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Political science professor. Has thoughts about that thing someone said.

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Published: March 22, 2025 16:23

The underlying reason for this is that there's an implicit and deep understanding that the rules are there to preserve the status quo, which includes race and economic hierarchies. To the extent Dems are seen as the party that challenges those even a bit,…

Published: March 10, 2025 14:42

i've read Ruth Marcus for most of my adult life, and I about died in ~2016 when she emailed me to ask for some thoughts about something she was writing. I sometimes disagreed strenuously with what she wrote, but she was also helpful and kind to academics…

Published: March 5, 2025 02:12

A lot of talk about how Trump's Cabinet is loyal to him. I would phrase it slightly differently: the Cabinet is filled with individuals, who, in contrast with the important figures in past administrations, largely do not have their own national political…

Published: March 5, 2025 02:03

chowing down on "girl dinner" of feta, various raw veggies, avocado and some impossible nuggets (ok that sounds like a ton of food now that i write it out) and getting mentally prepared to watch and have something to say. No, no one has to watch. But…

Published: March 3, 2025 16:39

same, though it was well into my late 30s that people kept telling me i'd change my mind. also, this is where people repeat some of the work/vacations/disposal income stuff because maybe we don't want to open our deepest psyche to everyone [contains…