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Technologist for the humans and misanthrope for the machines. Works on digital safety and information security for media and good orgs via Internews. Opinions are my own and subject to drift. NOTE: My skeets are ephemeral and self destruct after a while.

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Published: July 26, 2024 19:23

UK officially recognizes Netanyahu is wanted for war crimes. Begging the question, how long will it continue providing weapons to someone it considers a war crimes suspect? [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: July 26, 2024 09:14

Yes! American conservatives please listen to everything Liz has to say and really try to follow it to the letter, nothing can go wrong. What she did for the British economy was truly something to behold, and her time in power was record breaking. …

Published: July 26, 2024 09:06

All the right wing oped writers preening over Michelle and Barak Obama not endorsing Harris can go get in the sea now. It happened as it was always expected it would. I swear people are tying to fill column inches looking for dramas that just don't exist…

Published: July 26, 2024 08:19

If you read her whole statement, it includes all the backbending and summersaults to placate anyone concerned about the White House taking anything approaching a reasonably hard line with Israel, an occupying power, but even expressing concern about…

Published: July 25, 2024 20:22

"I resigned because of Joe Biden’s disastrous policy on Gaza, providing the financial and diplomatic support for the Israeli military to massacre, starve and forcibly expel countless Palestinians in Gaza." — Lily Greenberg Call…

Published: July 25, 2024 17:35

UK is is expected to drop objections to the ICC prosecutor's pursuit of an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, and has decided to resume funding UNRWA. Small moves, not nearly enough, but actions that pull it away from the U.S. approach to which it's been…

Published: July 25, 2024 14:20

Standard Notes and Signal's 'Note to self' function (disappearing!) are two of my daily driver applications for writing and securely transferring content across devices. But there are some other interesting options here as well. …

Published: July 24, 2024 18:36

I'm not watching, but here for the takes. Rashida Tlaib and her guest, Hani Almadhoun — who lost more than 150 members of his extended family in Gaza from Israel's relentless bombing — are attending. They are the only people who have a reason to be there…

Published: July 24, 2024 13:52

I really doubt there are very many security fears around a Jewish Voice for Peace sit-in. Whatever concerns there are it's what Bibi brings with him. Those who invited him have only themselves to blame.…

Published: July 24, 2024 09:36

Oddschecker is currently giving Mark Kelly the highest percentage of being Kamala's VP choice (11/10). While there are no "good" options for Palestine in the lot, Mark has said the best things out of all of them about it. He's also had the least dings of…

Published: July 24, 2024 09:23

There are enough left independent MPs in UK's parliament right now to form their own party. They'd be bigger than the Greens and could do alliance work with them and what's left of the SNP and just troll centrists with amendments that bait more defection…

Published: July 24, 2024 07:55

It will make it easier for Bibi to hear John Fetterman whooping and loud clapping during the genocide denial parts.

Published: July 24, 2024 07:34

Keir Starmer is a little man. Now that the Conservatives are out, I'll return to just criticizing his every move. His party should turn on him. The Tories lost in large part because poverty is so widespread here. The SNP ran an amendment that Labour should…

Published: July 23, 2024 21:12

The current ringleader behind the 26,000+ children murdered in Gaza over the last six months is addressing Congress tomorrow — invited there by many of your representatives — to demand more weapons to "finish the job." [contains quote post or other…

Published: July 23, 2024 13:19

Elon, who is donating $45 million a month to the Trump campaign, is rate limiting how many people can follow Kamala on his shit show of a platform that people still think they need "for reach." [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: July 23, 2024 07:29

The US doesn't have the political health Palestine needs. The country is not well on the topic, much of it suddenly sounds MAGAish when it comes up. The few that could be better never get far. I mean I'd vote for Rashida Tlaib, easy. Remember when she got…

Published: July 22, 2024 23:35

There is not any kind of president we should want to have a beer with. Besides, she probably sneaks edibles the way she's always cracking up at her own jokes and dropping deep truths when no one expects them. [contains quote post or other embedded…

Published: July 22, 2024 20:34

What is this? Most people saw clips and made fun of them in the TikTok era platforms. Without those, a lot of slipshod debate moments can slide right by. Nixon would not have gotten in the White House if there was a Play Store in the '60s. [contains quote…

Published: July 22, 2024 19:41

Israeli establishment upset Harris is out campaigning to save U.S. democracy from their preferred candidate, Trump, after her boss's blind support for their carnage in Gaza helped cost him his job. [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: July 22, 2024 18:53

Chasing and nagging individuals on whether they vote is annoying and counterproductive. It's herding cats. The energy expended per potential vote carries a lot of waste. It's bro behavior. Hillary, Bernie and Biden all had these types and they alienated…

Published: July 22, 2024 18:23

Hilarious. And Democrats should keep it up. Don't respond to your foes, operate strategically fast and let them talk about it while you do the next thing they'll get to talk about. [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: July 22, 2024 09:09

"The left" has already gone so far away from purity tests that we're openly championing a cop coded candidate for the top cop job in the U.S. the Left is the segment of voters to get back. They're what's going to swing it in these narrow swing states. …

Published: July 22, 2024 00:43

Let's hope, but let's see what happens and keep our expectations managed. There are easy wins and after months of daily scenes of absolute carnage in Gaza there is broader support for some distance in U.S. policy from anything that perpetuates it. It…

Published: July 22, 2024 00:08

Require a ceasefire, don't ask Tie it to aid. Respect ICC and ICJ rulings isn't be out of character for someone with a legal background, and would make Netanyahu's position untenable, which a lot of folks would be okay with (he's a Trump supporter we know…

Published: July 21, 2024 23:01

MAGA shits are already trying to have a go, but when aren't they? It's interesting they acknowledge that Epstein as such a toxic association when their dear leader has so many photo ops with the guy. [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: July 21, 2024 22:49

The White House needs to release official responses to people like Mike Johnson telling them they can shove it, and that there's a lame duck president hanging out in the Oval Office for a few months with newly granted immunity from any prosecution for…

Published: July 21, 2024 20:01

Team Harris needs to get a better press team than what's existed this whole time for Biden. Maybe one that actually has a clue to how journalism and news cycles work. [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: July 21, 2024 18:12

Shit, Biden is obviously one of those Bluesky followers with a pseudonymous username and default avatar, but I didn't think he'd take it so seriously this fast. [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: July 21, 2024 17:21

We imbibed a lot of existential fear mongering, but really I would place what the Gen Z kids have today as far worse. If they survive it, great. It builds character; You really start seeing what you can let slide because you have no control over it anyway,…

Published: July 21, 2024 17:07

There are two fairly straight forward legal routes for the Democrats to have a different presidential candidate. One or the other will be used if Biden drops out. It's not complicated on this front. The challenge is not a legal one at all, but very…

Published: July 20, 2024 22:56

"This is also precisely why military aircraft, like the Air Force One, still use needles, dials, and gauges—you cannot beat the reliability of older systems that have already been put through the wringer." No, using old, unsupported software is not like…

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