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Writer, lawyer, Dodger fan, internet dog. nycsouthpaw18 at gmail.

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Published: July 23, 2024 21:56

I don’t want to pretend this particularly complaint has any merit but I also want to say ‘maybe you guys and your fed soc pals shouldn’t have ratfucked the FEC out of all meaningful existence; ever think about that?’ and I’m not sure how to reconcile the…

Published: July 22, 2024 18:13

It’s long seemed to me that RFK had more potential to spoil a state for Trump than for the Democrats, whom he’d moved so far away from. Looks like Chris LaCivita is working on the same theory. [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: July 22, 2024 14:31

Before it gets lost to history, I want to note that this immediate endorsement—which appears a day later to have nearly unified the Democratic Party—wasn’t foreordained. It wasn’t what Pelosi, Obama, the NYT ed board, or the Pod Save America bros said they…

Published: July 20, 2024 01:45

So like, why doesn’t Nancy Pelosi throw her name in for the nomination at the convention? She obviously feels entitled to lead the party regardless of her actual job rn. Let’s see if she has the votes to be the real choice of the party on the floor, and…