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From crayons to perfume: Top 10 school flicks

Published: September 8, 2024 00:00

I know that this is silly (I’m 68 years old, fergawdsake)- but as soon as retailers start touting their “back to school” sales, I still get that familiar twinge of dread. It’s a vague sensation of social anxiety, coupled with a melancholy resignation to…


Published: September 7, 2024 22:00

Five years ago today He had been very pleased that they called him “your excellency” which he insists they never called any other president because they respected him so much you’ve never seen anything like it. I still remember the shock at learning that…

Not Worth Mentioning

Published: September 7, 2024 20:30

No big deal. Just the VP of the only two term GOP presidency in the last 40 years just endorsed the Democrat for president. Ho hum. Business as usual. I know it’s a tired trope but I want you to imagine what they would have done if Al Gore had come out in…


Published: September 7, 2024 19:00

So he’s a little rapey and a lot stupid but his tariff policy is just awesome How could anyone take this person seriously again? (You know the Trump cult won’t…) She has shown herself to be a person without any kind of moral center. Nikki Haley, the former…

Trump Wanted To Remind Everyone That He’s A Pig

Published: September 7, 2024 17:30

The “Bro” Strategy Maggie Haberman with a good write up of Trump’s demented “press conference” yesterday. This first line is exactly how it should be framed: If any voters had forgotten that Donald J. Trump was accused by multiple women of sexual…

Moms For Liberty Sinks

Published: September 7, 2024 16:30

This really should have been part of the Trump appearance story in the mainstream media. But then, they didn’t mention that he said kids were getting gender reassignent surgery in the nurse’s office in public school so why say anything bout this? Scandal,…

Beyond The Blue Islands

Published: September 7, 2024 14:30

Is Trump Fever breaking? Politico on Friday announced that the Harris-Walz campaign has hired my friend Matt Hildreth of progressive Rural Organizing dot org as the campaign’s National Rural Outreach Director. Hildreth’s group announced it formally in a…

The Cost Of RFK Jr.’s Vanity Project

Published: September 7, 2024 13:00

Taxpayers could pay for striking Kennedy’s name Elections staffs across North Carolina had prepared over 100,000 absentee ballots to go into the mail on Friday as the law requires. A lawsuit by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. put a halt to it: The State Board of…

Friday Night Soother

Published: September 6, 2024 23:30

Baby Koala! Yay! A few fun facts: – Baby Koalas are known as ‘Joeys’. Scientists often refer to them using terms like ‘juveniles’, ‘pouch young’ and ‘back young’. – Younger breeding females usually give birth to one Joey each year, depending on a range of…

Going Full Nazi

Published: September 6, 2024 22:00

Michelle Goldberg takes on the latest rad fad on the authoritarian right: Hitler apologia and holocaust denial. You knew it was coming, right? She is responding to (yet another) right wing “influencer” and alleged historian named Darryl Cooper and his…

Uday And Qusay’s Latest Debacle

Published: September 6, 2024 20:30

The Trump spawn are in over their heads as usual It looks like the two oldest Trump boys are following the footsteps of their father the online media mogul whose stock will soon be worthless. They’re going to lose a lot of people a lot of money with this…

Trump Gets Another Reprieve

Published: September 6, 2024 19:00

Everyone’s been waiting for this so naturally it’s a dud: The judge overseeing Donald J. Trump’s criminal case in Manhattan postponed his sentencing until after Election Day, a significant victory for the former president as he seeks to overturn his…

Today’s Unhinged Trump Rant

Published: September 6, 2024 17:30

Trump held another unhinged “press conference” (at which he took no questions) today: Trump today: “I grab her and I start kissing her and making out with her. What are the chances of that happening?” Well.. Trump 2005 Access Hollywood: “I’m automatically…

A Double Standard For The Ages

Published: September 6, 2024 16:00

It seems like only yesterday that the elite media were extremely concerned that President Joe Biden had mistakenly referred to the president of Egypt as the president of Mexico. In the course of an otherwise cogent discussion of foreign affairs, he’d made…

Agents of Chaos

Published: September 6, 2024 14:30

They know nothing, nothing! By now you’ve read that the Department of Justice has indicted two employees of Russia’s RT network for spending nearly $10 million to pump pro-Russian propaganda into the U.S. digital mindstream: “The Justice Department has…

President Cognitive Abilities

Published: September 6, 2024 13:00

Lord High Overseer of Gibberish A friend owned an outdoor equipment store near me when I was in my 20s. When I stopped in to browse, Jim would smile and greet me like a stranger, saying mock-formally, “Good afternoon, sir. How may I help you?” Glancing…

Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty

Published: September 6, 2024 00:00

He paid his taxes late. They threw the book at him. I fully expect that they are going to throw him in jail for doing something that millions of Americans do every year and simply pay fines and interest. But this is Hunter Biden not an ordinary American…

DJT Plunges

Published: September 5, 2024 22:30

The stock price of Trump’s media company Truth Social continues its plunge. It’s downright spectacular: Shares of former President Donald J. Trump’s social media company have fallen so much that his onetime $6 billion stake is now worth about $2 billion.…

Useful Idiots?

Published: September 5, 2024 21:00

Maaaybe…. The indictment of Russian agents bankrolling a bunch of very heavy hitting right wing “influencers” says those influencer had no idea what was going on and they all insist they were “victims” (who were being paid as much as 400k a month to make…

Appealing To The GenZ Boys

Published: September 5, 2024 19:30

This is kind of depressing but it’s important. Dan Pfeiffer took a look at the gender gap and it’s a large as ever. But the younger men of Gen Z are far more likely to vote for Trump this year than they were in 2020. And it’s a problem. If the current…

The “Sane-Washing” Is Getting Worse

Published: September 5, 2024 18:16

Mike Barnicle had a viral clip on Morning Joe today about the media refusing to report on Trump as he really is: Greg Sargent went deeper on this subject today, referencing Barnicle and pointing out that we are simply not seeing the kind of coverage of…

A Member Of The US Senate

Published: September 5, 2024 17:30

We wonder how it can be that Donald Trump is running even with Kamala Harris even after all we know about him and his demented performance on the stump? There are tens of millions of people who are just like him. Like Senator Ron Johnson who is a…

Put Elon In Charge

Published: September 5, 2024 16:30

Musk’s new “commission” looks like a go He plans to cut taxes and regulations to make life easier for his vastly wealthy friends to raze the government to the ground: Donald Trump plans to outline a suite of economic proposals in a speech here Thursday,…

Republicans Make Rubble Bounce

Published: September 5, 2024 14:30

They’re banning what’s already banned As closely as I monitor these things, this one slipped by me (Center for Media and Democracy): Eight states will vote to amend their state constitutions in November to ban noncitizens from voting in elections. If these…

Liz Cheney, Patriot

Published: September 5, 2024 13:00

Precious few, but not no principled conservatives Only a fool would predict a new Donald Trump scandal will finally collapse his support. The Trump shock troops who cover their lawns and trucks and boats and bodies in loud professions of their MAGA faith…

I wish this wasn’t an evergreen post

Published: September 5, 2024 01:14

You know it’s the first day of school in America when… I’ve run out of words on this subject, so I am reposting this (again). (Originally posted on Digby’s Hullabaloo on February 14, 2023) Tell me why: A therapeutic mixtape In a 2016 piece about the mass…

Get Ready For The New Conspiracy

Published: September 4, 2024 22:00

Sigh. Trump’s assassination attempt was an inside job: Just hours after the assassination attempt against Donald Trump on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania, high-profile allies of the ex-president began promoting unfounded conspiracy theories and blaming…

Clarence’s Mouthpiece

Published: September 4, 2024 22:00

Is there any doubt that Ginni is speaking for her husband here? Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, privately heaped praise on a major religious-rights group for fighting efforts to reform the nation’s highest court — efforts…

In Case You Forgot

Published: September 4, 2024 20:30

Trump’s a racist Just watch this: We all know old guys like him and the women who love them. There are a lot of them. And plenty of young ones too. His condescending appeal that he’s “done more for the Blacks” than any other president makes my head…

Trump Art

Published: September 4, 2024 17:30

Trump kitsch is the worst American politics has ever produced, by far. From golden statues to t-shirts to murals and beyond it is the most gawdawful dreck ever made. Books will be written about it, graduate theses will be based on it. In fact there should…

Desultory Don Would Rather Whine Than Win

Published: September 4, 2024 16:00

One of the articles of faith about the 2020 election among the MAGA crowd is that Joe Biden couldn’t possibly have won the election because he “campaigned from his basement” and never spoke before the big crowds as Donald Trump did. Biden didn’t campaign…

The F#ck Yeah Factor

Published: September 4, 2024 14:30

I’ll have what she’s having Michael Podhorzer offers a thread of observations on why unions are gaining public approval where other institutions are losing it: You may have heard that public support for unions “has been increasing”—but you probably haven’t…

You. Have. Been. Warned.

Published: September 4, 2024 13:00

Don’t say, “No one could have imagined” One of many famous quotes from the G.W. Bush administration was by National Security Advisor Dr. Condoleezza Rice in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. “No one could have imagined” an enemy…

“The Enemy Within”

Published: September 3, 2024 23:30

He tried. Oh how he tried: The long line there was the Special Counsel he had Bill Barr name to “investigate the investigators” — the Durham investigation. Like all the others they came to nothing because there was nothing. He, on the other hand, tried to…

Where Did All The Money Go?

Published: September 3, 2024 22:00

Gosh, I wonder? The leader of House Republicans’ biggest super PAC told donors last month he needed $35 million more to compete with Democrats in the fall. Senate GOP campaign chair Steve Daines used his primetime speaking slot at the Republican convention…

What happens to the GOP when Trump is gone?

Published: September 3, 2024 20:30

JV Last at the Bulwark published one of those essays this morning that make you both depressed and relieved at the same time. Depressed because it tells a truth that you really wish wasn’t true and relieved because you realize you haven’t been crazy for…

How Could They Do That To Dear Leader?

Published: September 3, 2024 19:00

Trump has primed his cult to believe that Kamala Harris is an illegitimate president. Of course he has. “Obama wasn’t born in the US!” “Clinton shouldn’t be allowed to run!”because of her emails. “Joe Biden didn’t win, they cheated!” Now he’s laying the…

Why Would Anyone Vote Trump Back In?

Published: September 3, 2024 17:30

Aside from the obvious, his actual performance was just terrible. Here a just a couple of data points I ran across this morning: I guess when people say they liked his policies, they meant his policies to deny people health insurance. How about this one?…

Assholery As A Lifestyle

Published: September 3, 2024 14:30

Pithy turns of phrase for dysfunctional personalities Tim Miller of The Bulwark appearing the other day on MSNBC used the phrase “emotional support cougar” to describe the over-made-up groupies who decorate Donald Trump’s Mar-al-Lago resort. The term seems…

Teaching The Choir To Sing

Published: September 3, 2024 13:00

Tim Walz on Labor Day The Labor Day clip of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz speaking in Milwaukee (“very good at this” below) went viral on Monday. After I transcribed and posted the gist of it on several platforms, it went nuts on Mastodon. (Don’t ask me why, but…

The Withdrawal

Published: September 2, 2024 23:30

Since Trump is determined that we are going to talk about the Afghanistan withdrawal let’s talk about it. Kevin Drum has the best discussion that I’ve seen: The entire operation had only one serious failure: the death of 13 American service members (and…

About Vanky’s Millions Of Jobs

Published: September 2, 2024 22:00

During Trump’s very weird event with Moms for Liberty last week he lied many times as he always does. And this particular lie is one he keeps telling and it keeps not being true. After telling them that he had wanted to make Ivanka “UN Secretary” (which…

Even More Corrupt Than Ever Before

Published: September 2, 2024 20:30

The Republicans have spent the last four years caterwauling about the “Biden Crime Family” and its alleged connections to foreign countries, especially China. They called it the greatest corruption scandal in American history. There was no evidence of…

Trump and Labor

Published: September 2, 2024 19:00

It’s labor day and the blue-collar billionaire, friend of the working man has quite the record: Here’s something he said just a couple of weeks ago that ought to make his union fans think twice, but it won’t: That’s illegal, of course. But as we know, the…

Trump and Mark Levin’s Lovefest

Published: September 2, 2024 17:45

I was going to deconstruct Trump’s inane interview on Fox last night but Tom addressed it well earlier and I came across this and thought it was well done. Trump ran through most of his greatest hits, mangling them like an aging crooner who forgot the…

It’s Not Just Project 2025

Published: September 2, 2024 16:00

Trump is cooking up some plans of his own too He’s going to let the foxes right into the henhouse and one fox in particular: Behind closed doors, former president Donald Trump and his advisers have been talking for months about forming a commission led by…

Destination: Dystopia

Published: September 2, 2024 14:30

Let The Brotherhood Of The Damned be your tour guide Kamala HQ flagged this clip of tech bro “thought leader” Curtis Yarvin advocating an American Caesar as the next step for America. This is the guy incels and billionaire tech autocrats like Peter Thiel…

The Joker For President

Published: September 2, 2024 13:00

The Clown Prince of Grievance Every time one thinks Donald Trump cannot possibly get more demented, he surprises. It’s as if Mark Levin were interviewing The Joker. Except The Joker sports a wide, lipstick-red smile. Trump: “Who ever heard you get indicted…

Apropos Of Nothing …

Published: September 1, 2024 22:00

Zach Beauchamp at Vox wrote this sometime back: On November 21, 1922, the New York Times published its very first article about Adolf Hitler. It’s an incredible read — especially its assertion that “Hitler’s anti-Semitism was not so violent or genuine as…

Family Values

Published: September 1, 2024 20:30

The parents of this child should be ashamed. — Molly Ploofkins™ (@Mollyploofkins) September 1, 2024 Nicolas Kristof says that we shouldn’t demean people like the parents of this little boy because they are good people who are…

Trump Is Not Qualified

Published: September 1, 2024 19:30

But it’s true. He was never qualified and he didn’t learn anything on the job. He’s even more unfit than he was the first time since he is so filled with bitterness that he’s losing what few marbles he had. Still, it really is something that

A Harris Success

Published: September 1, 2024 18:30

Senator Chris Murphy tweeted this earlier today: The story of how VP Harris worked to diffuse a transition of power crisis in Guatemala – while Trump undermined the U.S. by supporting the loser of the election – is both incredible and a sign of how ready…

Why Is The Media Covering For Trump?

Published: September 1, 2024 17:00

Look at that mess. That’s not some blog post written by me after a few drinks at 2 in the morning. It’s the NY Times! For reasons that are obscure they, and much of the mainstream media, is engaged in insane gymnastics trying to keep from accurately…

Those Scamps!

Published: September 1, 2024 14:30

Moms for Liberty gets “a bit carried away” When Donald Trump is not campaigning in a string of sundown towns, he’s rubbing elbows with Moms for Liberty. * The New York Times has the full story: The Moms For Liberty can get a bit carried away — one of their…

Isn’t Reality Warped Enough?

Published: September 1, 2024 13:00

Vance and AI “He’s really thought this through and he is an incredibly twisted man,” Sam Seder tweeted in response to the JD Vance clip below. As if the prospect of this man being one heartbeat away from the presidency isn’t warped enough, our…