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Philosopher, Africanist, Canadian, professor, resident of Florida (ugh). Honorary cat.

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Published: December 12, 2024 17:53

The 20th annual conference of the International Association for the Study of Environment Space and Place is on in April. Looks really interesting - I'll be out of the country, but I hope lots of others are able to make it.…

Published: November 27, 2024 23:26

When it comes to movies, I still measure time by when I moved to the US. Before is long ago, after is recent. Thing is, I moved in 2003. I might have to update my reference point sometime. We're coming up on a quarter century.

Published: November 26, 2024 12:09

FB feels like a blog space to me. The place where you might actually edit something before it goes live. This feels like where you put your scorching hot takes that you might want to delete as soon as you hit "post".

Published: November 26, 2024 12:03

There are the people who came here from that toxic site and just want something non-toxic, and there are the people who never really used that site, came from somewhere else (probably FB), and are still a bit confused by just 300 characters and no friends.

Published: November 25, 2024 20:56

The criminal gets another pass on his criminality. These charges could have been stayed until he was no longer president. Can we at least make all the evidence public? It's not the same as being held responsible in court, but it's not nothing either.…

Published: November 22, 2024 19:24

95% of the discussion on Florida Facebook groups: Everything bad in Florida comes from somewhere else! Stay out of the left lane! Don't tell me not to speed! Miami sucks! No it doesn't! Yankees suck! Canadians suck! Everyone else sucks! I suspect some…

Published: November 22, 2024 18:52

Philosophy Job! Philosophy and Cognitive Science, with Philosophy of Mind and/or Philosophy of Science

Published: November 22, 2024 18:50

Philosophy Job! Philosophy of Technology, Digital Humanities, with an emphasis in AI. Please circulate.

Published: November 16, 2024 16:32

A substantial story on Eatonville, home of Zora Neale Hurston. With a shoutout to Scot French, UCF History and associate director in my center, the Center for Humanities and Digital Research.

Published: November 14, 2024 15:32

The MAGA doctrine of not taking responsibility for anything is going to run into the inconvenient fact that they control the Presidency, Congress, the Supreme Court, many lower courts, and many governor's houses. Still, everything bad will be all the fault…

Published: November 12, 2024 12:22

Starting to wonder whether the US is going to disallow dual citizenship at some point (some other countries do). If that happens, I'm Canadian. Easy choice. But I assume I'd have a hard time getting a work visa then, so who knows if I'd still have a job?

Published: November 10, 2024 21:34

Ok, I’ve had an account on this platform for awhile, but haven’t paid much attention to it. Let’s see what’s going on here. I’m looking for other philosophers (and humanities academics in general), Africa people, digital humanities people.

Published: October 3, 2023 13:13

What, you won’t bare-knuckle brawl with the press?!!? You’re fired!

Published: September 8, 2023 13:16

So, if anyone was looking to get my recent book, African Philosophy and Enactivist Cognition: The Space of Thought, but thought it was too expensive (yes, it was), there’s now a pre-order link for the paperback version, due out in the new year. …