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🦜 Kaleb Horton

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A Writer From Bakersfield

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a quick update

Published: September 7, 2024 17:33

Howdy all. Just wanted to let everybody know I’m not dead. After an obnoxious amount of research, I got the exact computer I needed. It was stupid expensive but I use it 8 hours a day. A million years ago my granddad told me that if you use

hoo boy, another announcement

Published: September 1, 2024 17:52

We love life, folks. We’re really doing frankly very much with it. Anyway, on Friday my computer broke. On Saturday my finger broke (fell on an oil slick on Ventura Blvd). I live for this stuff and I find it excellent. But the newsletter’s going on

oh great, another announcement

Published: September 1, 2024 07:28

Howdy. Pretend I said something clever.Over the weekend, my computer caught the westbound. It’s probably toast. And it’s gonna be a minute before I can get a new one. Would love to be furious about it but I’m just sad. Nothing works lately.

Mickey Rooney's Potato Fantasy

Published: August 10, 2024 23:46

Howdy all. Planned on a big post but there's this thing I keep encountering in writing: you're out of work all the time, and when you're least prepared, you suddenly get a bunch of it, and on weird deadlines. I have two magazine pieces

So Long, Bob Newhart

Published: July 18, 2024 22:05

Bob Newhart is dead, and that’s all right. There’s no cause to mourn: he was an incredibly famous, wealthy man, and lived a long good life. He was almost a hundred. He had a huge house in Los Angeles. He spent almost his entire comedy career

The End Result of My Herculean Big Bang Theory Spec

Published: July 12, 2024 01:19

Author’s Note: This is the first newsletter where I’m reposting a piece I wrote that’s no longer hosted on the internet. My archive is pretty solid because I always figured this would happen eventually. In the future, I’ll probably be paywalling archival