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The Flick -- A term used by air traffic controllers to describe a mental model representing the current and future positions of air traffic in a section of airspace. Controllers visualize the paths of multiple aircraft in terms of position, altitude, trajectory and speed. Controllers also refer to this as "having the picture." But the picture moves -- like a movie -- hence the term “the flick.”

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A Different Foggy Day

Published: September 7, 2024 21:58

We were in the clouds this morning on Monte Sano.  And I do mean "we".  It cooled off, it's Saturday and people came out of the woodwork. There must have been a dozen bikers in just one group.Anyway, I didn't get any pictures but I thought I'd use this…

With the Sky

Published: September 6, 2024 16:37

If this keeps up, y'all will grow jaded.  It was spectacular on Monte Sano this morning. This was 48 minutes before sunrise and it just keep showing off all morning. There were times when I gave up trying to work the earth into the composition as just went…

The Sky to the North

Published: September 5, 2024 20:51

Most people would never know it.  But this morning wasn't a total loss.  The sky to the north decided to light up long enough for me to get a few pictures on an otherwise-overcast morning.  About 35 minutes before sunrise.Nikon D7500 — Nikon 18-300mm F6.3…

I'm On the Sun

Published: September 4, 2024 18:52

I wasn't kidding about the bikers.  They don't ever stick around.  They've got jobs.  Places to be.  People to see.  This was 15 minutes after they left.  Everybody else is on the clock but I'm on the Sun. Another fantastic sunrise from the overlook at…

The Early Bikers

Published: September 4, 2024 14:57

Finally!  I was able to talk my biker friends into sitting still for just a few moments while I got the shot.  Okay, maybe it was the sunrise that got them to sit still.  Just remember, it's the early bikers that get the shot.As always, from the overlook…

Take the Win

Published: September 4, 2024 09:19

When I saw that Flickr Friday's theme this week was #Starburst, I started thinking of ideas I could try out. And then we had this wonderful sunrise on Sunday.  It was just too easy.  I thought I'd work on other ideas and hold this in reserve. But here it…

Always the Color

Published: September 3, 2024 19:00

What a wonderful morning!  The wind was blowing, nice and cool.  You could believe Summer is over (it isn't) and the sky had some really interesting clouds.On mornings like this, you can make yourself crazy trying to pick which one to show.  I'm telling…

Think Me Rude

Published: September 2, 2024 20:29

Boy, I sure am glad I stopped to talk to whoever it was I was talking to when I saw this.  Otherwise, I would have never seen it.  The backlighting was perfect.  I hope they won't think me rude (although I probably was).Nikon D7500 — Nikon 18-300mm F6.3 ED…

Diverting My Attention

Published: September 1, 2024 14:22

My regular followers will realize the Sun doesn't rise in this part of the sky (at the moment).  And it isn't like I didn't have plenty to shoot on the other side of the Golan Heights (where the Sun is currently rising).  But the colors were so pretty over…

15 Minutes Later

Published: September 1, 2024 13:46

Enjoy another one from yesterday while I look over the ones from today.  (It was another great morning.)  This is 15 minutes after the previous one in my Flickr feed.  It's a good thing to start the month off with two great sunrises.  It will tide me over…