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One amateur raidio operator's journal for radio field operations, antenna builds, and radio related projects. Writing is learning. I share my journey with you here.

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Posts: 10

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POTA at Longfellow House

Published: July 1, 2024 00:00

POTA at Longfellow House Yesterday, I had the opportunity to do a POTA activation at the Longfellow House National Historic Site (US-0843) in Cambridge, MA. Come to me, O ye children! And whisper in my ear What the birds and the winds are singing In…

POTA at Alewife Brook State Reserve

Published: June 21, 2024 00:00

POTA at Alewife Brook State Reserve This June 2024, we’re dealing with a heat advisory across the East Coast of the US. I took Daisy out early in the morning to avoid the heat, but she wasn’t having it. Just days before, I took delivery of my new KH1…

New KH1 Elecraft HF Radio

Published: June 20, 2024 00:00

My new radio, Elecraft’s KH1 Back in February, I ordered a new radio for my birthday, an Elecraft KH1. There is a waiting list for this radio, so after a four month wait it was finally delivered on on June 13, 2024. In this journal entry I describe my…

Radio Interrupted

Published: June 3, 2024 00:00

Radio Interrupted A little over a month ago the tree I was using as an antenna mast was removed. There are no other trees that I can use. I live on a small lot (0.08 acres) in a tight, suburban neighborhood. There are plenty of trees around me but none…

First CW Only POTA Activation

Published: April 29, 2024 00:00

First CW Only POTA Activation Since getting back into amateur radio in December 2022 my goal has been to become proficient in Morse code (CW) so that I can activate a park as part of Parks on the Air. This past Saturday, April 27, 2024, I activated my…

HotSpot for Digital VHF Radio

Published: April 5, 2024 00:00

HotSpot for Digital VHF Radio In January I set up a digital VHF radio hotspot in my home. Hotspots are personal, low-power devices that allow amateur radio operators to connect their radios to the internet and access digital voice (DV) systems around the…

Radio Logging and Mapping Tools

Published: March 27, 2024 00:00

Radio logging and mapping tools that I use My radio logging practices are pretty basic. I’m writing this post for two reasons. To share what I’m using now and works for me. To begin a conversation and hear from other radio amateurs how they log their…

CW Slow Speed Test

Published: March 7, 2024 00:00

CW Slow Speed Test - Every Sunday night Eastern Time Every Sunday evening I try to join K1USN’s slow speed CW test. This weekly event is “for those who prefer a more leisurely CW pace or are new CW operators or contesters”. This weekly event is just my…

New Radio - an Icom IC-7300

Published: February 2, 2024 00:00

New Radio for my QTH, Icom’s IC-7300 For almost a month now I’ve had a new radio at home, an IC-7300. When I was returning to amateur radio and getting into HF in early 2023, I knew I wanted this radio. David Casler listed it as part of his General…

Goals for 2024

Published: January 29, 2024 00:00

Amateur radio goals for 2024 and a 2023 retrospective These are my goals for 2024 Continue to improve my home shack Improve my antenna; get something that works for 40 meters Activate a park for POTA using CW only Operate in…