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October Budget 2: How much do UK taxes need to rise to end public spending austerity?

Published: September 3, 2024 08:01

Austerity is a term used in many different ways, but this post will involve numbers, so I need to be precise about what I mean by ending austerity. I want a measure to capture how the provision of public services (including welfare provision) is…

Transforming the politics of immigration

Published: August 27, 2024 08:03

Much public discussion about immigration, including much of the print and broadcast media, negates rather than promotes understanding. The most obvious example is that polling companies still ask voters whether they think immigration is too high, and those…

October Budget 1: can economic growth end austerity?

Published: August 20, 2024 07:55

The October Budget will tell us a great deal about how Rachel Reeves will act as Chancellor during this Labour government. As a result, before the Budget I intend to write a number of posts setting out the main macroeconomic issues as I see it. This first…

Racist riots and the Conservative party

Published: August 13, 2024 07:43

There is no doubt that the actions of the most senior members of the Conservative party have encouraged the riots by right wing racist thugs that we saw recently in the UK. That encouragement was not some unavoidable consequence of legitimate policy…

If Labour is serious about defeating right wing populism, it needs to reform large parts of the media

Published: August 6, 2024 11:14

The new Labour government aims to counter the “snake oil charm of populism”. Right wing populism suggests that minorities or outsiders represent a threat to the national majority, and it thereby encourages and excuses the racism we have seen expressed by…

Was yesterday’s announcement austerity redux?

Published: July 30, 2024 07:10

Rachel Reeves yesterday wanted to establish in the public mind the extent of the fiscal mess that the last government had left behind. She was absolutely right to do so. As I wrote at the beginning of this year, the last government by giving incredible…

More power to the OBR?

Published: July 23, 2024 08:00

The new bill to ensure that a UK government obtains the OBR’s analysis for any fiscal event is largely symbolic, because the reaction to the Truss fiscal event will be enough to ensure that happens anyway. However there does seem to be a more general…

Two myths about the future of the Conservative party

Published: July 16, 2024 07:56

In my last post I berated those in the media who hyped the threat of right wing populism represented by the votes won by Farage’s Reform party when the main story was the defeat of a right wing populist Conservative government. In this short post I want to…

What the Conservative rout tells us about the popularity of a right wing populist government

Published: July 8, 2024 07:41

It is jarring to see many journalists on election night fret about the Reform vote and talk about the rise of right wing populism when the main story of the night was the total electoral failure of a right wing populist government. The 2024 UK election…

Why tactical voting in this election could change the nature of the UK’s political debate

Published: July 1, 2024 08:16

If Labour are bound to win this week, is there any point to tactical voting? Some on the left have suggested voting for a more progressive candidate who has no hope of winning, even if this might contribute to electing a Conservative MP. The rationale is…