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🦜 Crooked Timber

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Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made

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‘Eating dogs’ in a world that has not lost its humanity

Published: September 16, 2024 06:52

In an article published last year, I tried to show that our moral judgement is heavily biased when it comes to migration. For instance, an action that we regard as a minimum moral obligation towards compatriots becomes, towards migrants or foreigners,…

We or They ?

Published: September 15, 2024 01:59

Like most academics these days, I spend a lot of time filling in online forms. Mostly, this is just an annoyance but occasionally I get something out of it. A recent survey in which the higher-ups tried to get an idea of how the workforce was feeling,…

Leo Strauss and Mother Night

Published: September 10, 2024 12:40

I will be brief. Straussianism is a set of interpretative practices along the following lines, as best as I understand it. The great philosophers and thinkers may have a specific private belief – let’s call it x. But they may not be able to say exactly…

Patrick O’Brian is a great conservative writer

Published: September 8, 2024 12:46

[Commercial announcement: My and Abraham Newman’s book, Underground Empire: How America Weaponized the World Economy is still available for $2.99 on Amazon Kindle. Also, it is about to come out in paperback in the UK and US. We now return you to your…

Am I The Immoral Person

Published: September 5, 2024 07:52

Plain People of Crooked Timber: can’t see why you’re drafting us in here so often after leaving us out in the cold for five years or whatever, we are busy people with our own lives and so on. Me: but I love you and you’re the best! Plain People of Crooked…

Dark clouds over Dutch Universities

Published: September 4, 2024 06:46

On Monday, the first day of our academic year, I went to a demonstration. The reason for the demonstration are the announced budget cuts for higher education, which our new right/extreme-right government wants to implement. The figures aren’t set in stone…

Academic nepo babies ?

Published: September 1, 2024 21:47

This study showing that US academic faculty members are 25 times more likely than Americans in general to have a parent with a PhD or Masters degree has attracted a lot of attention, and comments suggesting that this is unusual and unsatisfactory. But is…