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🦜 Nine Lives

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<img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" alt="photo of Karawynn"> Welcome to *Nine Lives*. My name is Karawynn Long, and I’ve been writing things online since 1993. I’ve also written some things offline: I’m an award-winning author of speculative short fiction, and I’m now writing an epic science fantasy novel. The comma in the sentence above conceals a whole lot of life: a corporate career as a graphic designer, the raising of two stepdaughters, a move to a new country, and so much more. I ran away from home as a teenager. I spent a year as a sex worker. I had multiple romantic relationships, usually in parallel. I learned to accept my intrinsic asexuality … and then had to figure out what that meant for my marriage. I became a radical anticapitalist. I developed a painful autoimmune disease that paralyzed both my arms. I went through menopause. I discovered I’m autistic. Not strictly in that order, mind you. I’ve lost track [which of my nine lives]( I’m on now, but I have some stories to tell, is what I’m saying. I also love having deep conversations with other people, I read widely across multiple disciplines, and I’m always chasing those electric, goosebump moments when a connection arcs between separate points with eye-watering brilliance. I hope you’ll come light things up with me. Please remember that reflective responses are always welcome, but respect and kindness will be enforced.

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Posts: 3

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“Weird” Might Save America

Published: August 5, 2024 16:00

For reasons of time and sanity, I do not go out looking for political news. I have a system where it comes to me, slowly, by email and podcast, from carefully curated sources. That way I get to miss 1) much of the ultimately trivial media churn, and 2) all…

Preparing for the Next Market Crash

Published: June 2, 2024 18:30

Twice a year — in April, after US taxes are complete, and six months later in November — I do a full accounting of our household’s financial assets, then run some projections for retirement dates and major financial outlays. It’s all happening a little…

My Kind of People

Published: February 25, 2024 22:00

First, let me utilize my newsletter to (gasp!) convey some actual news: “Hope Is the Thing With Feathers” is a Finalist for Best Short Story in the Asimov’s 2023 Readers’ Award. As a result, it is available for a limited time on the publisher’s web site as…