RSS Parrot


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Published: July 23, 2024 22:47

🤔What do mobile-curious React devs need to know about React Native? and Keith Kurak are livestreaming next Tuesday to address all the common mistakes web devs make when building their first mobile apps: …

Published: July 18, 2024 15:35

⚡️ When Marcelo Prado decided to build Flash Calendar he had two guiding principles in mind: • Make it fast • Make it flexible Learn all about this new way of building calendars in React Native from the blog:…

Published: July 18, 2024 00:27

🆕 Ever wanted to ship OTA updates automatically? When you enable Updates from GitHub we build an update for every commit you push to your repo. This improves dev workflow in two major ways: • Preview your teammate’s changes • Push Updates to your users…

Published: July 11, 2024 16:18

🖥️ 📲 Everything React devs need to know about building their first React Native app is in this blog from Learn all the sneaky gotchas related to primitives, styling & native concepts. Give the blog a read and let us know if you have…

Published: June 28, 2024 16:53

🥳 The React Native team at Meta recommends that you build with Expo. They want you to focus on building beautiful apps and powerful features. They don't want you slowed down by repetitive, monotonous tasks... Check out the full blog from meta:…

Published: June 20, 2024 16:11

📲 How do you go from being a web dev to a mobile dev? Yung Chomsky had 7 years of experience as a web developer but had never built a mobile app - until now. In this blog you'll learn about the challenges he faced while taking his app from idea to the…

Published: June 10, 2024 18:00

"What if we could make server driven UI available to everyone?" That's the goal of 𝝠 Expo Router. 🥓 Watch articulate his vision for bringing React Server Components to all platforms through Expo Router ↓ …