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Kupu o te Rā is a word of the day service for Te Reo Māori.

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Published: October 22, 2024 12:00

<p>kaumātua: elder</p> He kaumātua ia. She is an elder. - this is an example of a classifying sentence Ko ngā kaumātua ngā tāonga o te ao Māori. The elderly people are the treasures of the Māori world. - this is an example of an equative sentence


Published: October 21, 2024 12:00

<p>kuia: elderly woman</p> Kei tō tātou marae, ko te karanga te mahi a ngā kuia. At our (3+ inclusive) marae, the call of welcome is the job of the elderly women. - this is an example of a locative sentence - this is an example of an equative sentence I…


Published: October 20, 2024 12:00

<p>karanga(tia): to call, to be called, call of welcome</p> Nā tōku kuia te karanga i karanga. It was my Nana who did the call of welcome - this is an example of the agent emphatic Kua karangatia te ope whakaeke e te kuia. The ascending group have been…


Published: October 19, 2024 12:00

<p>tai: seaward</p> Kei tai ngā ika. The fish are seaward. - this is an example of a locative sentence Ka hoe atu ngā tāngata i uta ki tai. The people will paddle from the shore towards the sea. - this is an example of an active sentence Also see uta –…


Published: October 18, 2024 12:00

<p>uta: ashore, landward</p> Taihoa! Kei uta ngā ika. Hold on! The fish are towards land. - this is an example of a locative sentence Hoea ki uta! Paddle towards the land! See also tai – seaward.


Published: October 17, 2024 12:00

<p>tāwāhi: overseas, abroad, the other side</p> Kei tāwāhi ia. She is overseas. - this is an example of a locative sentence Ka haere atu ia ki tāwāhi. She will go overseas. - this is an example of an active sentence


Published: October 16, 2024 12:00

<p>tawhiti: in the distance, afar</p> Kei tawhiti taku tahu.My beloved is far away.- this is an example of a locative sentence Kua tae mai rāua i tawhiti.They (2) have arrived from afar.- this is an example of an active sentence


Published: October 15, 2024 12:00

<p>tātahi: the seaside, the beach</p> I tērā Rāhoroi, i haere rātou ki tātahi kohi pipi ai. On Saturday, they went to the beach to gather pipi. - this example uses "ai" to indicate purpose Note that there is no te before tātahi as it is used the same way…


Published: October 14, 2024 12:00

<p>reira: there, the aforementioned place or time</p> I noho au i reira i tērā tau. I stayed there (at the aforementioned place) last year. - this is an example of an active sentence


Published: October 13, 2024 12:00

<p>hea: where</p> Kei hea koe? Where are you? - this is an example of a locative sentence Kei te toa au. I’m at the shop. - this is an example of a locative sentence I hea koe? Where were you? - this is an example of a locative sentence I Taupō au. I…


Published: October 12, 2024 12:00

<p>korā: over there, yonder, that place or there abouts (away from the speaker and listener)</p> Ko wai ki korā? Who is over there? - this example uses wai to ask who Ko tō tāne! It’s your husband! - this is an example of an equative sentence