RSS Parrot


🦜 Computer Things

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Hi, I'm Hillel. This is the newsletter version of [my website]( I post all website updates here. I also post weekly content just for the newsletter, on topics like * Formal Methods * Software History and Culture * Fringetech and exotic tooling * The philosophy and theory of software engineering You can see the archive of all public essays [here](

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Posts: 5

Followers: 1

What hard thing does your tech make easy?

Published: January 29, 2025 18:09

I occasionally receive emails asking me to look at the writer's new language/library/tool. Sometimes it's in an area I know well, like formal methods. Other times, I'm a complete stranger to the field. Regardless, I'm generally happy to check it out. When…

The Juggler's Curse

Published: January 22, 2025 18:50

I'm making a more focused effort to juggle this year. Mostly boxes, but also classic balls too.1 I've gotten to the point where I can almost consistently do a five-ball cascade, which I thought was the cutoff to being a "good juggler". "Thought" because I…

"Logic for Programmers" Project Update

Published: January 7, 2025 18:49

Happy new year everyone! I released the first Logic for Programmers alpha six months ago. There's since been four new versions since then, with the November release putting us in beta. Between work and holidays I didn't make much progress in December, but…

Formally modeling dreidel, the sequel

Published: December 18, 2024 16:58

Channukah's next week and that means my favorite pastime, complaining about how Dreidel is a bad game. Last year I formally modeled it in PRISM to prove the game's not fun. But because I limited the model to only a small case, I couldn't prove the game was…