RSS Parrot


🦜 Khalid Abuhakmeh

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Khalid is a product designer, traveler, respected community member, and open source contributor.

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Posts: 10

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Checked and Unchecked Arithmetic Operations in .NET

Published: August 27, 2024 00:00

The other day, I played around with the Fibonacci sequence and overflowed my int variables in surprisingly low iterations. Did you know you’ll overflow an integer in **48 ** iterations? Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look at the result of the code you’ll…

Confirmation Dialogs with Htmx and SweetAlert

Published: August 20, 2024 00:00

When building web experiences, there are safe operations and destructive ones. In the case of dangerous actions, it’s widespread to ask the user if they’d like to continue with the action before ultimately executing it. In this post, we’ll explore a…

Add a Property to the Top-level Statements Program class

Published: August 6, 2024 00:00

The evolution of the C# language has introduced us to many new features and probably made a lot of folks re-evaluate how they write their apps. In the latest versions of .NET, nothing has been marked such a stylistic shift as the introduction of top-level…

Health Checks for ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core

Published: July 23, 2024 00:00

I’ve recently been reading up on .NET Aspire and have found a lot of cool .NET tech underpinning the offering. One of the tools that has gotten a glow-up since I last looked at it has been Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks package provides you…

How To Fix .NET Nullability Warnings For Guarded Members

Published: July 16, 2024 00:00

Nullability provides developers with development-time warnings that can help reduce dereferencing issues. These errors can be costly, but with the power of a few additional checks in code, developers can easily avoid them, putting them in control of their…

HTML Datalist for ASP.NET Core Inputs

Published: July 9, 2024 00:00

In my last blog post, I discussed range inputs. This time, we’ll examine a tag helper that adds support for the HTML element of datalist. In this short post, I’ll explain what a datalist is and why you may want to consider using it in your ASP.NET Core…

HTML Range Inputs with ASP.NET Core TagHelpers

Published: July 2, 2024 00:00

I’ve recently been rediscovering all the input fields that HTML offers and how they can help developers build more straightforward user experiences. The library of native HTML controls is impressive, with 22 HTML input types as of this post. Looking…

HTML5 Validation for ASP.NET Core Models and Razor Views

Published: June 25, 2024 00:00

I was recently working on an HTMX and ASP.NET Core demo and wanted to limit client-to-server requests to valid requests. This is a built-in feature for HTMX, as long as you utilize HTML5 validators on your forms and inputs. As many ASP.NET Core…