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Ken White, criminal defense attorney and First Amendment litigator. Co-host of Serious Trouble podcast and writer at The Popehat Report.

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Published: September 7, 2024 15:31

This reminds me of a morning of oral argument I saw before a 9th Circuit panel including Judge Harry Pragerson. He opened by noting it was the anniversary of the day he was badly wounded on Okinawa. The first lawyer was arguing that his client had…

Published: September 6, 2024 20:55

The thing about agreeing to platform and normalize and share the stage with Claremont because of the value “everything should be subject to discussion and that‘s the way society progresses” is that you’re talking about values they clearly don’t share. …

Published: September 6, 2024 19:42

I get why judges do this. But I think that they’re abiding by norms that their audience doesn’t care about. Trumpists will find any procedure that holds Trump accountable in any way to be illegitimate. Trying to frame process that’s legitimate to them is…

Published: September 5, 2024 22:39

Look, there’s no constitutional prohibition on the FBI convincing a person to talk to them against the person’s interests, even if the person is an abject imbecile. But this is like watching a toddler sent to clean out the inside of a woodchipper …

Published: September 5, 2024 18:01

1956: KGB’s agents and dupes essential to crushing Hungarian Revolution and preserving Stalinist government in Hungary 2023: FSB’s dupe Benn Johnson essential to preventing Black National Anthem from overthrowing regular national anthem [contains quote…

Published: September 5, 2024 17:41

1945: Russian spies successfully smuggle listening device into study of American ambassador to USSR 2022: Russians successfully fund Tim Pool’s disruption of local skate park culture [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: September 5, 2024 17:33

1945: Russian spies co-opt Americans to disclose secrets shortening their development time to unlock the unimaginable and unholy power of the atomic bomb 2020: Russians pay to be able to watch Ben Shapiro tell Dave Rubin that Ben won’t go to Dave’s…

Published: September 5, 2024 15:20

Just recorded this week’s Serious Trouble. This week: what the fuck? You think we couldn’t undermine American democracy better than Tim fucking Pool? We went to HARVARD. We are part of a rich heritage of undermining American democracy. This is some…

Published: September 5, 2024 04:47

“Long time white nationalist booster who is obsessed with Great Replacement Theory has escalated to openly promoting Nazis, THIS MUST BE A PLOT TO PROMOTE HARRIS” is the most WSJ-brained theory ever [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: September 5, 2024 01:12

If you’re asking “how many more dead schoolchildren?” I can offer you a “how many do you got?” or “as many as is necessary for Americans to feel comfortable that they’ll be well-prepared to shoot any neighbors who engage in acts of tyranny like electing a…

Published: September 5, 2024 00:54

I find it impossible to believe that Dave Rubin, a married gay man, would take money to promote the interests of a malevolent empire of Putin-supporting totalitarian homophobes who openly scorn how he created his family, unless they were Americans.

Published: September 3, 2024 16:40

FIRE has a good lawsuit against a stupid law and unconscionable arrest. ANd just today how about if we pretend you’ve expressed at great length your outrage that I am linking them and I have acknowledged and embraced your specialness …

Published: September 3, 2024 15:05

We only did the Gabrielino Trial, which is flat and shady with water crossings up a canyon behind JPL ending in a nice waterfall. This felt fine for me, but wife only got her heart rate into Zone Three for like 15 seconds of the hike, probably when she…

Published: September 3, 2024 14:46

DoJ should just drop all of its War on Drugs priorities and just sweep all these dipshits up in mass bank fraud indictment campaigns. Improve the economy and shorten the line at Panera. [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: September 2, 2024 17:30

[derisive word for various younger generations] see plain-vanilla check fraud and think it’s “one weird trick” because they saw it on the fuckin TikTok. IMBECILES [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: September 1, 2024 22:29

Threads sent message that it deleted my July 1 post based on a report, but the screenshot was so blurry that it was impossible to tell what I said, and I didn't remember, so the opportunity for responsible behavior modification was limited, even if I were…