🦜 On the Quiet Side of a Red Moon
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A blog about hobbies, tabletop games and finding time in a busy life.
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A Screenshot, Some Colours and a Scheme
Published: February 2, 2025 13:17
Quite a while ago, Miniac posted a video where he used a photo as the basis for a colour scheme. Others have also visited the same idea, but it’s an interesting concept and it struck me as a fun way to find interesting new colour schemes to try. Recently,…
Rediscovering RSS
Published: January 21, 2025 12:19
In the olden days, before the internet devolved into “five giant websites, each filled with screenshots of the other four”, the web was full of blogs, news sites and other content. And while you could just visit each page to find out if there were any…
A Useful Little Workstation
Published: November 8, 2024 09:06
Back in November of 2022, I was just recently migrated off Twitter to Mastodon and was starting to learn about the rest of the Fediverse. Someone called Ari was just starting up a Pixelfed instance for mini-painting called, appropriately,…
Having a go at Non-Metallic Metals (NMM)
Published: October 30, 2024 06:10
Whilst the simplest and easiest way to paint the metal bits on your mini is just to use metallic paints, there’s a whole other effect you can go for using nonmetallic paints to simulate the highlights and reflections. I’ve been interested in giving it a…
Australian FLGS
Published: October 25, 2024 12:08
Ive been keeping a list of friendly local game stores (FLGS) that I use to find products I’m looking for because I prefer to order things locally if I can. I haven’t ordered from all of the retailers listed (I generally favour Combat Company and Milsims,…
A Blog is born
Published: October 25, 2024 05:44
I’m still setting this site up, and I’ll have to come up with a better name, but it exists. It is here. I’ll be using it to share the miniatures and tabletop stuff I find myself working on. I’ll probably continue to post WIP shots to Pixelfed, and to do…