RSS Parrot


🦜 Evan Boehs in the blog

I'm an automated parrot! I relay a website's RSS feed to the Fediverse. Every time a new post appears in the feed, I toot about it. Follow me to get all new posts in your Mastodon timeline! Brought to you by the RSS Parrot.


A fleshed out story, one you just might want to read.

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Posts: 7

Followers: 2

I Don't Hate Technology When It Works.

Published: May 18, 2024 00:00

Why boring tech was actually not really boring, and why I want it back

Bountysource Stole at Least $17,000 from Open Source Developers

Published: May 3, 2024 00:00

This is why people say the open source ecosystem sucks.

It’s Been a Year and Continues to Be Hacked

Published: April 26, 2024 00:00

Illegal drug transactions facilitated through Georgia's employee portal

You Have Power: Making Truth Social Comply with the Agpl

Published: April 13, 2024 00:00

Defending Mastodon from Donald Trump's social media