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This is the newsletter version of [my website]( I post all website updates here. I also post regular content just for the newsletter, on topics like * Formal Methods and applications of math to programming * Software History and Culture * Fringetech and exotic tooling, and deep dives into niche topics * The philosophy and theory of software engineering You can see the archive of all public essays [here](

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Posts: 10

Followers: 2

Five Kinds of Nondeterminism

Published: February 19, 2025 19:37

No newsletter next week, I'm teaching a TLA+ workshop. Speaking of which: I spend a lot of time thinking about formal methods (and TLA+ specifically) because it's where the source of almost all my revenue. But I don't share most of the details because 90%…

What hard thing does your tech make easy?

Published: January 29, 2025 18:09

I occasionally receive emails asking me to look at the writer's new language/library/tool. Sometimes it's in an area I know well, like formal methods. Other times, I'm a complete stranger to the field. Regardless, I'm generally happy to check it out. When…

The Juggler's Curse

Published: January 22, 2025 18:50

I'm making a more focused effort to juggle this year. Mostly boxes, but also classic balls too.1 I've gotten to the point where I can almost consistently do a five-ball cascade, which I thought was the cutoff to being a "good juggler". "Thought" because I…

"Logic for Programmers" Project Update

Published: January 7, 2025 18:49

Happy new year everyone! I released the first Logic for Programmers alpha six months ago. There's since been four new versions since then, with the November release putting us in beta. Between work and holidays I didn't make much progress in December, but…

Formally modeling dreidel, the sequel

Published: December 18, 2024 16:58

Channukah's next week and that means my favorite pastime, complaining about how Dreidel is a bad game. Last year I formally modeled it in PRISM to prove the game's not fun. But because I limited the model to only a small case, I couldn't prove the game was…

Stroustrop's Rule

Published: December 11, 2024 17:32

Just finished two weeks of workshops and am exhausted, so this one will be light. Hanuka Sale Logic for Programmers is on sale until the end of Chanukah! That's Jan 2nd if you're not Jewish. Get it for 40% off here. Stroustrop's Rule I first encountered…


Published: November 19, 2024 19:34

I wrote about hyperproperties on my blog four years ago, but now an intriguing client problem got me thinking about them again.1 We're using TLA+ to model a system that starts in state A, and under certain complicated conditions P, transitions to state B.…