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🦜 Lindsay Cronk

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Libraries are radical, and so are you!

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One Last Happy Friday

Published: June 24, 2022 19:57

Cross Posted from ALA Core Connect Greetings from DC/ALA Annual, Core. I didn’t want to over-prepare my final Happy Friday because I have always thought one of the most important features of these posts was their connection to the current moment. So there…

A Year of Happy Fridays

Published: April 11, 2022 15:02

Reflection and my ALA Core Presidency I think some of you probably think you’re not good at journaling and reflection, so I wanted to start this post by revealing my best dirty secret– all of this is reflective journaling. My Twitter = concise reflective…

Liberate Knowledge, Retire Neutrality

Published: March 4, 2022 21:27

While I am still hoping that The New York Times Opinion Section will provide the platform for a library worker to speak to Stanley Kurtz’s recent hit piece, The Battle for the Soul of the Library, I’m not waiting to respond myself. Please note, when they…

Towards Antiracist and Antifascist Library Work: A Summary of the Design and Next Steps of ALA’s Resolution to Condemn White Supremacy and Fascism as Antithetical to Library Work

Published: January 28, 2021 20:42

Introduction A couple months ago, we all found out that another library had employed another white nationalist— he’d spoken at rallies– and I had just had it. It wasn’t a new problem or a new idea. Not for the first time, I thought “You can’t be this kind…

Introducing CD #43, A Proposed Resolution Condemning White Supremacy and Fascism as Antithetical to Library Work

Published: January 25, 2021 16:47

This afternoon at ALA Midwinter 2021, ALA Council will review and discuss a proposed resolution condemning white supremacy and fascism that I co-authored. Below are my drafted opening remarks. Hi, everyone! It’s been an honor to help develop the CD#43, a…

Breaking Into ALA

Published: December 21, 2020 20:01

An Outsider’s Insider Guide These days, you might say ALA and I have a history. But not so long ago, I stared into the vastness of our national association with consternation and anxiety. Oh, wait that was yesterday. I’m not kidding. But I’ve spent nearly…

More on Core

Published: October 5, 2020 15:56

Hi again! To provide maximum transparency and help you make the right vote, here are the notes I made for the Core Candidate Town Hall on September 30th, 2020. I didn’t get to say all of this out of respect for time, so there’s some additional detail to…

Directly, Forthrightly, and with Care

Published: September 11, 2020 18:31

Hey! I’m running for President-Elect of Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures because I think I’d do a good job. Do you want a different kind of ALA experience? Do you want a division that understands and celebrates your work? That’s the Core we can…

Defending Lending

Published: August 17, 2020 15:01

Here’s a post I shouldn’t have to write, folks, but libraries have every right to circulate materials. In non-library speak, we have the right to share the books you want to read, the films you want to watch, the music you want to listen to. We have the…

Let’s Fix ALA.

Published: June 25, 2020 08:47

By “Fix ALA” I don’t mean the conventional *cough, boring* way that I anticipate ALA will be simplified to continue its usual operations. To truly #FixALA is to transform ALA- and I do have some ideas about this. Disclaimer: I lay these burns because I…