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Wargamer lacking in focus with too many projects on the go and too many unfinished and unplayed. Wargaming on and off since the 70s. My blog:

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Published: February 20, 2024 20:18

Day 51. Early post as been out and about this afternoon. Went for brunch. Three of us. ÂŁ75!!! FFS... Anyway, the C18th Boy Band finished and awaiting varnish tomorrow. Altefritzenburg's finest! Nimm Das! #wargaming #28mm #miniaturepainting #imaginations

Published: February 18, 2024 22:01

Day 49. Busy day with dogs and stuff. Ended with nice long walk from North Shields, along Quayside to Tynemouth, then along sea front back to Whitley Bay. Via several pubs... Consequently, only a little done on the next batch of civilians... #wargaming…

Published: February 17, 2024 20:33

Day 48. Busy day. Shopping. Dog walking. Virtual Wargames Club. Always fun. Couple more horses base coated. Flesh started on next lot of civilians... Possible decision made on musician colours... And arrival of a little Minden order... #wargaming…

Published: February 11, 2024 22:21

Day 42. Not a lot done today. Not in best of moods (not that anyone noticed a difference...) as back in office tomorrow for first time in 8 weeks... Stuck flags to 6mm cavalry. And did a little on the dusty dragoons... #wargaming #28mm #6mm…

Published: February 2, 2024 22:09

Day 33. Finally finished the last of my Ratnik civilians. More info on my blog. If only I could get WordPress to generate a nice preview for the link... #wargaming #28mm #miniaturepainting…

Published: January 30, 2024 23:13

Day 30. Ordered a cheap vinyl mat on Ebay. 2x2 cobbles. 2x2 winter. Cobbles a tad big and a little shiny but I think with a few muddy patches and more scatter terrain it will do. And did the flesh on some Ratniks. And I went to the gym... #wargaming…

Published: January 26, 2024 22:27

Day 26. A shitty day... Did the flesh on the latest characters. And finished and started basing the AWI dragoons. Quick overpaint on these to tidy up took a lot longer than planned. Then I need to fit them into my ImagiNation forces somehow... …

Published: January 24, 2024 23:15

Day 24. I've finished the Ratnik figures (post to follow) and found the rest of my unpainted ones. Prepped and ready to go. Also returned to some old Hinchliffe AWI cavalry I was given years ago and have started over painting. #wargaming #28mm…

Published: January 20, 2024 19:14

Day 20. Never seem to get much done on a Saturday. Dug out some more Midlam assassins. And in a further attempt at avoiding painting the 28mm cavalry I've dug out some Ratnik civilians I primed possibly in 2022? Might be time to finish them... …

Published: January 17, 2024 20:53

Day 17. Bit of a wasted day. Morning wasted with...faffing... Afternoon being Dad Taxi. Just managed an hour in the attic. One lot of the 6mm dragoons done. Next lot started. Definitely going the quick route on these. Want to get them done. #wargaming…

Published: January 10, 2024 00:16

Day 9. Another quite unproductive day. Just a few more jackets started on the dragoons. I did however make it to my local club (first time in 2 years...) to try out Baron's War. Jury is still out. There was also a rather splendid Jacobite game on as…

Published: January 9, 2024 00:23

Day 8. On my 28mm units I just paint Vallejo Flat Flesh, Reikland Shade, repaint the flesh, highlight. It looks OK. When I have characters I try and play with the flesh. And the eyes. I should stop doing eyes. Some work better than others... #wargaming…

Published: January 7, 2024 23:05

Day 7. Not much today. Felt a bit rough after a hospital appointment. Did a little on a couple of the dragoons and some flesh on one of the characters. And added a 2024 Plan page to my blog. Optimistic... 🙂 #wargaming…

Published: January 5, 2024 14:42

One of my plans for last year (and this) was to make more time for reading. Something I used to do a LOT but have got out of the habit. Currently reading & enjoying the Light Troops book and just took delivery of the Möbius book which is referenced a…

Published: January 4, 2024 22:35

Day 4. Rest of flesh done. And base done on coats. Should have got more done today but... stuff... I have ordered some 3mm buildings though... And a book on Prussian Army Soldiers in the Seven Years War... #wargaming #28mm #miniaturepainting…

Published: January 3, 2024 20:39

Day 3. Bit of a quiet day. Got the 28mm characters primed (1 more added) and the first highlight on the dragoon flesh. Might have referred to these as Cuirassiers at some point. Probably due to the year it took to paint my last cavalry unit! #wargaming…

Published: January 2, 2024 21:14

Day 2. Bit of the flesh done on the 28mm Cuirassiers. Some 28mm character figures prepped. And the 6mm Altefritzenburg unit based. I think I'm going to keep a few things on the go so there is always something to do, whether basic or fiddly. #wargaming…

Published: January 1, 2024 23:56

Day 1 I've had a big break from all Social Media but I miss being able to do daily update posts and they aren't really suited to my blog. So just in case it lasts I thought I better get a post in on 1st Jan. 6mm Altefritzenburg unit almost done. Next…