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“There is no right to a gun in the Constitution. Scalia, with Thomas, made that up in 2008 while both were taking bribes from pro-gun donors.” -me

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Published: October 22, 2024 13:53

50 years ago the United States had rules on both who could buy what communications platforms, and on election-related bribery. A big reason of why the US Republic is now under threat of fascist takeover is that we let the wealthy strip power from the FCC…

Published: October 22, 2024 05:05

The reason Harlan Crow funds AEI is so AEI people can get quoted in stories like this, tamping down calls to prosecute Elon Musk, so Musk can help Trump win, because Harlan Crow likes Trump and wants him to win. Every. Single. Person. at AEI is complicit…

Published: October 22, 2024 03:47

In case you in the future ever see political journalists rejecting the phrase "horse race coverage" just say: In 2024 Politico picked which candidate had "won" each day and put that in the paper. [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: October 22, 2024 00:17

If you’re feeling stressed about this election, go out and canvass. Go to a swing state for a day and help make a difference. And at the same time buy and read this book: “The Chickensh*t Club” by Jesse Eisinger. It’s a good distraction from the day to…

Published: October 21, 2024 14:54

Seeing Jon Tester’s poll decline, I’ll go to my grave thinking the 2021 strategy for Schumer was to go big and loud on party branding. On SCOTUS corruption hearings, for ex. Instead they chose a pinched, cautious bipartisanship strategy. Surprise! A few…

Published: October 21, 2024 02:06

"Asha Rangappa is a lawyer, former FBI agent, senior lecturer at Yale University's Jackson Institute for Global Affairs... She was previously an associate dean at Yale Law School." Do people think that this Garland critic doesn't know how DOJ works?

Published: October 20, 2024 15:52

This is widely underappreciated amongst Democratic leadership. And it’s very very important. Embracing “bipartisanship” and choosing not to act means that the public doesn’t get important information about how the Republican Party has lost its mind. …

Published: October 20, 2024 13:14

Now that Marcy/emptywheel has blocked me, a question for everyone: What the heck is going on with her??! Why is she defending the indefensible? It is obvious to everyone on the outside the culture of DOJ is broken. Some DOJ insiders who lack vision…

Published: October 20, 2024 05:02

Russia bought an Olympic news site and corrupted it to spread lies. That zombie news site was essential to their move. The only difference between this and rightwingers buying Newsweek is the passport of the billionaires. The oligarch playbook at home and…

Published: October 20, 2024 03:17

I said this yesterday about Garland’s failure to reform DOJ. I still think today that’s the biggest reason Musk is so willing to break the law. DOJ needs to prosecute white collar crime again, including crimes that might be related politics. Since…

Published: October 19, 2024 13:51

“A nepo baby of a nepo baby.” (AG Sulzberger, NYT CEO.) Right. Sulzberger isn’t good at his job and doesn’t have the vision to fix NYT. But AG Sulzberger’s dad did have skills; he was a marketer, who led the Times through the collapse of US news. Stay…

Published: October 19, 2024 13:05

I am still a Liz Warren stan. If we replaced all the cowards in the Senate like Chris Murphy and Dick Durbin with clones of Liz Warren Trump would be in jail now and Harris would be winning in a landslide. Warren wanted action, the Senate held us back. …

Published: October 19, 2024 04:08

People are saying that Merrick Garland has done a perfect job. I’ll just respond briefly: Why did Enron execs go to jail, while Boeing execs did not? Why did Nixon’s ATTORNEY GENERAL go to jail why no top Trump officials did? B/c DOJ rules and culture…

Published: October 18, 2024 16:00

100% true. This is why white-collar criminal law, and Merrick Garland, are important. Criminal charges short-circuit this whole calculation of how much it costs to break the law. If Musk could go to jail for breaking election law, it doesn't matter how…

Published: October 18, 2024 05:30

The Republican billionaires who bribe Clarence Thomas to blow up gun laws believe EXACTLY this. This is the reason why Gorsuch goes on dove hunting junkets and Scalia died on a hunting bribery junket. Their billionaires think guns are fun, and they *do…

Published: October 17, 2024 22:59

Hi new users! Here is a starter pack of media reformers — people looking at the problems we have in US media today and working to find solutions. includes:…

Published: October 17, 2024 12:54

Yes. Let’s always remember the Atlantic is courting rich comfortable subscribers. The average 40 year old couple in Darien CT working in finance with kids in private school eats this shit UP. [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: October 17, 2024 04:28

Neetu Arnold may look impressive. She is an “education expert.” But that’s all bullshit. She’s a nepo baby, a recipient of bribes from Paul Singer. She does education at the Manhattan Institute and so she’s paid because she shills for billionaires. Don’t…

Published: October 16, 2024 22:52

The only quibble I’d have on Harris and Fox is she should have said “Murdoch.” Give the bias at Fox a name. Give it agency. People want to hear stories and they want to know who the villains are. Name the villain here— it will weaken Fox’s effect. …

Published: October 16, 2024 13:28

The way to make the United States a better place is by doing much much more social shaming of people like this. Social consequences are at root how we discourage bad values. That means all of us have to own our own values. Let’s say our values are good,…

Published: October 16, 2024 12:06

Christ. Journalists used to say that truth matters. When Trump lies, you don’t print the lies in the paper, NYT! He is calling Harris the fascist precisely because you will print the lie. Stop aiding fascism. [contains quote post or other embedded…

Published: October 16, 2024 02:58

I’ll be Mr. Obvious here: This is why the New York Times matters. They could tell the country the Republican Party has lost its mind, and that would filter down to low-info voters. The Times has TEN MILLION subscribers. [contains quote post or other…

Published: October 15, 2024 20:27

“The other oddity in the justices’ rejection of the Texas case is — the silence from the liberal justices.” The level of cowardice from the liberal justices… ugh. Sotomator should have dissented strongly and publicly here and in Trump v Anderson. …

Published: October 15, 2024 15:09

When I talk about the difference between journalists and the execs/business side of media, here is an example. Carl Bernstein is a journalist. He told the truth about Nixon, and he continued to do journalism. Bob Woodward is a media biz person. He rose…

Published: October 15, 2024 03:12

The head of the Democratic Party should do everything in her power to criticize Fox, to educate the country that it’s trash and only losers and suckers listen to it. That means avoiding appearances on it, for credibility. But the Democratic Presidential…

Published: October 15, 2024 02:53

I specifically point at Megan McArdle. McArdle genuinely likes the Republican Party, believes in its project of oligarchy-fascism, and she wants Trump to win the election. When McArdle says “media doesn’t matter” that’s because she’s trying to trick…