economic dynamics in China, 1980-2010

Published: March 1, 2024 00:00

It has been commonly believed that economic reforms in the post-Mao Era since 1980 have changed China from autarky to an export-oriented developmental path, accompanied by inward and cheap FDI with advanced foreign technology. This paper challenges this…

Can Electric Cars Power China’s Growth?

Published: February 28, 2024 00:00

China’s aggressive policies to develop its battery-powered electric vehicle (BEV) industry have been successful in making the country the dominant producer of these vehicles worldwide. Going forward, BEVs will likely claim a growing share of global motor…

China’s Nationwide CO2 Emissions Trading System: A General Equilibrium Assessment

Published: February 22, 2024 00:00

China’s recently launched CO2 emissions trading system, already the world’s largest, aims to contribute importantly to global reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The system, a tradable performance standard (TPS), differs importantly from cap and trade…