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🦜 John Quiggin

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Commentary on Australian and world events from a socialist and democratic viewpoint

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Chalmers is more in touch with the economy than the RBA

Published: September 4, 2024 04:16

In today’s AFR. It’s paywalled and I don’t have access (I’ve been promised a PDF) so here’s what I submitted, which may not be final. Six months ago, Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers was planning legislation to remove his own power (never used, but always…

Academic nepo babies

Published: September 1, 2024 22:20

This study showing that US academic faculty members are 25 times more likely than Americans in general to have a parent with a PhD or Masters degree has attracted a lot of attention, and comments suggesting that this is unusual and unsatisfactory. But is…

Australians should be angry about Coles’ latest billion-dollar profit. But don’t blame the cost of living

Published: September 1, 2024 19:04

The latest massive $1.1bn profit reported by Coles will doubtless produce a new round of hand-wringing about the “cost of living”. Governments will produce initiatives aimed at capping or reducing prices. Pundits will use a variety of measures to argue as…

Monday Message Board

Published: September 1, 2024 19:01

Another Monday Message Board. Post comments on any topic. Civil discussion and no coarse language please. Side discussions and idees fixes to the sandpits, please. I’m now using Substack as a blogging platform, and for my monthly email newsletter. For the…

Gina Rinehart’s latest grab-bag of opinions is more proof billionaires are no smarter than the rest of us

Published: August 26, 2024 06:06

The mining magnate does away with the constraints of arithmetic, simultaneously demanding lower taxes more public spending and lower deficits From The Guardian A striking feature of the age of billionaires in which we now live is that billionaires are more…

Monday Message Board

Published: August 25, 2024 21:49

Another Monday Message Board. Post comments on any topic. Civil discussion and no coarse language please. Side discussions and idees fixes to the sandpits, please. I’m now using Substack as a blogging platform, and for my monthly email newsletter. For the…

Monday Message Board

Published: August 19, 2024 08:02

Another Monday Message Board. Post comments on any topic. Civil discussion and no coarse language please. Side discussions and idees fixes to the sandpits, please. I’m now using Substack as a blogging platform, and for my monthly email newsletter. For the…

Monday Message Board

Published: August 12, 2024 00:09

Another Monday Message Board. Post comments on any topic. Civil discussion and no coarse language please. Side discussions and idees fixes to the sandpits, please. I’m now using Substack as a blogging platform, and for my monthly email newsletter. For the…

The not-so-strange shortage of conservative professors

Published: August 8, 2024 00:25

I have a letter in The Chronicle of Higher Education responding to Steven Teles’ call for more conservative college professors. It’s a shortened version of a longer piece I wrote, which I’m posting here. The fact that conservatives are thin in the…

The Chairman’s Lounge view of the airline industry

Published: August 3, 2024 05:12

An edited version of this ran in The Guardian under the headline “Why aren’t the likes of Rex and Bonza flying high in Australian skies? Ask the politicians”. Here’s my original, a bit more sharply worded. Politicians fly a lot, and mostly enjoy it. So do…