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The Swiss Army Knife for the Agency Project, Part 3: Other GitHub Tools
Published: April 24, 2024 00:00
This post concludes the article series that overviews how our open-source project utilizes the GitHub platform for software development. In this last part, we will examine documentation, communication tools, and some utilities that help the development…
The Swiss Army Knife for the Agency Project, Part 2: Release Management with GitHub
Published: April 23, 2024 00:00
This article will examine how we handle releasing and artifact delivery with GitHub tools in our open-source project. When designing our project’s release process, we have kept it lightweight but efficient enough. One important goal has been ensuring that…
The Swiss Army Knife for the Agency Project, Part 1: GitHub Actions
Published: April 22, 2024 00:00
Our research project has been utilizing GitHub tools for several years. Most of the features are free for publicly hosted open-source projects. We have used these tools with an experimental spirit, gathering experience from the different features. Although…
Issuing Chatbot
Published: April 11, 2024 00:00
This post is a development story (or hands-on workshop) of how we can use an FSM chatbot to implement SSI Services to allow any SSI/DID owner to be an issuer. Let’s start with the result and see what the state machine looks like. As you can see below, it’s…
I want mDL!
Published: April 6, 2024 00:00
It’s funny that we don’t have a mobile driver’s license in Finland. In the Nordics, we are usually good with digital and mobile services. For example, we have had somewhat famous bank IDs from the early 90s.
For the record, Iceland has had a mobile…
Managing GitHub Branch Protections
Published: March 27, 2024 00:00
GitHub has recently improved its automatic pull request handling and branch protection features. I have found these features handy, and nowadays, I enable them regardless of the project type to help me automate the project workflows and protect the code…
Path to Passwordless
Published: January 5, 2024 00:00
Passkeys and security keys have gained more and more popularity lately, and no wonder – they provide much more security and usability than passwords. These authentication methods utilize strong and phishing-resistant public key credentials that the keys or…
Test Coverage Beyond Unit Testing
Published: November 16, 2023 00:00
Automated testing is your superpower against regression. It prevents you from breaking existing functionality when introducing new code changes. The most important aspect of automated testing is automation. The testing should happen automatically in the…
How To Write Modifiable & Readable Go Code
Published: October 22, 2023 00:00
Since jumping on the OSS (Open Source Software) wagon, I have been learning new things about software development and getting more evidence to do certain things in a specific way.
Two of my favorite ’things’ at the code level are readability and…
How To Write Performant Go Code
Published: October 8, 2023 00:00
I suppose all of us programmers have heard of the infamous premature optimization:
Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming.
Really? I don’t think so.
The full quote from the must-read The Art of Computer Programming by Donald Knuth:…
GopherCon UK 2023
Published: September 13, 2023 00:00
Test Coverage
Published: August 24, 2023 00:00
GopherCon UK 2023, London Slides for GopherCon UK 2023, August 2023
Laura presenting at GopherCon UK 2023. Photo by GopherCon UK. FooConf 2023, Helsinki Slides for FooConf 2023, November 2023
Laura presenting at FooConf 2023. Photo by FooConf. GoLab 2023,…
GopherCon UK 2023
Published: August 23, 2023 00:00
At the beginning of this year, I set myself a target to speak at a Go programming language conference. There were several reasons to do so. Go has been one of my favorite tools for years, and I have longed for an excuse to join a Go event. Giving a speech…
Beautiful State-Machines - FSM Part II
Published: June 22, 2023 00:00
As I explained in my previous blog post, the idea of chatbots came quite naturally for our SSI development team. Think tanks or research labs are outstanding workplaces when you have something to chew. And how juicy topic the SSI has been, oh boy.
The Agency Workshop
Published: June 13, 2023 00:00
During the Findy Agency project, our development team initially placed greater emphasis on running and deploying the agency in terms of documentation. Due to this prioritization, instructions on building agency clients have gotten less attention. We have…
The Time to Build SSI Capabilities Is Now
Published: June 9, 2023 00:00
During hallway discussions with various teams and organizations in recent months, I have been surprised by the emphasis on the underlying technology in SSI implementations. Even non-technical folks are wondering, e.g., which credential format will overcome…
Digital Identity Hack Part 3 – Introduction to SSI Presentation
Published: May 25, 2023 00:00
The rise of self-sovereign identity (SSI) presents a groundbreaking opportunity for progress and expansion in the financial sector, with the capacity to reshape digital financial services, simplify transactions, and facilitate seamless interactions. To…
Digital Identity Hack Part 2 – Panel Discussion on Blockchain Projects
Published: May 23, 2023 00:00
The emergence of self-sovereign identity (SSI) offers a revolutionary opportunity for innovation and growth in the financial world, potentially transforming digital financial services, streamlining transactions, and enabling seamless interaction. To…
Digital Identity Hack – Unlocking the Potential of SSI
Published: May 11, 2023 00:00
The emergence of self-sovereign identity (SSI) technologies has the potential to revolutionize the digital landscape of the financial world, presenting unparalleled opportunities for innovation and growth. As SSI gains momentum, it can transform how we…
Deploying with CDK Pipeline
Published: May 8, 2023 00:00
My previous post described how we have been using the native AWS IaC tools for defining and updating our PoC environment infrastructure. The story ended with taking AWS CDK v2 in use and switching the deployment process on top of CDK pipelines. In this…
CDK-based Continuous Deployment for OSS
Published: May 8, 2023 00:00
Agency's IaC Journey
Published: April 25, 2023 00:00
In the early days of Findy Agency’s development project, it became evident that we needed a continuously running environment in the cloud to try out different proofs-of-concept (PoCs) and demos quickly and easily. As our team is small, we wanted to rely…
No-Code SSI Chatbots - FSM Part I
Published: March 13, 2023 00:00
In this blog post, I’ll explain the syntax of our chatbot language. The good news is that the language is simple, and we already offer some development tools like UML rendering. There’ll be a second post where we’ll dive deeply into the implementation…
CDK-based Continous Deployment for OSS
Published: March 7, 2023 00:00
Slides for Tampere AWS User Group Meetup, March 2023
Laura at AWS User Group Meetup (Photo by Harri Lakkala)
Introduction to Self-Sovereign Identity
Published: February 20, 2023 00:00
Slides for Digital Identity Hack 2023 Kick-off
Harri Lainio introducing SSI
Introduction to Self-Sovereign Identity
Published: February 20, 2023 00:00
How to Equip Your App with VC Superpowers
Published: February 6, 2023 00:00
My previous blog post explained how to get started with SSI service agents using our CLI tool. But what about the next step, the integration into your application?
As I have previously described in my earlier blog post, Findy Agency API is the interface to…
Getting Started with SSI Service Agent Development
Published: January 30, 2023 00:00
In the new SSI world, we craft digital services according to the self-sovereign identity model. We will have applications that issue credentials for the data they possess and applications that can verify these credentials. The central entity is the digital…
Hyperledger Global Forum 2022 Presentation
Published: October 10, 2022 00:00
Ledger Multiplexer
Published: September 30, 2022 00:00
In this technical blog post, I’ll explain how I implemented a plugin system into our Indy SDK Go wrapper and then extended it to work as a multiplexer. The plugin system allows us to use a key/value-based storage system instead of the normal Indy ledger.…
The Hyperledger Global Forum Experience
Published: September 27, 2022 00:00
Our team started utilizing Hyperledger technologies in 2019 when we began the experimentation with decentralized identity. Since then, we have implemented our identity agency with the help of two Hyperledger Foundation projects: Hyperledger Indy for…
Hyperledger Global Forum 2022
Published: September 13, 2022 00:00
Slides for Hyperledger Global Forum 2022 breakout session
The Findy Agency API
Published: August 29, 2022 00:00
The gRPC API serves the client applications. The Findy Agency clients can control their agents through the Findy Agency API over the high-performing gRPC protocol. The API design results from iterative planning and multiple development cycles. Initially,…
Demo: Alice-Faber-Acme
Published: August 24, 2022 00:00
See description and instructions here
FTN Issuer Demo
Published: May 2, 2022 00:00
A shortcut for SSI adoption is to use existing APIs when issuing credentials and build so-called self-service issuers. In this demo, we showcase how to implement a service for issuing credentials for Finnish Trust Network data.
Read more
Trust in Your Wallet
Published: April 27, 2022 00:00
Our previous post showed how to speed up the leap to the SSI world for existing OIDC clients, i.e., web services using external identity providers for their user authentication. Our demonstrated concept enabled users to log in to web services using…
SSI-Empowered Identity Provider
Published: April 14, 2022 00:00
Open ID Connect (OIDC) is a popular identity protocol for authenticating users and providing identity data for access control. It allows web services to externalize the authentication of end-users by securely signing users in using a third-party identity…
SSI-Empowered Identity Provider
Published: April 7, 2022 00:00
Utilizing SSI wallets and verifiable credentials in OIDC authentication flows has been an interesting research topic for our team already for a while now. As said, the OIDC protocol is popular. Countless web services sign their users in using OIDC identity…
Replacing Indy SDK
Published: March 14, 2022 00:00
Once again, we are at the technology crossroad: we have to decide how to proceed with our SSI/DID research and development. Naturally, the business potential is the most critical aspect, but the research subject has faced the phase where we have to change…
The Missing Network Layer Model
Published: March 5, 2022 00:00
The W3C’s DID Specification is flawed without the network layer model.
You might think that I have lost my mind. We have just reported that our Indy SDK based DID agency is AIP 1.0 compatible, and everything is wonderful. What’s going on?
Well, let’s start…
Interoperability Testing Demo
Published: January 19, 2022 00:00
Test 1: Findy Agency based issuer/verifier with Lissi Wallet
A Findy Agency utilizing issuer tool invites Lissi Wallet to form a pairwise connection. Issuer tool sends and verifies a credential with Lissi Wallet.
Test 2: Findy Agency Web Wallet with…
Fostering Interoperability
Published: January 19, 2022 00:00
Different services have different requirements and technical stacks; there are also multiple ways to implement the Aries agent support in an application. Some projects choose to rely on an Aries framework of a specific language and bundle the functionality…
Findy Agency Presentation
Published: December 8, 2021 00:00
Demo: Findy Bots
Published: December 8, 2021 00:00
Anchoring Chains of Trust
Published: November 9, 2021 00:00
You will notice a repetitive pattern once you start to play with public-key cryptography. Everything is about chains, or more precisely about the links in the chain. You build these links with public/private key pairs. Links are unidirectional, which means…
Published: November 8, 2021 00:00
Overall Findy Agency Deployment Architecture Internet-facing reverse proxy Nginx, AWS load balancer etc. can work as a reverse proxy. It is recommended to use single domain for request routing to avoid hassle with FIDO2 origin requirements and CORS.
The Arm Adventure on Docker
Published: September 20, 2021 00:00
Since the Findy Agency project launched, Docker has been one of our main tools to help set up the agency development and deployment environments. First of all, we use Docker images for our cloud deployment. On a new release, the CI build pipeline bundles…
Published: September 8, 2021 00:00
The success of our team is measured:
How well do we understand certain emerging technologies? How relevant they are to the business we are in? How much potential do they have for our company’s business? If you are asking yourself if the order of the list…
Findy Agency Architecture
Published: August 20, 2021 00:00
Overview of Findy Agency. See more detailed description in findy-agent documentation. The backend server of Findy Agency consists of three services:
core/findy-agent that handles all agent functionality including credential handling and Aries protocols…
Announcing Findy Agency
Published: August 11, 2021 00:00
Findy Agency provides a Hyperledger Aries compatible identity agent service. It includes a web wallet for individuals and an API for organizations to utilize functionality related to verified data exchange: issuing, holding, verifying, and proving…
Service Agents
Published: August 10, 2021 00:00
Service agents i.e. organization agents utilize Findy Agency through its gRPC API. The agent creation and authentication is handled through the headless authenticator, acator, that implements the FIDO2 protocol. Once authenticated, all agent functionality…
First Steps with Findy Agency
Published: August 10, 2021 00:00
Full Agency Setup Agency services can be setup easily locally using Docker. Check further instructions here. The instructions describe how to launch all the needed backend services in Docker containers together with a simulated ledger. There is also a…