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Biology professor at the University of Washington. I study how information flows in biology, science, and society. I wrote a book: *Calling Bullshit*: I love ravens and crows: he/him

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Published: March 3, 2024 18:10

A long shot but wtf. When I was photographing birds on the empty beach south of Barcelona's airport, this magnificent gentleman waved to me, pointed to himself, and immediately struck a pose. I fired off this frame, we shared a laugh from 50m, and went on…

Published: March 3, 2024 17:10

To be clear, this is the statement that they put out nationally. Every US voter will receive a voter pamphlet with this statement in it as the entry for Biden-Harris. Below, for example, is the same statement for the state of California. It’s a…

Published: March 3, 2024 02:56

Never mind at the first sentence is bullshit—they’re running because they’re the incumbents and what the hell else are they going to do—the entire Biden-Harris statement in the Washington State voter pamphlet is unfathomably badly written. I’ve seen…

Published: March 2, 2024 22:33

My beloved Barrow's Goldeneyes will be heading back up to Alaska soon, so it was very good to get in the water with this them afternoon. The waves were up today, and I was working on capturing a sense of the ever-shifting, endlessly-dynamic environment…

Published: February 29, 2024 20:14

Science can be really fun. Baseball fans will delight in a new preprint from, "Bayesball: Bayesian Integration in Professional Baseball Batters", in which the authors look at trajectories of over 1 million contacted MLB…

Published: February 28, 2024 04:51

🪶 I've long dreamed about seeing Eurasia's elusive wallcreeper. Last week, Carles Oliver with Barcelona Birding Point took me up to the Pyrenees where this dream became reality. I never got close enough for magazine-quality photos, but we had a half hour…

Published: February 27, 2024 09:38

Every year we generate 300 billion pounds of plastic waste simply from packing materials, mostly used to ship shot that no one needs to places that they don’t need to be shipped in ways that we don’t have to ship them. New York Times:

Published: February 26, 2024 19:47

I'm honored to be delivering the J. T. Scopes lecture at Vanderbilt next week — named, of course, after the courageous high school teacher involved in the famous 1925 Monkey Trial. I'll be speaking about "Information foraging in a social media world".…

Published: February 23, 2024 19:41

So maybe I'm biased because my daughter is on backup vocals — but holy shit you've got to hear this.

Published: February 23, 2024 07:51

Look guys, everybody goes through a dry spell every now and then. I get it — it’s no fun. But just keep putting yourself out there. Or pay if that’s what it takes in your particular case. You don’t have to cancel sex in America. [contains quote post…

Published: February 22, 2024 17:06

How does the NY Times so consistently manage to not understand anything? Here they think the "beer before liquor" aphorism means that order of consumption matters all else equal. (For those unfamiliar, it means that if you get drunk first and switch to…

Published: February 19, 2024 22:10

Almost anyone who has ever tried to photograph the Sagrada Familia will understand how one cannot make sense through a camera of a building created to be impossible to apprehend even in its full three-dimensional presence? Still, I'll try to post a few…

Published: February 16, 2024 18:08

Devastating, but I suppose inevitable. Meanwhile, bootlicking Tucker Carlson is all “Moscow is better than any US city…”

Published: February 16, 2024 06:06

It takes, er....big ball, and lots of them, to publish AI generated nonsense art in a scientific paper. Also I don't ever want to hear that Frontiers is not a predatory publisher.

Published: February 14, 2024 04:10

Yes, this brings the CDC guidelines for COVID into line with guidelines for RSV and influenza. It's not just that is COVID more severe. The guidelines for RSV and influenza are not right either. We need universal paid sick leave, not permission to return…

Published: February 13, 2024 07:58

And that's ok. They're also better than you ever imagined. They feel more deeply than you ever imagined. They are more intuitive than you ever imagined. They are carrying a heavier load than you ever imagined. We don't know one another. But we can…

Published: February 13, 2024 07:22

What to know about the rare virus Alaskapox: Tayvis takes center stage at XS nightclub. /As an infectious disease epidemiologist, I m not worried at all about the pandemic potential of Alaskapox at the present time.

Published: February 13, 2024 07:01

You may see news reports about Alaskapox. For the record I am not concerned at present.

Published: February 12, 2024 05:48

I'll give you a hint, Jr. It's not the superbowl ad. It's your cynical disinformation campaign that has likely already killed thousands and has the capacity to kill millions if you don't recant. Without that, there would have been no ad. With it, the ad…

Published: February 10, 2024 20:04

I’ve just deleted a question that I asked about why I was getting so many new accounts with exactly 20 followers, no profile, pic, and no posts. I deleted it because here is the answer! [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: February 6, 2024 07:44

🪶 How did birds evolve wings? A partial wing is of no use for flying, but natural selection can't plan ahead and allow a species to gradually evolve toward wings that are actually useful for flying. 1/n