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Writer/producer. Babylon 5, Sense8, Changeling, WWZ, Thor. Amazing Spider-Man, Captain America. Together We Will Go, The Glass Box. Find My Stuff at DO NOT POST STORY IDEAS.

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Published: July 16, 2024 01:09

A nifty review of my audiodrama from Penguin-Random House, EARTHLIGHT. If this sells well my already-written seven-hour audio science fiction anthology, THE FAR HORIZON, will go into production, using cutting edge audio to tell stories in new, challenging…

Published: July 9, 2024 20:48

My new audio-drama, out now! A global, SF action/political thriller about the first combat between Russian and NATO forces launched from competing platforms in low-Earth orbit, with WW3 hanging in the balance. Top Gun meets The Right Stuff. …

Published: July 7, 2024 02:15

For the first time in a long, long, very long while, since my original six-year run on The Amazing Spider-Man, I've written a nifty little all-Peter, all-Spidey story for this collection. Very much missed writing for Peter's voice. Pre-orders being taken…

Published: June 14, 2024 07:10

Forty years ago today I sold my very first honest-to-gosh TV script to the HE-MAN animated series. At the time I thought, "Wow, it'd be really great to sell a *second* script someday." I had no idea where that journey would take me 200+ scripts later.

Published: June 12, 2024 01:47

Preview for EARTHLIGHT, an original audio drama/thriller about NATO & Russia coming into armed combat via weaponized stations in low-Earth orbit that risks starting a nuclear war. The high-stakes action of Babylon 5 meets the international canvas of Sense8…

Published: June 6, 2024 20:44

Coincidentally, while linking the Earthlight review, I found a Together We Will Go review I hadn't seen, and learned that the novel had won their Earphones Award. So if you haven't yet experienced TWWG, this may be a good time. …

Published: May 13, 2024 08:21

Right now HARLAN ELLISON'S GREATEST HITS is sitting at Amazon's 110 spot (#1 for best sellers/anthologies), just 10 spots away from the TOP 100 BEST SELLERS IN ALL BOOKS. Let's see if we can push this book over the line into the top 100. If you haven't…

Published: April 24, 2024 08:36

Reminder to folks in Australia that I'll be at Supanova Sydney & Perth in June. Since it's been 25 years since I was last in Australia the odds are good this will be my only appearance for the next 25 years, so if you want to say hi, now would be the time.…