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Talking like touching. Writing like punching somebody. -Sontag. This is somewhere in between. 
 @chowleen on Twitter et alia. duke u prof + APSI Dir of Graduate Studies, Duke Story Lab director. shewoinstitute 舍我紀念館 director. 周成蔭 #everynightapoem

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Published: September 1, 2024 20:26

Sharing a picture of my 娃娃 learning to clamber from a while back - from when we first moved into green house, in fact - and wishing all of us a peaceful start to the new year. Which is always September for me! #步步高升

Published: August 31, 2024 19:20

摽有梅 其實七兮。求我庶士 迨其吉兮。 摽有梅 其實三兮。求我庶士 迨其今兮。 摽有梅 頃筐塈之。求我庶士 迨其謂之。 Ripe are the plums -first seven, now three- in my shallow-lipped basket If one would court me Speak while there is time very freely, after 召南·摽有梅 from the Book of Songs, ca. 600 BCE…

Published: August 16, 2024 18:58

In celebration of the publication of @cathyparkhong's #MinorFeelings in Chinese, I reunited with my favorite podcasters @CyberPinkFM for an in-depth discussion of this brilliant, landmark work in a new linguistic and cultural context:…

Published: August 16, 2024 17:18

Proust says memory is of two kinds. There is the daily struggle to recall where we put our reading glasses and there is a deeper gust of longing that comes from the bottom of the heart involuntarily, At sudden times, For surprise reasons. -Anne…

Published: August 13, 2024 21:41

“I think English structures a kind of scholarly discourse among us. But then when we speak Chinese together, maybe there are other kinds of intimacies that are possible…I feel like I live in the both, and that's nice. And I like that we both share in that…

Published: August 7, 2024 00:42

It is both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz’s “本命年 benmingnian” - their home zodiac years as wood dragons born in 1964. That marks it as a Year of Great Significance for them; a high-risk high-reward time. Hoping for the best of best years ofc - and get them…

Published: June 21, 2024 02:54

A traditional Jiangsu ditty for the hot, indolent #芒種 #夏至 #小暑 micro-seasons: 芒種夏至天 走路要人牽 牽的要人拉 拉的要人推 Those walking need to be led Those led need to be dragged along Those dragged along need an extra push #everynightapoem 📷Su Xinyu 苏新宇