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3 Easy Playlist Fixes That Make Boring Sets IMPOSSIBLE

Published: October 22, 2024 15:31

Chris M. suggests to keep track of emotions/vibes to build certain kinds of playlists easier.

Über BSI - Ihr Partner für Fortschritt

Published: October 22, 2024 15:31

Arbeiten Sie bei uns, um positive Auswirkungen zu erzielenAls Teil unseres Teams positive Veränderungen bewirken

3 Easy Playlist Fixes That Make Boring Sets IMPOSSIBLE

Published: October 22, 2024 15:29

Chris M. suggests to start building a playlist with the end in mind. This is logical because it's easier to backtrack transitions then to do it forward. Edit: This he suggested in a different video, not this one.

3 Easy Playlist Fixes That Make Boring Sets IMPOSSIBLE

Published: October 22, 2024 15:26

Playing into the idea of transitions... Perhaps it's useful to keep small playlists with only a handful of songs (3-5) that are PERFECT together. This can be used as a sort of repository for the creation of larger playlists later to save time.

Published: October 22, 2024 15:25

s geen inheredus bij 1:3 lid 4 Sr mag je niet 4:84 afwijken en gebruiken

The Fruits of Your Suffering: A Letter to My Refugee Mom

Published: October 22, 2024 15:24

just about as old as you were when you left Vietnam with my big sister in your could the childhood of the author vary from the childhood of the childhood of the authors older sibling being that the sibling could have some vague memory of their…

Professional Music Curator Breaks Down The Art of Playlisting

Published: October 22, 2024 15:21

Transitions he mentions: - **A) Instant RAGE** *Slower Song -> Instant Drop* Instant Drop = a song that immediately pulls up the speed. - **B) Slow Down, Speed Up** *Hype song with a gradual slow down, leading into an immediate speed up. Kick or beat drop…

Chapitre 12. Les technologies numériques en contexte Sud Chroniques d’une scolarisation difficile

Published: October 22, 2024 15:20

Les technologies numériques se développent dans les sociétés subsahariennes, notamment sous les effets conjugués du développement des infrastructures et de la téléphonie mobile. Pour le moment, ces développements n’influencent que faiblement les pratiques…


Published: October 22, 2024 15:20

1. group teams, primary groups, secondary groups 2. forming, storming, Norming , performing, adjorning 3. 7 4. Laissez-Faire, Autocratic,Democratic

Benito Cereno | The Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature

Published: October 22, 2024 15:18

Viewingidk if I just haven't been fully attentive while reading this but I have no idea whats happening right now lol

19. American Empire | The American Yawp

Published: October 22, 2024 15:13

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine in 1904, proclaiming U.S. police power in the Caribbean.This basically stated that America had exclusive power of Latin American countries

Benito Cereno | The Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature

Published: October 22, 2024 15:12

whom prolonged physical suffering seems to cancel every social instinct of kindness;miserable

19. American Empire | The American Yawp

Published: October 22, 2024 14:41

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine in 1904, proclaiming U.S. police power in the CaribbeanGovernment asserted free dominion over Latin America

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Published: October 22, 2024 14:36

uch a legal sys-tem and such administration have been available for economicactivity in a comparative state of legal and formalistic perfectiononly in the Occident. We must hence inquire where that lawcame from.find where legal system and formal perfection…

Generasi Menunduk dan Gawai – Inspira

Published: October 22, 2024 14:36

Generasi Z, atau dikenal dengan Gen Z, adalah istilah yang merujuk pada kelompok remaja yang lahir antara tahun 1996 (ada juga yang menyatakan tahun 1997) hingga 2012. Generasi setelah itu disebut Generasi Post-Gen Z atau Generasi Alpha. Esai berikut ini…

Uveítis | Oftalmología en la práctica de la medicina general, 5e | AccessMedicina | McGraw Hill Medical

Published: October 22, 2024 14:35

frecuenciaHipopion frecuente, úlceras, vasculitis en venas y arterias de pequeño mediano y gran calibre


Published: October 22, 2024 14:34

1) All of these choices 2) A message exchanged btw 2 or more people. 3) turning communications into thoughts 4) A process where participants alternate positions as sender and receiver 5) all of these choices

Benito Cereno | The Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature

Published: October 22, 2024 14:34

They each had bits of unstranded old junk in their hands,what they had left of their belongings? Just automatically calling it junk is wack

Parabrachial CGRP neurons modulates conditioned active defensive behavior under a naturalistic threat

Published: October 22, 2024 14:29

**Author response:** >**Reviewer #1 (Public Review):** >Summary >The authors asked if parabrachial CGRP neurons were only necessary for a threat alarm to promote freezing or were necessary for a threat alarm to promote a wider range of defensive…

Benito Cereno | The Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature

Published: October 22, 2024 14:29

Whether the ship had a figure-head,a lot of detail about this ship man.....

Michael Polanyi - Wikipedia

Published: October 22, 2024 14:28

A knower does not stand apart from the universe, but participates personally within it. Our intellectual skills are driven by passionate commitments that motivate discovery and validation. According to Polanyi, a great scientist not only identifies…

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Published: October 22, 2024 14:27

from what parts of that structure was it derived, sincenot all of them have been of equal importance?what social structures fed into this use of technical knowledge in the west?

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Published: October 22, 2024 14:26

But the technicalutilization of scientific knowledge, so important for the livingconditions of the mass of people, was certainly encouraged byeconomic considerations, which were extremely favourable to itin the Occident.West had technical utilization of…

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Published: October 22, 2024 14:25

us is not, in the last analysis, even from a purely economic view-point, the development of capitalistic activity as such, differing indifferent cultures only in form: the adventurer type, or capitalismin trade, war, politics, or administration as sources…

Benito Cereno | The Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature

Published: October 22, 2024 14:24

the true character of the vessel was plain–a Spanish merchantman of the first class, carrying negro slaves, amongst other valuable freight, from one colonial port to another.oh.

Published: October 22, 2024 14:24

Summary and future directionsNeuropsychologen kunnen en moeten aanvullende informatie gebruiken naast de resultaten van formele PVT's om de geloofwaardigheid van de klinische presentaties van kinderen te beoordelen. Hoewel sommige van deze gegevens…

Published: October 22, 2024 14:23

Physical signs of noncredible presentationsEr zijn patiënten die doen alsof ze een medische aandoening hebben, terwijl dit niet zo is. Dit valt vaak op in bepaalde situaties, en sommige aandoeningen gaan gepaard met specifieke gedragingen die de patiënt…

Requirements and Limitations - User Guide for VMware vSphere

Published: October 22, 2024 14:21

Third party security software must not be installed on the server.we don't allow any additional software. security software is just one example. please clarify

Requirements and Limitations - User Guide for VMware vSphere

Published: October 22, 2024 14:20

The server must be a physical machine.please remove this bullet point.. we decided to only limit it to Red Hat compatibility list. VMware for example is on it, so VMware is okay for us

Presiden yang Empatik – Inspira

Published: October 22, 2024 14:18

Untunglah, Jhony Walker, orang yang ditunjuk sebagai ketua penyambuat rombongan kepala negara segera bertindak. Cepat diraihnya mike  dan meneriakkan aba-aba agar kawan-kawannya menanggalkan seluruh pakaian. Kembali ke tradisi nudism.  Segera, para…

Establishing And Maintaining The Blood-Brain Barrier: Epigenetic And Signaling Determinants

Published: October 22, 2024 13:49

**eLife Assessment** The specific questions taken up for study by the authors-in mice of HDAC and Polycomb function in the context of vascular endothelial cell (EC) gene expression relevant to the blood-brain barrier, (BBB)-are potentially useful in…

Establishing And Maintaining The Blood-Brain Barrier: Epigenetic And Signaling Determinants

Published: October 22, 2024 13:49

**Reviewer #1 (Public review):** The blood-brain barrier separates neural tissue from blood-borne factors and is important for maintaining central nervous system health and function. Endothelial cells are the site of the barrier. These cells exhibit…

Establishing And Maintaining The Blood-Brain Barrier: Epigenetic And Signaling Determinants

Published: October 22, 2024 13:49

**Reviewer #2 (Public review):** Sadanandan et al describe their studies in mice of HDAC and Polycomb function in the context of vascular endothelial cell (EC) gene expression relevant to the blood-brain barrier, (BBB). This topic is of interest…

Establishing And Maintaining The Blood-Brain Barrier: Epigenetic And Signaling Determinants

Published: October 22, 2024 13:49

**Author response:** The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews. > Reviewers' 1 and 2 concern on endothelial cells (ECs) transcription changes on culture. We have now addressed this concern by FACS-sorting ECs (Fig. 7A revised) and…

Serum metabolome indicators of early childhood development in the Brazilian National Survey on Child Nutrition (ENANI-2019)

Published: October 22, 2024 13:43

**Author response:** >**Reviewer #1 (Public Review):** >Padilha et al. aimed to find prospective metabolite biomarkers in serum of children aged 6-59 months that were indicative of neurodevelopmental outcomes. The authors leveraged data and samples from…

Presiden yang Empatik – Inspira

Published: October 22, 2024 13:42

Usaha untuk menyesuaikan diri tidak selamanya sukses. Hal itu juga dialami oleh Barack Obama, Presiden Amerika Serikat, dan rombongan ketika mengadakan kunjungan resmi ke kawasan kaum nudis di Pantai Houlover, Miami, Amerika Serikat.Dalam teks cerita,…

Published: October 22, 2024 13:40

ConclusionZeker! Hier is een korte samenvatting van de conclusie: Bij het interpreteren van psychologische en neuropsychologische tests wordt ervan uitgegaan dat een kind op een **betrouwbare manier** heeft gereageerd tijdens het onderzoek. Als een kind…

The Fruits of Your Suffering: A Letter to My Refugee Mom

Published: October 22, 2024 13:40

You transformed your suffering so that I never felt it,Parents never what their children to go through the hardships they went through. Parents always try to better the next generation.

Published: October 22, 2024 13:40

Validity test results matterNatuurlijk! Hier is een eenvoudiger uitleg van **De waarde van validiteitstestresultaten**: Onderzoek bij volwassenen laat zien dat wanneer mensen niet hun best doen op **Prestatievaliditeitstests (PVT's)**, ze ook veel…

Accueil - Deux visages de L'Astrée

Published: October 22, 2024 13:39

C'est un instrument de travail destiné aux néophytes tout autant qu'aux spécialistes du XVIIe siècle.Un instrument produit par des [amateurs·ices]( de l'Astrée, à destination des amateurs·ices de l'Astrée. Des adoptions…

Published: October 22, 2024 13:39

Inadequacy of subjective judgment in detecting noncredible dataHet onderzoek hierboven richt zich op kinderen die waarschijnlijk opzettelijk misleiding gebruiken. Ongeldige inspanning kan echter ook om andere redenen voorkomen, en het identificeren van…

The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Itinerary Of Benjamin Of Tudela

Published: October 22, 2024 13:36

Here was found a temple belonging to the children of Ammon in olden times, and an idol of theirs seated upon a throne or chair, and made of stone overlaid with gold. Two women are represented sitting one on the right and one on the left of it, and there is…

Technology, Media Literacy, and the Human Subject - 1. Introduction

Published: October 22, 2024 13:34

The museum selfie is a contemporary phenomenon that captures many issues investigated in this research.This serves as a practical example of how media literacy can be applied to modern experiences, demonstrating the book's posthuman approach in action.

Technology, Media Literacy, and the Human Subject - 1. Introduction

Published: October 22, 2024 13:33

I develop the background concepts drawing upon media literacy, postphenomenology, media ecology, and philosophical posthumanism.This quote highlights the importance of these interdisciplinary approaches in understanding complex human-technology relations.

Flamingo participates in multiple models of cell competition

Published: October 22, 2024 13:32

**eLife Assessment** This study investigates the role of the Cadherin Flamingo (Fmi) in cell competition in developing tissues in Drosophila melanogaster. The findings are valuable in that they show that Fmi is required in winning cells in several…

Technology, Media Literacy, and the Human Subject - 1. Introduction

Published: October 22, 2024 12:55

Words are limited in their ability to faithfully represent the intended meaning behind them. In addition, words cut and separate; they are often thought of as individual carriers of meaning.This quote emphasizes the limitations of language and the…

Behind the Hamline University Incident — with Erika López Prater and Christiane Gruber - YouTube

Published: October 22, 2024 12:54

05:00Gruber discusses how the canon should be *decolonised* (how eurocentrism should be replaced with different centres of interests) and how showing the prophet actually contributes to that purpose (including 14th century Iran that portrays these…

Technology, Media Literacy, and the Human Subject - 1. Introduction

Published: October 22, 2024 12:53

With the onset of mobile communication technology, media are no longer ‘over there’; they are moving toward us, into us.This quote discusses how technology has evolved from being something external to something integrated into our daily lives. It suggests…

Technology, Media Literacy, and the Human Subject - 1. Introduction

Published: October 22, 2024 12:50

t is important to focus on how the broader sociocultural relations—such as power, normativity, or language—affect us. There are technological and sociocultural environments all entangled and all contributing to our own constitution.This quote emphasizes…

Technology, Media Literacy, and the Human Subject - 1. Introduction

Published: October 22, 2024 12:46

As humans, we are never standalone beings but always in relation; these relations are non-neutral,8 contributing to the co-constitution of our selves, the specific technology, and the worldPostphenomenology specifically analyzes how humans are always in a…

Behind the Hamline University Incident — with Erika López Prater and Christiane Gruber - YouTube

Published: October 22, 2024 12:44

[Behind the Hamline University Incident — with Erika López Prater and Christiane Gruber]( Both Gruber and Prater are art historians.

Published: October 22, 2024 12:42

symptom validity tests (SVTs) and performance validity tests (PVTs)SVTs worden gebruikt om de nauwkeurigheid en geloofwaardigheid van zelfgerapporteerde symptomen te evalueren. Ze richten zich voornamelijk op hoe eerlijk en betrouwbaar een patiënt…

Technology, Media Literacy, and the Human Subject - 1. Introduction

Published: October 22, 2024 12:41

contain underlying stereotypesMessages containing underlying stereotypes are everywhere on digital social media platforms. Teaching people how to interact, understand, empathize, and navigate in our digital world is crucial. People take and change the…

Technology, Media Literacy, and the Human Subject - 1. Introduction

Published: October 22, 2024 12:37

access, analysis, evaluation, and content creation’Access, analysis, evaluation, and content creation are 4 examples of skills that younger people in this generation are there to seek through these social/technological interactions.

Technology, Media Literacy, and the Human Subject - 1. Introduction

Published: October 22, 2024 12:35

challenge of fully understanding the effects of media technologies on a human subject.The significance of being taught to fully understand the effects media technologies have on humans is crucial and is highlighted throughout this section.

Technology, Media Literacy, and the Human Subject - 1. Introduction

Published: October 22, 2024 12:34

‘The companies that created social media and mobile tech have benefited our lives enormously. But even with the best intentions, they are under intense pressure to compete for attention, creating invisible harms for society’ (Center for Humane Technology,…

Published: October 22, 2024 12:32

Reinvestment:Het is het proces waarbij je terugvalt op expliciete kennis en regels om je bewegingen te sturen, in plaats van te vertrouwen op impliciet, automatisch leren.

Technology, Media Literacy, and the Human Subject - 1. Introduction

Published: October 22, 2024 12:29

develop an approach that reflects this interrelationality and that can be an effectively used for media literacy.The authors approach to research

Any books about how someone used Zettelkasten to write a book on a subject other than Zettelkasten?

Published: October 22, 2024 12:29

You mention: *my digital repository is easily over 20,000 (though only 19K+ are public)*. and link to your h. repository here. That makes me wonder, do you regard each annotation as a note for your ZK? I find I myself treat the annotations as first inputs…

Technology, Media Literacy, and the Human Subject - 1. Introduction

Published: October 22, 2024 12:26

relations between humans and technologies led me to an approach in philosophy of technology called postphenomenologyPostphenomenology (new vocabulary word I learned) - the author researches the mediating relations between humans and technologies.…

Muslim community honors Prophet Muhammad after incident at Hamline University - YouTube

Published: October 22, 2024 12:25

Severe lack of context of the incident, and the historical context of portraying Mohammed, is very evident here. The imam says "that we Muslims don't show images of the prophet" which is partially true, some Muslims don't. An interesting parallel with the…

Technology, Media Literacy, and the Human Subject - 1. Introduction

Published: October 22, 2024 12:23

In order to accomplish this, a concise transdisciplinary approach comprised of a general framework and specific instrument is proposed.In order to accomplish a practical analysis without losing theoretical perspective, we must be presented with a framework…

Muslim community honors Prophet Muhammad after incident at Hamline University - YouTube

Published: October 22, 2024 12:23

Muslim community honors Prophet Muhammad after incident at Hamline UniversityHamline incident discussed at Fox News.

Published: October 22, 2024 12:17

Substance-abusing individuals show lower self-deception than non-drug users.dit zou toch juist andersom moeten zijn?

Published: October 22, 2024 12:08

Undetected physical pathology 2. Somatization disorder = a pattern of recurrent poly symptomatic symptoms that lead to medical treatment or impaired daily functioning. It usually begins before 30 and can be active for a long time. It is one of…

Published: October 22, 2024 11:36

However, there are no recommendations for how to report information about invalid responses or performance to patients during a feedback sessionEen belangrijk probleem is echter dat er geen richtlijnen zijn over hoe de informatie over ongeldige reacties…

Omid Safi on CNN Jake Tapper January 9th 2023 on images of Prophet Muhammad (controversy at Hamline) - YouTube

Published: October 22, 2024 11:33

04:30 Question of how these images are now marginalised in the Islamic community. Came from the Ottoman Empire? Safi blames the rise of Salafi and Wahhabi movements. These images seem to portray mainly the mi'raj, ie spiritual and mystical dimensions. And…

Über BSI - Ihr Partner für Fortschritt

Published: October 22, 2024 11:31

Erzielung eines positiven Nutzens für Einzelpersonen, Organisationen und die GesellschaftPositive Vorteile erzielen für Individuen, Organisationen und die Gesellschaft

Über BSI - Ihr Partner für Fortschritt

Published: October 22, 2024 11:29

Als Unterzeichner des UN Global Compact sind wir stolz darauf, die Grundsätze der UN-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung zu unterstützen.Wir sind Unterzeichner des UN Global Compact und stolz darauf, die Grundsätze der UN-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung zu…

Über BSI - Ihr Partner für Fortschritt

Published: October 22, 2024 11:29

Als Akteure des positiven Wandels gehen wir Partnerschaften ein, um die Nachhaltigkeitsherausforderungen zu bewältigenAls Partner für positiven Wandel stellen wir uns den Herausforderungen der Nachhaltigkeit

Omid Safi on CNN Jake Tapper January 9th 2023 on images of Prophet Muhammad (controversy at Hamline) - YouTube

Published: October 22, 2024 11:27

"We believe in academic freedom, but it should not and cannot be used to excuse away behavior that harms others." STATEMENT FROM HAMLINE UNIVERSITY 1:05 A good point by Safi is that the statements of the director was assuming that the freedom of speech…

Omid Safi on CNN Jake Tapper January 9th 2023 on images of Prophet Muhammad (controversy at Hamline) - YouTube

Published: October 22, 2024 11:25

Omid Safi on CNN Jake Tapper January 9th 2023 on images of Prophet Muhammad (controversy at Hamline)

Noisy neuronal populations effectively encode sound localization in the dorsal inferior colliculus of awake mice

Published: October 22, 2024 11:24

**eLife Assessment** The paper reports the important discovery that the mouse dorsal inferior colliculus, an auditory midbrain area, encodes sound location. The evidence supporting the claims is solid, being supported by both optical and…

Noisy neuronal populations effectively encode sound localization in the dorsal inferior colliculus of awake mice

Published: October 22, 2024 11:24

**Reviewer #1 (Public review):** Summary: In this study, the authors address whether the dorsal nucleus of the inferior colliculus (DCIC) in mice encodes sound source location within the front horizontal plane (i.e., azimuth). They do this using…

Noisy neuronal populations effectively encode sound localization in the dorsal inferior colliculus of awake mice

Published: October 22, 2024 11:24

**Reviewer #2 (Public review):** In the present study, Boffi et al. investigate the manner in which the dorsal cortex of the of the inferior colliculus (DCIC), an auditory midbrain area, encodes sound location azimuth in awake, passively listening…

Noisy neuronal populations effectively encode sound localization in the dorsal inferior colliculus of awake mice

Published: October 22, 2024 11:24

**Reviewer #3 (Public review):** Summary: Boffi and colleagues sought to quantify the single-trial, azimuthal information in the dorsal cortex of the inferior colliculus (DCIC), a relatively understudied subnucleus of the auditory midbrain. They…

Noisy neuronal populations effectively encode sound localization in the dorsal inferior colliculus of awake mice

Published: October 22, 2024 11:24

**Author response:** The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews. > **Public Reviews:** > > **Reviewer #1 (Public Review):** > > Summary: > > In this study, the authors address whether the dorsal nucleus of the inferior colliculus…

WhatsApp Web

Published: October 22, 2024 11:23

where are the screws..???CAUSE - Screws are sometimes sent loose in the bag of kitchen fittings SOLUTION - Full set of sink clips sent

Title for Open Graph

Published: October 22, 2024 11:18

a sequence (such as a list or string)... an iterable. This includes sets, dictionaries (the iteration will yield keys, values or key-value-pairs), and generators (such as ranges)


Published: October 22, 2024 10:42

The algorithmic complexity of jointly sampling and com-puting the log-det-Jacobian terms of the inference modelscales as O(LN 2) + O(KD), where L is the number ofdeterministic layers used to map the data to the parame-ters of the flow, N is the average…

Published: October 22, 2024 10:31

PsychologicalZodra is vastgesteld dat de symptomen van het kind niet echt zijn, moet worden bepaald wat de verklaring is voor het gedrag van de ouder. Mogelijke verklaringen zijn onder andere: Malingering (simulatie) voor financieel gewin. Een…

Published: October 22, 2024 10:30

The doctor suggests viewing the diagnosis as an alternative which should be ruled out during a period of intensive surveillance. 2. Investigators place cameras in the child's hospital environment or arrange a search warrant. 3. A doctor reviews the…

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