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The Serenity of -j1

Published: July 29, 2024 00:00

It’s another post about our thinkpad :). We’ve been using gentoo on our x220 for a few years now. The x220 is a thinkpad from 2011, and ours is rolling with an i7-2620M processor, 2 cores 4 threads. When all the threads are saturated, the fans really start…

So, do you actually want to write?

Published: June 19, 2024 00:00

There’s this collection of tales about people who use static site generators. The story goes something like this: someone decides they want to be a blogger. So they start researching static site generators, they go down the list, ask some friends, start…

Save Scarecrow, a Massive Physical Media Collection

Published: June 18, 2024 00:00 This is the reason for this post. Scarecrow Video is one of the few video rental places still operating. You can go in, or rent by mail, something from a collection of 147,000 titles. Like. I cannot understate how big this…

There are still quite a few 32-bit x86 Linux distributions

Published: April 12, 2024 00:00

The options for 32-bit x86 distributions have been declining a little bit. Some distros have dropped 32-bit support, but quite a few still have it. What remains? And which CPUs do they actually support?

Trying out NetBSD on our Vaio

Published: April 10, 2024 00:00

NetBSD 10.0 is out!! This is very exciting; they’ve poured a ton of work into making that happen. I figured in celebration I needed to install NetBSD on something around the house, and the vaio vgn-p (prev featured in Life at 800MHz) seemed fun to try it…

Simple Executable Love2D Files, or, You Can Shove Random Data At The Start of a Zip File and it’s Basically Fine

Published: February 29, 2024 00:00

LÖVE (which I will write as love because my keyboard doesn’t have an Ö) is a neat program that’s mostly intended for writing games with lua. We’ve been using it to write an image viewer. There’s a lot of ways to package a love project up for distribution,…

we’ve added light mode

Published: February 27, 2024 00:00

This has been an addition we’ve wanted for a long while. For too many reasons to consider listing, some people find dark websites difficult to read. Or they’ve just got preferences. The Reader Mode in many browsers can help do an auto-transformation, but…

If you can’t find it, it needs to be written

Published: January 17, 2024 00:00

In the world of the digital, many of us have been tricked into thinking that something only needs to be said once. If someone has stated something, then stating it again is noise. Provides no purpose. Does not benefit anyone. The extension of this follows:…