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🦜 Economics of Ageing

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Economics of Ageing

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Impact des stratégies de maintien à domicile publiques sur l'efficience du système de santé : une étude comparative entre pays européens

Published: July 4, 2024 00:00

With the acceleration of the ambulatory shift, homecare services have become an essential component of healthcare systems, especially for the elderly, who are their primary beneficiaries. However, how the management of those services impact healthcare…

The Role of Family Support in the Well-Being of Older People: Evidence from Malaysia and Viet Nam

Published: June 21, 2024 00:00

Demographics in Malaysia and Viet Nam are evolving rapidly, potentially disrupting traditional family support to older people. We estimate a set of Poisson random effects models with panel data from the Malaysia Ageing and Retirement Survey and the Viet…

Enhancing productivity and growth in an ageing society: Key mechanisms and policy options

Published: June 14, 2024 00:00

The increase in human longevity is a major achievement, which brings individual well-being and strong contributions to society, but population ageing also generates challenges. This paper documents demographic trends in OECD countries, highlighting that…

Aging Gracefully: Steering the Banking Sector through Demographic Shifts

Published: June 14, 2024 00:00

We analyze how aging populations might affect the stability of banking systems through changes in the balance sheets and risk preferences of banks over the period 2000-2022. While the anticipated decline in maturity transformation due to aging hints at a…

Becoming a First-time Entrepreneur in 40s and Older: Lessons from Survival Analysis

Published: June 13, 2024 00:00

This article aims to understand better a specific group of first-time entrepreneurs starting a business at the age of 40 years and older (associated in the literature with the term "third age" or "silver age"), often experiencing career shocks or feeling a…

Alternde Belegschaften in der Chemieindustrie vor und während der Corona-Krise. Chancen der Beschäftigung Älterer im disruptiven Arbeitsmarkt

Published: June 12, 2024 00:00

"The employment rate of older workers in Germany has increased significantly in recent years. This is due to the rising labor force participation of older people and the increase in the retirement age since 2012. There has also been an increase in…

Safeguarding the sustainability of the Ukrainian pension system

Published: June 6, 2024 00:00

Before the war, the Ukrainian Pay-As-You-Go pension system required large government transfers. Since then, large scale emigration and an increasing number of people eligible for pensions have further increased the need for government transfers and…

Income Redistributive Effects of South Korea's 5th National Pension Reform Plan: Focusing on Disparities in Contribution Period and Life Expectancy across Income Class

Published: May 30, 2024 00:00

This paper aims to evaluate the income redistributive effects of various reform proposals under South Korea fs 5th National Pension Comprehensive Plan (Draft), announced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare on October 30, 2023. By conducting a simulation…